Full Thread: I, Tonya
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Old February 8th, 2018 #7
Robert Ransdell
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Looking back (I was in high school when this was going on) I find it pretty amusing that it ended up being a teenage Russian (might have been Ukrainian) skater that ended up winning the gold medal. Amusing because the entire event centered around the American Jerry Springer Show type hoopla and in the end when the actual competition was contested neither one of the soap opera stars won, it was a little known blonde girl from Russia or Ukraine.

Tonya Harding spent some time appearing on some clip show on TruTV I think it was, always struck me that the show took special care to frame her as a redneck idiot due to her low level of education, pretty much your typical Jewish jabs at Whites from a poorer background.

I really have no favorites in any of this and would only mention that paying to see any movie supports the Jewish beast of Hollywood, best not to do it.
"We say this, you don't have to be red and you don't have to be dead, not red, not dead, dead reds."

- George Lincoln Rockwell concluding his speech at Brown University in 1966