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Old May 27th, 2009 #21
alex revision
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Default Jewish organization insists canceling a decision of Sofia Municipal Council

Jewish Organization insists canceling a decision of Sofia Municipal Council

26 May 2009

Sofia. The Organization of Jews in Bulgaria - Shalom, sent a letter of protest to representatives of the power in reference to a decision of Sofia Municipal Council to give the name of Bogdan Filov - former prime minister and regent of Kingdom of Bulgaria in the time when our country had been ally with the Third Reichstag, to a street and other memorial objects in Sofia. The organization entreats canceling the decision of Sofia Municipality Council.
Old June 25th, 2009 #22
Kind Lampshade Maker
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Default What appears to be an anti-homosexual demonstration & 2 dimensional effigy kissing

Old June 26th, 2009 #23
Tervel Semkov
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There is still some intolerance left in Bulgaria luckily and for the most part men remain men and women retain their innate qualities that make them so different than Man. In the 'kwa, however, such is not the case especially amongst the white-skinned masses, which will soon, however be mere isolated groups of degenerate, complacent, make-me-feel-good-because-that-is-what-life-is-about dolts.
Old July 5th, 2009 #24
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Default Transiting Turks play chicken with bus - coutryside littered with 7 carcasses

The Turks were vacationing home and attempted to pull the risky overtaking of a vehicle. The Serbian driver of a tour bus was seriously injured from the frontal collision
Old July 7th, 2009 #25
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Old September 8th, 2009 #27
Robert Bandanza
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Default Bulgarian Nationalists Form New Party

Disgruntled former members of the Bulgarian far-right, nationalist "Ataka" party are going to form a new political formation in September.

The foundations of the new party called "Nova Sila" (New Force) will be laid in Sofia on September 19.

The news was announced by former "Ataka" members in the southern city of Stara Zagora, who say about 100 representatives just from their city are expected to arrive in Sofia for the event.

The founding Congress of "Nova Sila" will be held in one of Bulgaria's ancient capitals.

"The main reason to found this new party is the need for someone to protect Bulgaria's national interests. We will fight for the immediate improvement of the living standard of all Bulgarians and will protect their security. We will be a right-from-center party," one of the co-founders and former "Ataka" Deputy Chair, Anton Sirakov, explains.

"Nova Sila" is not going to have one chair but rather a 7-member Operational Headquarters and a 31-member Regional Council, the founders say.
Old September 8th, 2009 #28
Robert Bandanza
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Originally Posted by Robert Bandanza View Post
Disgruntled former members of the Bulgarian far-right, nationalist "Ataka" party are going to form a new political formation in September.

The foundations of the new party called "Nova Sila" (New Force) will be laid in Sofia on September 19.

The news was announced by former "Ataka" members in the southern city of Stara Zagora, who say about 100 representatives just from their city are expected to arrive in Sofia for the event.

The founding Congress of "Nova Sila" will be held in one of Bulgaria's ancient capitals.

"The main reason to found this new party is the need for someone to protect Bulgaria's national interests. We will fight for the immediate improvement of the living standard of all Bulgarians and will protect their security. We will be a right-from-center party," one of the co-founders and former "Ataka" Deputy Chair, Anton Sirakov, explains.

"Nova Sila" is not going to have one chair but rather a 7-member Operational Headquarters and a 31-member Regional Council, the founders say.
This is not Bulgaria's premier or most racially aware nationalist party anyway, so it probably was not worth posting.
Old September 8th, 2009 #29
Robert Bandanza
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Originally Posted by Robert Bandanza View Post
This is not Bulgaria's premier or most racially aware nationalist party anyway, so it probably was not worth posting.
Better off with this, although their English page seems not to be working right now.
Old September 8th, 2009 #30
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Bulgarian_National_Socialist_Party Bulgarian_National_Socialist_Party
Old December 27th, 2009 #31
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Default Bulgarian Nationalist VMRO Alarmed by Newest Muslim Party

The latest provocation stemming from Bulgarias ethnic model is taking place in the country, the nationalist VMRO party warns.

In a letter sent to the media Wednesday, VMRO informs that a new party Union for Peace, Authenticity and Culture (POMAK) has been founded in the town of Trigrad, in a region heavily populated by Muslim Bulgarians known as pomaks the partys acronym.

The three main founders of the party, according to VMRO, are Kadri Ulanov, Mehmed Dorsunski and Arif Alov (Abdulah), all connected to the notorious Union for Islam Development and Culture (OIRK). OIRK was banned after it was revealed that it is being financed by Islam fundamentalists in Turkey and the Middle East.

Dorsunski is further known as the author of the propaganda book History of the Ahryanis (another ethnographic name of the pomaks), in which he claims Bulgarian Muslims are from Arab origin and in order to preserve the Bulgarian nation, the country must turn to the Iranian Islamic model.

It is obvious these people are acting consistently and systematically, but we should not make a sensation of them. Sensational news about ethnic controversy breed such provocations. The authorities must act with a strong hand and not allow media campaigns, the letter reads.
Old March 16th, 2010 #32
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НС марш у Бугарској 03.03.2010.

Крв и Част/Combat 18 Бугарска и Национални отпор Бугарске одржали су марш у месту Шипка у част палих бораца против турске окупације

Some pics from the 03.03.2010 march in honour of fallen warriors against turkish occupation by BH/C18 Bulgaria and National Resistance of Bulgaria.

After the march there was a gig at a secret location

Christianity and Feminism, the two deadliest poisons jews gave to the White Race

''Screw your optics, I'm going in'', American hero Robert Gregory Bowers
Old March 22nd, 2010 #33
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Vincent Reynouard

Винсент А. е роден през 1969 г. е френски историк, специализирал във Втората световна война и по-специално в трагедията на Орадур сюр Глан, градска битка между немски Вафен-СС единица и на френската съпротива през 1944 г., където много цивилни умират. Това, което бе заявено, като умишлено клане от някои френски източници, но е отречено от различни германски източници.

Политическа отговорност

Винсент А. е активист на "Френската и европейска националистическа партия" (PNFE) и в момента е главния лидер на борбата с движението на Свети Михаил. Той сам определя себе си като католик за народно и социалистическо движение - ревизионисти.

Професионална кариера

Винсент А. е проучен в Каен - Нормандия, и се дипломира като инженер-химик с диплома от ISMRA (Висш институт на материалите и радиационна), наречен от 2002 г. насам ENSICAEN.

Той е бил нает от френското Министерство на образованието и става професор по математика в професионални гимназии. Въпреки това, той уволнен за чисто политически причини през 1997 г. от министър на образованието, Франсоа Байру, след откриването на ревизионистични текстове на твърдия диск на компютъра му, който той използва в средното училище. Тъй, че след тази политическа стрелба Винсент А. оцеляват най вече творбите му като историк. (Сега той има жена и седем деца.) Той стана известен с дългите публикации на концесията за ревизионизма.

Историк изправен пред постоянна репресия

Докато той все още следва, Винсент А. основана асоциация - ANEC (Норманска асоциация за пробуждане на гражданите) чиято цел е разпространението на брошури които исторически са недостъпни през "конвенционална" разпределителните мрежи.

Винсент А. е автор на няколко десетки брошури на различни теми. Най-вече с Втората световна война. В момента той ръководи френскоговорящи клон на VHO (Институт за Историческа версия) която публикува на френски, немски, английски, холандски и други езици.

Трудовете и промоциите от историка Винсент А. доведе до няколко сериозни преследвания и присъди:

На 8-ми октомври 1992 год. Апелативния съд на Каен го осъди на един месец затвора (с помилване) и глоба от 5000 франка ($ 850) за "оспорване на съществуването на едно или няколко престъпления срещу човечеството" . Като според "касационен съд," Винсент А. е извършил престъпление - "изпращането до 24 ученици от средното училище, лауреати на съпротивата на конкуренция" и депортация, "анонимни писма, за които е приложен фотокопия на документи които оспорват за наличието на газови камери в Германия по време на Втората световна война. "

През юни 2004 г. Апелативния съд на Лимож го осъди на 24 месеца в затвора най вече за неговите писания за трагедията на Орадур сюр Глан (на френски: Oradour-sur-Glane), твърдейки той защитава военни престъпления, чрез създаване и разпространение на видеокасети озаглавени "50 години официални лъжи. " Касационния съд отменя това решение - Не е въпросът че Винсент А. защитава а по-скоро оспорва съществуването на военни престъпления - което е наказуемо от закона.

На 8 ноември 2007 г. той беше осъден на една година затвор и 10000 евро глоба ($ 13000) от Съда на Долен Рейн за "оспорване на престъпления срещу човечеството." Винсент А. писмено разпространяват брошурата "Холокост - Какво те крият от вас." Винсент А. обжалва присъдата.

На 25 юни 2008 г. Апелативния съд в Колмар (Елзас, Франция) осъди Винсент А. за една година лишаване от свобода и плащането на разходите за пускането на реклама с екстракти от настоящото решение в Официалния вестник на Френската република. Както и в видни вестници "Льо Монд" и адвокатската на лига срещу расизма и антисемитизма. Като заявява че: "Това е изключителен резултат който напълно отговаря на ликра."

На 19-ти юни 2008 година Апелативния съд в Брюксел, в съседна Белгия (В която Винсент А. избягва със своето семейство) го осъдиха за публикуване на ревизионистична литература на една година затвор и 25,000 евро глоба.

В момента Винсент А. е беглец от "правосъдие" и семейството му живее в бедност.
Old May 6th, 2010 #34
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Протест Националног отпора и Крв и Част Бугарске поводом 1. маја

Some pics from the 1 May Protest in Sofia by National Resistance and BH Bulgaria.

Christianity and Feminism, the two deadliest poisons jews gave to the White Race

''Screw your optics, I'm going in'', American hero Robert Gregory Bowers
Old June 7th, 2010 #35
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Default Eight "Neo-Nazis" Arrested over Tram Attack in Sofia

Eight men, believed to be Neo-Nazis, has been arrested for attacking youngsters in a tram on Sunday morning, the Bulgarian interior minister said Monday.

According to Minister Tsvetan Tsvetanov, some of the attackers have previous criminal records for hooliganism. The gang included about 15 people, say witnesses.

The arrested beat four youngsters between 17 and 23 years old in Sofia public transport tram. 17-year-old boy suffered the most injures. He was admitted in Child Antischock Hall in Pirogov Hospital with fracture of left elbow, left clavicle, bone of the left palm, as well as head wounds.

According to the doctor, Hariton Novkov, the boy is in good overall condition and will recover quickly if there is no inflammation.

The beaten young people were on their way to rally against the illegal detention of foreigners at the Special Centre for Temporary Accommodation of Foreigners in Busmantsi, widely known as the Bulgarian Guantanamo.

The Centre has come under fierce criticism by NGOs and intellectuals for making locking people up pretty much the norm, holding people not temporarily but for years, providing no information how long they are going to be detained, imposing information blackout on the self-abuse and suicide attempts many detainees resort to.
Old June 9th, 2010 #36
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they are talking about that in newspapers and on the TV
fucking left-wing scum
Old June 30th, 2010 #37
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Bulgaria's President Fears Revival of Hate Crimes

June 29, 2010, Tuesday

The recent neo-Nazi attacks in Bulgaria have caused the Bulgarian Antifascist Union to meet with the countrys President Georgi Parvanov to discuss their fears for revival of extreme ideological incidents in the country, caused by hate and aggression.

There should not be a statesman who does not realize the difference between the conflicts between football fans and the attacks caused by ideological and racist intolerance, said Parvanov who shared the Unions fears.

At the meeting, the Honorary Chair of the Bulgarian Antifascist Union, Velko Valkanov, and the Chair of the Union, Chavdar Stoimenov, have expressed to the Bulgarian President their fears of xenophobic and neo-Nazi actions in the country.

The President said that the Bulgarian society needs to reach a national reconciliation and added that this process happens through reading and understanding of history, as well as through giving a clear political assessment of these actions and not through denial and misinterpretation of the past.

He also pointed out that the country should not allow leniency towards the arousing tendency of republication of Nazi and other anti-Semitic literature.

Bulgarias President has confirmed his position for moral recognition of the contribution of the Bulgarian anti-fascists in the global resistance.
Old September 17th, 2010 #38
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pictures are from 10th National festival of Bulgarian folklore in Koprivshtica 10.08.2010

Old September 20th, 2010 #39
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US Jewish Organizations Want Bulgarian Help against Iran's Nuclear Program

September 20, 2010, Monday

Seven leading US Jewish organizations have asked Bulgaria for help within the EU and the UN against the Iranian nuclear program.

The call was made in New York City where Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov had a meeting with the American Jewish leaders, reported the Bulgarian National Television.

The initial formal announcement of the press center of the Bulgarian Cabinet stated that Borisov had discussed investment opportunities in Bulgaria with the Jewish organizations.

According to the BNT report, however, the Jewish advocacy groups have expressed concern over Iran's nuclear program because it might endanger the safety of the State of Israel if it is not for peaceful but for military purposes.

That is why, as a UN and EU member, Bulgaria has been urged to support the international sanctions against Iran aimed at making it drop its nuclear enrichment program.

The national TV further says that the US Jewish leaders "promised investments in Bulgaria's agriculture" in exchange for the country's diplomatic support on the Iranian nuclear issue.

Borisov's meeting with the seven leading American Jewish organizations took place in the Permanent Mission of Bulgaria to the United Nations in New York. It was attended by Abraham Foxman, National Director of the Anti-Defamation League; Daniel Mariaschin, Executive VP of B'nai B'rith International; David Harris, Executive Director of the American Jewish Committee; Richard Gordon, President of teh American Jewish Congress; Ronald Lauder, President of the World Jewish Congress; Richard Stone, President of the Jewish Council for Racial Equality, and Steven Schweiger; the General Director of the American-Jewish Joint Distribution Committee.

The Bulgarian Foreign Minister Nikolay Mladenov and the Bulgarian Ambassador to the USA, Elena Poptodorova, were also present at the meeting.
Old September 23rd, 2010 #40
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A total of 24 Bulgarian children reportedly were pulled out of their school in the town of Pazardzhik because their parents were outraged at the "high number of Roma children" that were enrolled at the start of the school year.

This was an unprecedented case in the Hristo Smirnenski school, and all children involved were first-graders, Bulgarian television channel bTV reported on September 22 2010.

School officials said that the Bulgarian parents reacted angrily when they learned that 12 Roma children were enrolled in the school as first-graders. Then the headmaster decided to create two classes to accommodate the large number of new students. However, those two first-grade classes were "not segregated", with Roma and non-Roma children in the classes together.

This caused outrage among the Bulgarian parents who decided to relocate their children and enroll them in another school.

"I have never seen such a reaction from parents before. It is unacceptable, considering that we are all aiming for integration and globalisation," school headmaster Kiril Dimitrov told bTV.

The Roma families themselves have no concerns about their children being together with their Bulgarian peers, but apparently the feeling was not mutual.

"Some mothers were yelling they are Roma, they are less cultured than our kids, we don't want them here," according to a Roma mother, whose name was not given in the television coverage.

But some of the Bulgarian parents and students were less concerned about the Roma in their school.

"They are people just like us. When we segregate people, the outcome is worse," a Bulgarian mother said.

"I have no problems whatsoever that Roma kids want to study in this school. There is no need for racism here," a Bulgarian pupil told reporters.


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