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Old May 25th, 2009 #3
Alex Linder
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 45,756
Blog Entries: 34

Christianity has never defeated the jew, but White nationalism has. WN, in the German form, was defeated by the jew, but Christianity was subverted if not established by it. Big difference there. Christianity's top intellectuals don't even know what jews are, so how can they fight them? The minute they understood the nature of the jew, they'd either leave the church or promulgate doctrines that would, in a time in which jews control the government, cause them to lose them their tax status. As Christians are generally stupid and unprincipled, not one in 1,000 will do that. CI? Unspeakable, illiterate clowns carrying on the asinine Protestant tradition of me-too-jewering - looking in the Old Testament and finding a mirror, pawing at it like a confused cat.

The thing we should watch out for are the WN who make excuses for the faileoconservatives and WHINOs who don't mention the jew, call him one of us, or dishonestly say they choose to avoid the issue. If you're in politics, offering insight and advice, there's no such thing as avoiding the jewish question. It is the very definition of a litmus test: either you're pro-White and anti-jew, or you're part of the problem. WN who think the rationalizations, excuses, and sophistry of the charlatans are acceptable or should be overlooked work against the cause they claim to support. What would Hitler say about these men? What would Goebbels, the redeemer of Red Berlin, say about a man who praises another man because he "can't" name and fight the jew? You don't make progress by lowering your standards, you make it by raising standards. Anyone who attempts to lower the barrier between the faileocons/WHINOs and White nationalism damages our cause. This is objectively true; it has nothing to do with the motives of the man in question.

The correct thing to do is attack the fails and the whines, not to say, well, they help in some ways. WN simply aren't tough enough to do that, most of them. We've done what we could to give the impression of seriousness here at VNN. Just as we have no tolerance for blowharding and Totenkopf stroking, we have, or should have, no tolerance for coddling of clowns, charade-ists and career-girls. The fact that we still see the coddling and excuse-making after I've warned about it is a sign that even most of the smart guys we have here are here simply for amusement. They don't truly believe anything can change. They aren't truly willing to put anything on the line. So WN is just a form of entertainment to them, and they don't like to see their favorite writers attacked. But that is the way to win: attacking the faileocons and the WHINOs with every bit of the force we use to go after the jews and the communists and the multiculturalists.

You know who the most damaging people are to WN?

- the inverts praising the Takimaggots for mentioning race
- the conservatives calling Jared Taylor a gateway drug
- the spinsters supporting Pat Buchanan

These are more dangerous to our cause than the boneheads and the Klansmen we've mocked out the door. No truck whatsoever should or will VNN have with any conservative, paleoconservative, Catholic intellectual, WHINO, or West-saver.

The simple fact is, even among WNs who ought to know better, intellectual knowledge is not enough to overcome the pull of too many of our people toward money and status. Even here, even at VNN, we are too nice and liberal. We have tried to build the correct culture but we have not completed our mission. I am working on that in the revamp.

Verily I say unto you that real change will never come from those with something to lose. No change will come from men afraid to challenge the verbal status quo, let alone the political order.

If you don't truly believe we can win, we don't want you posting here. If you truly are not committed to altering your behavior to help us win, we don't need you. Because I believe we can win, and I think we will win. All you conservative- and WHINO-enablers are doing is making my site look bad to the historian of our victory.

Last edited by Alex Linder; May 25th, 2009 at 06:32 PM.