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Old March 4th, 2006 #18
Marty Macaluso
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Originally Posted by Bernie
Yes they did this, Japanese Kamikaze pilots were bravely defending their nation. There were even German Pilots who did it against Russian forces near the end of the War, although on a far lower scale than the Japanese.

But there's a difference, a huge difference which trolls like you overlook:

The Japanese Kamikaze were trained combat pilots.

The invisible Arabs were allegedly 'trained' in Cessna puddle jumpers and NOT ONE OF THEM COULD FLY ONE!

You're trying to get people to believe these alleged (invisible) Arabs were able to commandeer FOUR monstrous Jumbo Jets with all their incredibly complex control systems and fly them HUNDREDS OF MILES then turn them around and NAVIGATE back to their targets?

Such bullshit has already been thoroughly debunkulated on another thread by Burrhus and others with direct experience of Aircraft systems.

Your time might be better spent in explaining to us how your invisible Flying Arab Circus managed to get the NORAD defense systems stood down on 911.

Or how they managed to make themselves invisible at the Airport Check In, since nobody bothered to include them on the Passenger Lists, or managed to film them at the Airport.

In spite JP now jammering on about them being on these list, they never were, anybody who has followed 911 knows this and will know JP lied about it.
It doesn't matter what nationality the people who bombed the WTC were, or if it was a planned demolition. What matters is who was behind it, and all evidence points to the kike created faux creation of "Islamic terrorism" and the "war on Islamic terrorism," that was created by jews in 1979.
Hail Jeboo!