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Old July 29th, 2007 #81
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Originally Posted by Heather Blue View Post
(I sort of cover my eyes when glancing at some of the words you guys use! )
There is a lot of facts we don't know regarding certain individuals, but there is also far too much suspicion. If we look for perfection in each of us and condemn every fault we will never successfully deal with the Jews.

Nevertheless I do despair that a lot of people simply do not have the mental capacity to understand the Jews for what they are. Jews are simply too alien for them to comprehend. My sister is one of them. I have spent the better part of our lives pointing out the hand of the Jews in our affairs. She has gotten sharp enough she can detect the Jews' finagling in matters. At the same time, she will make inane statements like "Jews (in the Old Testament) were Gods Chosen back then, but He did tell them they would pierce His side." It was a Roman soldier that pierced the side of Jesus when He was on the cross to verify His death.

The Jews were not even around for nearly fifteen hundred years after Abraham and Moses. When Jesus Christ spoke of the "Jews" He spoke of them as a different group than everyone else. The gospel writers also spoke of the "Jews" as a diffrent group.

But good, simple white people cannot comprehend the heinous nature of the Jews. That kind of evil is beyond their mental capabilities. But do they need to have the wisdom of a sage to be able to deal with the Jewish problem?
Just to add Heather, Christ Himself denied the juden - not only the Gospel writers - calling them a generation of vipers, children of satan and whatnot - yes, I know that the first of His followers were from amongst them, and - the Church's Doctrine re them is a rather interesting discussion to have too.
Old July 29th, 2007 #82
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Exclamation A Revolution of Values Through Religion: Part III - Christianity

A Revolution of Values Through Religion
Book I - Comparative Religions
Part III - Christianity

The Spooks in the Sky Swindle finds its ultimate manifestation in Jewish Christianity.
The fundamental premises of Christianity are based on a chain of fictitious abstractions, which, taken either singly or collectively form a bizarre
nightmare that is an affront to any thinking man's intellect. These fictitious fantasies go something like this.
There are spooks in the sky -- somewhere, anywhere, everywhere, - who control our lives, who control world events and control the universe.
These spooks are omnipresent and continually looking over our shoulders, taking notes and recording our every word and every action. Not
only our words and actions, but even our every thought is put on record in that super-computer in the sky.
Talk about the mass of material the Jews have in their supercomputer in Tel Aviv! But even that is small potatoes compared to that superduper
computer in the sky needed to record every word deed and thought of the burgeoning 5 billion people now living, not to mention all the
garbage stored up for those already dead, but waiting for "Judgment Day." It must really overload the circuits in the sky. No wonder we have
repeated short circuits and flashes of lightning up there on high.
The fantasy goes on. When we die we will have all this accumulated garbage thrown back in our face. We will be held accountable for every
word, deed, thought, and woe betide! If you are found wanting and meandered from the mainline, or made some mistakes, it's the pits for you,
the fiery sulphurous pits, that is. And since none of us are perfect, guess where 99 and 44/100 percent of us will go. Of course now there might
be some exceptions, like the Jerry Falwells who kow-towed obediently and subserviently to God's Chosen. But you can never be sure, and that
includes Jerry Falwell, the Pope and Billy Graham. Who knows what evil thoughts might sometimes have lurked in the dark recesses of their
twisted little minds. Even Jimmy Carter admitted there have been times when he lusted.
Now not all these spooks in the sky are surveying and taking notes. Only the "good guys" are doing that. But spooks evidently come in a great
variety of forms, shapes and sizes and not all of them are "good," in the eyes of the "Holy Scriptures." Like in the movies you always have the
good guys and the bad guys, so too, up there in those nebulous skies on high, you also have the "bad" spooks. These have names like Satan,
Lucifer, the Devil, and a host of other names. This is for the head honcho alone. But he is not alone. We hear repeatedly in the Christian
preachers' repertoire of hell-fire and brimstone about "Satan and his minions," and much more.
The most interesting aspect of this whole concocted story is this: whereas in the movies, where after a valiantly fought battle between the good
guys and the bad guys, usually (at least, it used to be that a-way) the good guy wins and demolishes the bad guy and "his minions," not so in
the battle on high. There the war goes on, and on and on. Although the Lord (the good guy) is all-powerful and what he says goes (after all, it's
his set-up, he created all) nevertheless there is no victory over the bad guy. The Lord and Lucifer have been at it now supposedly for 6000
years, and are still locked into a Mexican stand-off. Well, not exactly either. Satan is winning, hands down. For every one that is "saved" from
the fiery pit, Satan will get at least 99, probably 99 and 44/100. Evidently in this Spooks in the Sky story, the good guys don't win. As Leo
Durocher used to say, "the good guys come in last."
Does this sound like a droll cock-and-bull story? It does to me, but you can go into any one of 200,000 Christian churches (in the United States
alone) and hear the same stupid story being preached by hundreds of thousands of preachers, week after week after week. Their versions
might differ a little, but essentially that is the basic story, the Gospel, the Lord's word or whatever. Not only from the pulpit of all the Christian
churches is this idiotic story being broadcast, but of late, even more effectively (and more profitably) from the electronic con-artists employing
the Jewish boob-tube.
But that isn't the end of the story. Actually, the Lord and Satan are really on excellent terms, as are the U.S. government and the Russian
communists. (Read again Creative Credo No. 50 in the White Man's Bible, "Observations about the Devil and Hell.") The main villain is not
particularly suffering. Satan and God are having a ball, playing games with us poor sinners, seeing who can come up with the biggest score,
and the game score was predicted even before it began -- the Devil is the overwhelming winner, hands down. It is we, us no good, lousy
sinners who are the real losers. It is we, who will be suffering in that fiery pit. It's a crooked, stacked set-up. And what a ghastly torture chamber
it is. Billions and billions of souls will be burning in there, wailing and gnashing their teeth, (do souls have teeth?) forever, and ever, and ever.
No reprieve, no amnesty, no "take five out," no knocking off for weekends or vacations. Just a hard-nosed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year of
excruciating pain and torture, forever, and ever, and ever.
What does the good and loving Lord think of it? Well, evidently he thinks its great sport. After all, he dreamed it all up, designed the whole
goddamned setup, and will be running his torture chamber from here to eternity. Evidently he deliberately wanted to put all of these billions in
the fiery torture chamber and torture the hell out of them, or he would never have constructed his sadistic hell in the first place, now would he?
Where did such a bizarre mental nightmare come from? How can so many hundreds of millions of people become ensnared in such an idiotic
booby-trap and at the same time be more than willing to shell out 40 billion dollars a year in the United States alone to perpetuate and
perpetrate such fiendish and sadistic clap-trap on their own children, their own offspring?
It's a long story, and to go back to the beginning, we should, I suppose, start with the Egyptians, the first really great White Civilization in
history. The Egyptians were a highly intelligent people. They had the unusual advantage of living in the Valley of the Nile where for thousands
of years they were (more or less) sheltered from hostile intrusion on all four sides. As a result they had a long time in which to develop and
cultivate their own civilization and their own culture. This they did, and their civilization lasted for perhaps three thousand years, a period of time
longer than that of any other. It died when their genes became poisoned by admixture with the inferior black Nubians to the South.
Whereas this mongrelization of the White Egyptian Race may be deemed as a conquest of sorts by inferiors, it was not forced upon them, but
self- administered. This was a conquest of a most vicious character that spelled the death knell of the great Egyptian White Race. It was the
result of stupidity and criminal negligence in failing to recognize (a) the precious value of their racial genes, and (b) how to protect their gene
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pool from mongrelization and racial poisoning. It can be categorized as one of the major tragedies of history.
Be that as it may, their religion was in large part to blame for this major tragedy, since hardly any White culture in Ancient Civilization was so
obsessed with the "spirit" world and life in the hereafter. It is, in fact, the Ancient Egyptians, who had 3,000 years to evolve their religion, to
whom we are indebted for practically every fictitious concept and abstraction for what later became Christianity. I have listed these concepts
before under Judaism, but I believe it is germane that I list them again. They are (a) the idea of a "soul" (b) the idea of "eternal life" (c) the idea
of "gods" (d) the idea of offerings and supplications to appease the god or gods (f) the idea of baptism (purification by ablution) (g) the idea of
building grandiose temples to duplicate and honor their gods (h) circumcision of the infants, and a number of other beliefs, customs and rituals,
including vague ideas of heaven and hell. The second stage was the intrusion of the parasitic Jew into the Egyptian domain. The uncreative
Jews were shrewd enough to copy most of the Egyptian concepts, and with a few modifications, in- corporate them into a tribal religion of their
own, a religion that at once was more pragmatic and at the same time utilized to the utmost to preserve and enhance the fortunes of the
parasitic Jews.
The third stage in the evolvement of the Christian religion was set in the heart of the Roman Empire. When in the first century of the Common
Era (C.E.) Rome was at her height, the minor province of Judea was one of its many conquests. When the intractable Jews proved rebellious
and obstreperous, Emperor Vespasian sent in General Titus to quell the rebellion. This he did in a siege that lasted less than two years. In the
process he leveled Jerusalem to the ground, in the typical custom of the day.
But the Jews proved a tougher conquest than the Romans had bargained for. In trying to "digest" the little province, the Romans in fact were
swallowing a racial poison, as history has later shown. The Jews did not conquer the Romans by confrontation of superior arms. On the
contrary, they were so vastly inferior in this respect that it would have been no contest. Instead they used their most lethal weapon -- religion,
propaganda, deceit and intrigue – in all which they had no rivals and still do not today. In short, they used the "B" bomb – the brain bomb, in
which they have been fantastically successful. Christianity was their major weapon and Saul of Tarsus was the key Jew to have instigated the
conspiracy. The Jews sold the once virile and warlike Romans a suicidal religion in which pacifism, self-denial and self-destruction became the
supreme virtues of the new religion. In short, they turned the once aggressive, powerful Romans into a chaotic mass of whimpering wimps.
How did they do this? Well, Marcus Eli Ravage, a wily Jew of the 20th Century, brags about it, and he tells the story better than I can. (Read
again "Confessions of a Jew" Creative Credo No. 43 in The White Man's Bible.) Basis of Christianity. The whole Christian religion is based on a
key figure called Jesus Christ, half man and half God, who is supposed to have walked the face of the earth circa 1 to 33 C.E. There is
however not a scintilla of genuine historical evidence out- side of its own concocted fables that such a character ever existed. Although both
the Greeks and the Romans of those times were highly literate, no contemporary historian, poet, writer, or chronicler of the times has ever so
much as written a single line of corroboration of all the cock-and-bull events claimed in the New Testament. It is all based on the supposed
stories of "the Gospels" Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, but no contemporary writer of the times ever heard of them either, or, at least saw fit to
take note of them. The few historical "facts" that emerge is that these same fantasies had been pulled together from pre-existing fables then
extant, and were now peddled as the genuine article. In fact, the story of a crucified "savior" had been told in 16 previous other religions and
was now being recycled for the 17th time.
Where did the suicidal ideas inherent in Christianity come from? There is no mystery about this question, however. There existed on the shores
of the Dead Sea a small Jewish sect called The Essenes. Their hero was the "Teacher of Righteousness" and they practiced communal living,
self-denial and shunned marriage and family life. But even more important, they taught and practiced pacifism and promoted every suicidal
concept (such as: sell all thou hast, love your enemies. turn the other cheek, judge not) at least a century before the supposed birth of Christ.
The shrewd and wily Saul of Tarsus (who later became the Christians' St. Paul) saw in their suicidal teachings the very germ of a religion that
could be utilized to destroy the proud and haughty Romans. How successful he was and how the Romans took the poisoned bait history has
The Jews were successful beyond their fondest dreams and 1300 years of the Dark Ages set in as Rome crumbled. The Jewish poison is still
festering in the brains of hundreds of millions of White Christians today, and is the key to the Jewish domination, rape and looting to which the
White Race supinely allows itself to be subjected.
Christianity vs. Creativity - A Comparison
Basic Goals
CHRISTIANITY -- To "save" peoples' "souls" from a fictitious hell in the "hereafter," because God loves mankind so dearly. Why the same
Jewish God that created the victims also created a hell to put them in, has never been explained. After this same loving God "sacrificed" his
one and only son on the cross to beef up the "salvation" program, that program also failed miserably, and, it, too, has never been satisfactorily
Christianity shuns life in the real world as of no value, but only as a preparation for the "hereafter."
CREATIVITY'S basic goals are (a) the Survival, Expansion and Advancement of the White Race. (b) A Sound Mind in a Sound Body in a
Sound Society in a Sound Environment. (c) To build a new, a Whiter and Brighter World.
Basic Books
CHRISTIANITY is based on: (a) THE OLD TESTAMENT, which is basically a self-concocted history of the Jewish Race (the Israelites) and
Yahweh’s unending devotion to, and love affair with, this parasitic tribe of Semites. There is not a shred of historical basis to its concocted
"history," nor is there any scientific evidence for its Creation hypothesis of the World being "created" 6000 years ago in a 6 day period. The Old
Testament constitutes 75 per cent of the "Holy Bible" and never so much as mentions Jesus Christ. (b) THE NEW TESTAMENT. It is all about
the life of a circumcised Jew named Jesus Christ, who supposedly lived circa 1-33 C.E., but again not a shred of historical evidence to verify
this story. The teachings of Christ were already promoted by a small religious cult called the Essenes, who pre-dated the supposed Christ era
by a century.
CREATIVITY -- is founded on three basic books: (a) NATURE'S ETERNAL RELIGION -- lays the foundation for the religion of CREATIVITY.
(b) THE WHITE MAN'S BIBLE -- reinforces and expands upon the first book, and introduces the idea of Salubrious Living -- a program for
achieving the ultimate in superb health and well-being. (c) SALUBRIOUS LIVING -- spells this program out in detail -- including the details
about nutrition, fasting, exercise, environment, and eugenics. Spelled out in 14 specific points.
Basic Beliefs are Founded Upon:
CHRISTIANITY -- beliefs are based on the supernatural. Essentially geared to denouncing the real world and focusing on a fictitious heaven
and a hell in the "hereafter." A collection of superstitions, myths and fantasies that appeal to the naive and gullible, but are an affront to any
informed, reasoning man or woman.
CREATIVITY -- beliefs based upon reality -- the Eternal Laws of Nature, the life and welfare of the White Race on this Planet Earth. Based
upon the Experience of History, and upon Common Sense.
Racial Attitudes
CHRISTIANITY -- promotes the idea that we are all equal in the eyes of the Lord (except the Jews are his overwhelming favorite) and therefore
race-mixing is just great. Also, we owe the less fortunate (the niggers and the mud races) everything we have. We should love them, marry
them, feed them and house them. (Sell all thou hast, love our enemies, etc.)
CREATIVITY -- takes a completely opposite view on the racial position. We follow Nature's Eternal Laws, which clearly state: take care of your
own. CREATIVITY views mongrelization of the White Race as the ultimate horror and does not view the Jews as "God's Chosen." Rather it
categorizes the Jews as mankind's most persistent parasite, and a major disaster for the White Race. Our GOLDEN RULE says it all: What is
good for the White Race is the highest virtue; what is bad for the White Race is the ultimate sin.
* * * * *
Christianity is the philosophy of a born loser.
* * * * *
It would do little good for the White Race to inherit the Planet Earth if all thou inherit is a poisoned garbage heap.
* * * * *
The Dark Ages of European civilization were at their worst when Jewish Christianity was at its peak.
* * * * *
Spooks in the Sky: Unseen, unheard, unfelt, unsmelt, unknown, unreal.
Old July 29th, 2007 #83
Heather Blue
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Default Yes, you are right

Originally Posted by EireannGoddess View Post
Just to add Heather, Christ Himself denied the juden - not only the Gospel writers - calling them a generation of vipers, children of satan and whatnot - yes, I know that the first of His followers were from amongst them, and - the Church's Doctrine re them is a rather interesting discussion to have too.
Yes, you are right, EireannGoddess. I don't really know what kind of people were among the followers of Christ - the majority of them, that is. I know that all of His Apostles except Judas were from Galilee.

A few years ago I was in the local library and ran across a book that dealt with the people of Galilee. I can't remember the name of it as I never thought I would be on a discussion board. (Did not know I was going to get hooked.)

In any case, the author described what manner of people lived in Galilee at the time of Christ. He said the citizens of Galilee were a light skinned people with blondish hair and blue or green eyes. I remember seeing a picture in the book of a sculpture or tapestry that showed the likeness of such a person.

He described the Judeans as dark, swarthy people with dark hair and eyes.

I also read an article in some magazine that mentioned a couple of letters Roman soldiers stationed in Jerusalem wrote back home to Rome about Jesus. One described Jesus as a tall man with pale eyes. The other one said Jesus was a tall man with reddish blond hair (strawberry blond). Perhaps they noticed Jesus because he looked so different from the Judeans.

These letters or scraps of letters are supposed to be in the Smithsonian (hopefully, they have not been destroyed.)
The birth of every white baby is the First Born of the next generation.
"Segregation did not exist to hold back other races. It existed to protect us from them." D. Roof
Old July 29th, 2007 #84
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Originally Posted by Pastor Visser View Post
No, I’d say the lickspittle follows the antichrist teachings of a weakling coward who killed himself for a common whore, lol.

Listen to the Pisser Pastor Pissing on Jesus!

Did your tell tale Jesus knew, that he acted suicidal with his disrespectful stances?
Yes, he committed suicide too, your Jesus, but, too weak to become his own executor, he made others do it instead.
Saul, the Benjamite Jew and ancient Steven Spielberg, then, to be eternally admired for his hallucinations, put the blame for Jewsus suicide unto others.
Old July 29th, 2007 #85
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Originally Posted by Heather Blue View Post
I am Catholic and don't expect non-Catholics to be as excited as I am about the new position the Catholic Church is taking with the Jews, but I want you to see the below video clip. Things look promising, folks.

Let me say this, the video clip seems to be about restoring the Latin Mass, but it is the position the Church is taking with the Jews that's important. (Pope Benedict XVI is not a stupid man.)

Don't miss Mr. Donahue in the video. He is the President of the Catholic League. He has had many clashes with the Jews over the years. You will love him!!

I'm reposting Heather's original post as thread starter - the topic of which appears to have been lost.
Old July 29th, 2007 #86
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Originally Posted by EireannGoddess View Post
I'm reposting Heather's original post as thread starter - the topic of which appears to have been lost.
What do you mean?
Do you have to agree with other's in order to determine, if its part of the topic or not?
LLoyd really tried faithfully.
Did you read his long post?
I don't think so!
We are real and so is our reaction to what your posts represent.
Can you respect this?
Aren't you hiding in your ivory tower???
Old July 29th, 2007 #87
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Originally Posted by ReverendLloyd View Post
A Revolution of Values Through Religion
Book I - Comparative Religions
Part III - Christianity

The Spooks in the Sky Swindle finds its ultimate manifestation in Jewish Christianity.
The fundamental premises of Christianity are based on a chain of fictitious abstractions, which, taken either singly or collectively form a bizarre
nightmare that is an affront to any thinking man's intellect. These fictitious fantasies go something like this.
There are spooks in the sky -- somewhere, anywhere, everywhere, - who control our lives, who control world events and control the universe.
These spooks are omnipresent and continually looking over our shoulders, taking notes and recording our every word and every action. Not
only our words and actions, but even our every thought is put on record in that super-computer in the sky.
Talk about the mass of material the Jews have in their supercomputer in Tel Aviv! But even that is small potatoes compared to that superduper
computer in the sky needed to record every word deed and thought of the burgeoning 5 billion people now living, not to mention all the
garbage stored up for those already dead, but waiting for "Judgment Day." It must really overload the circuits in the sky. No wonder we have
repeated short circuits and flashes of lightning up there on high.
The fantasy goes on. When we die we will have all this accumulated garbage thrown back in our face. We will be held accountable for every
word, deed, thought, and woe betide! If you are found wanting and meandered from the mainline, or made some mistakes, it's the pits for you,
the fiery sulphurous pits, that is. And since none of us are perfect, guess where 99 and 44/100 percent of us will go. Of course now there might
be some exceptions, like the Jerry Falwells who kow-towed obediently and subserviently to God's Chosen. But you can never be sure, and that
includes Jerry Falwell, the Pope and Billy Graham. Who knows what evil thoughts might sometimes have lurked in the dark recesses of their
twisted little minds. Even Jimmy Carter admitted there have been times when he lusted.
Now not all these spooks in the sky are surveying and taking notes. Only the "good guys" are doing that. But spooks evidently come in a great
variety of forms, shapes and sizes and not all of them are "good," in the eyes of the "Holy Scriptures." Like in the movies you always have the
good guys and the bad guys, so too, up there in those nebulous skies on high, you also have the "bad" spooks. These have names like Satan,
Lucifer, the Devil, and a host of other names. This is for the head honcho alone. But he is not alone. We hear repeatedly in the Christian
preachers' repertoire of hell-fire and brimstone about "Satan and his minions," and much more.
The most interesting aspect of this whole concocted story is this: whereas in the movies, where after a valiantly fought battle between the good
guys and the bad guys, usually (at least, it used to be that a-way) the good guy wins and demolishes the bad guy and "his minions," not so in
the battle on high. There the war goes on, and on and on. Although the Lord (the good guy) is all-powerful and what he says goes (after all, it's
his set-up, he created all) nevertheless there is no victory over the bad guy. The Lord and Lucifer have been at it now supposedly for 6000
years, and are still locked into a Mexican stand-off. Well, not exactly either. Satan is winning, hands down. For every one that is "saved" from
the fiery pit, Satan will get at least 99, probably 99 and 44/100. Evidently in this Spooks in the Sky story, the good guys don't win. As Leo
Durocher used to say, "the good guys come in last."
Does this sound like a droll cock-and-bull story? It does to me, but you can go into any one of 200,000 Christian churches (in the United States
alone) and hear the same stupid story being preached by hundreds of thousands of preachers, week after week after week. Their versions
might differ a little, but essentially that is the basic story, the Gospel, the Lord's word or whatever. Not only from the pulpit of all the Christian
churches is this idiotic story being broadcast, but of late, even more effectively (and more profitably) from the electronic con-artists employing
the Jewish boob-tube.
But that isn't the end of the story. Actually, the Lord and Satan are really on excellent terms, as are the U.S. government and the Russian
communists. (Read again Creative Credo No. 50 in the White Man's Bible, "Observations about the Devil and Hell.") The main villain is not
particularly suffering. Satan and God are having a ball, playing games with us poor sinners, seeing who can come up with the biggest score,
and the game score was predicted even before it began -- the Devil is the overwhelming winner, hands down. It is we, us no good, lousy
sinners who are the real losers. It is we, who will be suffering in that fiery pit. It's a crooked, stacked set-up. And what a ghastly torture chamber
it is. Billions and billions of souls will be burning in there, wailing and gnashing their teeth, (do souls have teeth?) forever, and ever, and ever.
No reprieve, no amnesty, no "take five out," no knocking off for weekends or vacations. Just a hard-nosed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year of
excruciating pain and torture, forever, and ever, and ever.
What does the good and loving Lord think of it? Well, evidently he thinks its great sport. After all, he dreamed it all up, designed the whole
goddamned setup, and will be running his torture chamber from here to eternity. Evidently he deliberately wanted to put all of these billions in
the fiery torture chamber and torture the hell out of them, or he would never have constructed his sadistic hell in the first place, now would he?
Where did such a bizarre mental nightmare come from? How can so many hundreds of millions of people become ensnared in such an idiotic
booby-trap and at the same time be more than willing to shell out 40 billion dollars a year in the United States alone to perpetuate and
perpetrate such fiendish and sadistic clap-trap on their own children, their own offspring?
It's a long story, and to go back to the beginning, we should, I suppose, start with the Egyptians, the first really great White Civilization in
history. The Egyptians were a highly intelligent people. They had the unusual advantage of living in the Valley of the Nile where for thousands
of years they were (more or less) sheltered from hostile intrusion on all four sides. As a result they had a long time in which to develop and
cultivate their own civilization and their own culture. This they did, and their civilization lasted for perhaps three thousand years, a period of time
longer than that of any other. It died when their genes became poisoned by admixture with the inferior black Nubians to the South.
Whereas this mongrelization of the White Egyptian Race may be deemed as a conquest of sorts by inferiors, it was not forced upon them, but
self- administered. This was a conquest of a most vicious character that spelled the death knell of the great Egyptian White Race. It was the
result of stupidity and criminal negligence in failing to recognize (a) the precious value of their racial genes, and (b) how to protect their gene
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pool from mongrelization and racial poisoning. It can be categorized as one of the major tragedies of history.
Be that as it may, their religion was in large part to blame for this major tragedy, since hardly any White culture in Ancient Civilization was so
obsessed with the "spirit" world and life in the hereafter. It is, in fact, the Ancient Egyptians, who had 3,000 years to evolve their religion, to
whom we are indebted for practically every fictitious concept and abstraction for what later became Christianity. I have listed these concepts
before under Judaism, but I believe it is germane that I list them again. They are (a) the idea of a "soul" (b) the idea of "eternal life" (c) the idea
of "gods" (d) the idea of offerings and supplications to appease the god or gods (f) the idea of baptism (purification by ablution) (g) the idea of
building grandiose temples to duplicate and honor their gods (h) circumcision of the infants, and a number of other beliefs, customs and rituals,
including vague ideas of heaven and hell. The second stage was the intrusion of the parasitic Jew into the Egyptian domain. The uncreative
Jews were shrewd enough to copy most of the Egyptian concepts, and with a few modifications, in- corporate them into a tribal religion of their
own, a religion that at once was more pragmatic and at the same time utilized to the utmost to preserve and enhance the fortunes of the
parasitic Jews.
The third stage in the evolvement of the Christian religion was set in the heart of the Roman Empire. When in the first century of the Common
Era (C.E.) Rome was at her height, the minor province of Judea was one of its many conquests. When the intractable Jews proved rebellious
and obstreperous, Emperor Vespasian sent in General Titus to quell the rebellion. This he did in a siege that lasted less than two years. In the
process he leveled Jerusalem to the ground, in the typical custom of the day.
But the Jews proved a tougher conquest than the Romans had bargained for. In trying to "digest" the little province, the Romans in fact were
swallowing a racial poison, as history has later shown. The Jews did not conquer the Romans by confrontation of superior arms. On the
contrary, they were so vastly inferior in this respect that it would have been no contest. Instead they used their most lethal weapon -- religion,
propaganda, deceit and intrigue – in all which they had no rivals and still do not today. In short, they used the "B" bomb – the brain bomb, in
which they have been fantastically successful. Christianity was their major weapon and Saul of Tarsus was the key Jew to have instigated the
conspiracy. The Jews sold the once virile and warlike Romans a suicidal religion in which pacifism, self-denial and self-destruction became the
supreme virtues of the new religion. In short, they turned the once aggressive, powerful Romans into a chaotic mass of whimpering wimps.
How did they do this? Well, Marcus Eli Ravage, a wily Jew of the 20th Century, brags about it, and he tells the story better than I can. (Read
again "Confessions of a Jew" Creative Credo No. 43 in The White Man's Bible.) Basis of Christianity. The whole Christian religion is based on a
key figure called Jesus Christ, half man and half God, who is supposed to have walked the face of the earth circa 1 to 33 C.E. There is
however not a scintilla of genuine historical evidence out- side of its own concocted fables that such a character ever existed. Although both
the Greeks and the Romans of those times were highly literate, no contemporary historian, poet, writer, or chronicler of the times has ever so
much as written a single line of corroboration of all the cock-and-bull events claimed in the New Testament. It is all based on the supposed
stories of "the Gospels" Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, but no contemporary writer of the times ever heard of them either, or, at least saw fit to
take note of them. The few historical "facts" that emerge is that these same fantasies had been pulled together from pre-existing fables then
extant, and were now peddled as the genuine article. In fact, the story of a crucified "savior" had been told in 16 previous other religions and
was now being recycled for the 17th time.
Where did the suicidal ideas inherent in Christianity come from? There is no mystery about this question, however. There existed on the shores
of the Dead Sea a small Jewish sect called The Essenes. Their hero was the "Teacher of Righteousness" and they practiced communal living,
self-denial and shunned marriage and family life. But even more important, they taught and practiced pacifism and promoted every suicidal
concept (such as: sell all thou hast, love your enemies. turn the other cheek, judge not) at least a century before the supposed birth of Christ.
The shrewd and wily Saul of Tarsus (who later became the Christians' St. Paul) saw in their suicidal teachings the very germ of a religion that
could be utilized to destroy the proud and haughty Romans. How successful he was and how the Romans took the poisoned bait history has
The Jews were successful beyond their fondest dreams and 1300 years of the Dark Ages set in as Rome crumbled. The Jewish poison is still
festering in the brains of hundreds of millions of White Christians today, and is the key to the Jewish domination, rape and looting to which the
White Race supinely allows itself to be subjected.
Christianity vs. Creativity - A Comparison
Basic Goals
CHRISTIANITY -- To "save" peoples' "souls" from a fictitious hell in the "hereafter," because God loves mankind so dearly. Why the same
Jewish God that created the victims also created a hell to put them in, has never been explained. After this same loving God "sacrificed" his
one and only son on the cross to beef up the "salvation" program, that program also failed miserably, and, it, too, has never been satisfactorily
Christianity shuns life in the real world as of no value, but only as a preparation for the "hereafter."
CREATIVITY'S basic goals are (a) the Survival, Expansion and Advancement of the White Race. (b) A Sound Mind in a Sound Body in a
Sound Society in a Sound Environment. (c) To build a new, a Whiter and Brighter World.
Basic Books
CHRISTIANITY is based on: (a) THE OLD TESTAMENT, which is basically a self-concocted history of the Jewish Race (the Israelites) and
Yahweh’s unending devotion to, and love affair with, this parasitic tribe of Semites. There is not a shred of historical basis to its concocted
"history," nor is there any scientific evidence for its Creation hypothesis of the World being "created" 6000 years ago in a 6 day period. The Old
Testament constitutes 75 per cent of the "Holy Bible" and never so much as mentions Jesus Christ. (b) THE NEW TESTAMENT. It is all about
the life of a circumcised Jew named Jesus Christ, who supposedly lived circa 1-33 C.E., but again not a shred of historical evidence to verify
this story. The teachings of Christ were already promoted by a small religious cult called the Essenes, who pre-dated the supposed Christ era
by a century.
CREATIVITY -- is founded on three basic books: (a) NATURE'S ETERNAL RELIGION -- lays the foundation for the religion of CREATIVITY.
(b) THE WHITE MAN'S BIBLE -- reinforces and expands upon the first book, and introduces the idea of Salubrious Living -- a program for
achieving the ultimate in superb health and well-being. (c) SALUBRIOUS LIVING -- spells this program out in detail -- including the details
about nutrition, fasting, exercise, environment, and eugenics. Spelled out in 14 specific points.
Basic Beliefs are Founded Upon:
CHRISTIANITY -- beliefs are based on the supernatural. Essentially geared to denouncing the real world and focusing on a fictitious heaven
and a hell in the "hereafter." A collection of superstitions, myths and fantasies that appeal to the naive and gullible, but are an affront to any
informed, reasoning man or woman.
CREATIVITY -- beliefs based upon reality -- the Eternal Laws of Nature, the life and welfare of the White Race on this Planet Earth. Based
upon the Experience of History, and upon Common Sense.
Racial Attitudes
CHRISTIANITY -- promotes the idea that we are all equal in the eyes of the Lord (except the Jews are his overwhelming favorite) and therefore
race-mixing is just great. Also, we owe the less fortunate (the niggers and the mud races) everything we have. We should love them, marry
them, feed them and house them. (Sell all thou hast, love our enemies, etc.)
CREATIVITY -- takes a completely opposite view on the racial position. We follow Nature's Eternal Laws, which clearly state: take care of your
own. CREATIVITY views mongrelization of the White Race as the ultimate horror and does not view the Jews as "God's Chosen." Rather it
categorizes the Jews as mankind's most persistent parasite, and a major disaster for the White Race. Our GOLDEN RULE says it all: What is
good for the White Race is the highest virtue; what is bad for the White Race is the ultimate sin.
* * * * *
Christianity is the philosophy of a born loser.
* * * * *
It would do little good for the White Race to inherit the Planet Earth if all thou inherit is a poisoned garbage heap.
* * * * *
The Dark Ages of European civilization were at their worst when Jewish Christianity was at its peak.
* * * * *
Spooks in the Sky: Unseen, unheard, unfelt, unsmelt, unknown, unreal.
hilarious, entertaining, eye opener:krofl
Old July 29th, 2007 #88
Mike Mazzone of Palatine
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: With my awesome parents
Posts: 7,802

Originally Posted by tuisto View Post
hilarious, entertaining, eye opener:krofl
The Holy Books of Creativity are incredibly powerful. The kike fears the Creativity religion so much, Judge Lefkow ordered the books to be destroyed.

You'll love this chapter as well:

Hell — The Ultimate Horror Concept of a Depraved Mentality

The Ultimate in Horror. If you were given the task of conjuring up a concept that was the ultimate horror, the ultimate concept of hate, and torture, of misery and depravity, could you, in a thousand years, come up with a concept to top that which the Jews came up with two thousand years ago, namely the Christian concept of hell?

No, you could not.

In that very concept, hell, is gathered together all the hatred, viciousness, brutality, criminality, fiendishness, evil and depravity only an unbalanced Jewish mind could lump together in one four letter word — hell.

Think of it! Of all the cruel and vicious acts that have possibly been committed here on earth, nothing compares with that one horrendous four letter word — hell. When the redskin Indians tortured their prisoners and finally scalped and murdered them, it nevertheless only lasted, at most, a day or two. When the vindictive Christians burned their "heretics" at the stake, it was all over within a matter of minutes and the victim was soon beyond the reach of pain. Even when during the Dark Ages over a period of months or years these same "loving" Christians tortured their enemies with the thumb screw or rack, the victim either passed out during the torture, or finally died from the abuse. When the communists torture, drug and resort to "third degree" tactics in order to force their political prisoners to "confess," that too finally ends in death and the pain is over with.

Excruciating and Endless. But hell? The torture by fire is endless and unalleviated. There are no temporary pauses or mitigations of the pitiful victim passing out or fainting. The horrible pain of fire is relentless. It is not only local, such as only burning a hand or a foot. It is all over, presumably, since the body (or the spirit?) is totally wrapped in hot searing flames. It is excruciating. You cannot faint, you cannot pass out, you cannot obtain any pain-killing sedatives, you cannot die. There is no relief, there is no way out. There is no reprieve, no pity, no forgiveness. The horrible pain is intense, it is all over the body, it is endless, it is forever. Can you imagine such a horrible concept? Can you possibly in your wildest imagination conjure up anything more horrendous? No you can't. As we said before, only the depraved collective Jewish mind, filled with hatred and viciousness, could dredge up from the lowest depths of inhuman depravity the ultimate in such a beastly idea. However, we do the beasts of Nature an injustice. No beast or animal would ever even dream of such a horrible idea.

Terrible Indictment against Christianity. One of the most terrible indictments we CREATORS can charge against Christianity is that it invented hell, and terrorized the minds of billions of its victims for nearly two thousand years with the horrible and depraved concept of hell. This horrible but idiotic idea has wreaked untold psychological damage on its gullible victims, caused untold misery to billions and sent thousands into insane asylums.

We intend to Wipe Out this Horror Concept. One of the first and foremost goals we CREATORS have set out to accomplish is to demolish and forever lay to rest this horrible Jewish-Christian concept. We aim to give the White Race a new freedom, namely, freedom from the fear of hell.

Victimized Millions. What purpose has this horrible concept served? When we ask this question we must also ask, regarding whom? As far as the White Race is concerned it has frightened, terrorized and stampeded the White Race into panic, fear and irrationality. As to the purpose it served (and still serves) Christianity, it is the very essence, the very foundation, on which Christianity has built its vast and powerful empire. It was, and still is the ultimate club with which to cudgel its victims into line— by fear, by panic — to force the gullible peasants to believe as they are told to believe — or else hell fire and brimstone will be their eternal fate.

Real to the Gullible. The psychological technique is exactly the same as dealing with innocent but gullible little children. When a child comes into the world, its mind is as blank as a white sheet of paper. As it slowly begins to learn speech — the art of understanding and using words — it is extremely naive, gullible and impressionable. The child has implicit faith in its parents. If its parents describe Santa Claus to the child, show pictures of Santa, the child believes in Santa Claus. To the child the concept is as real as reality itself. If it were told cows are holy, why then it would believe that, too. If the child is told about an evil bogey-man, it will believe that. If. the bogey-man is used to frighten the child, and told the bogey-man will get it if it doesn't behave, then this cruel deception can be used as a psychological club to whip the child into line. To the child the concept is real, and the fear is real, because the child is very gullible.

Gullible Adults become Docile Victims. And so it is with the ultimate weapon, the gruesome idea of hell, to the gullible. Unfortunately, people do not cease being gullible when they become adults. Millions of adults are more gullible and superstitious than little children. Although they may now be adults, the concept of hell has been so thoroughly pounded into the brains of the Christian victims from early childhood, that to them the concept is more real than reality itself and much more frightening. Their brains are now like concrete — all mixed up and hard set. As they succumb to panic from even contemplating such a horrible fate that supposedly is in store for them, they become docile victims, ready to believe anything, do anything, at the command of their deceitful superiors in the religious hierarchy. Fear and panic is at the very root of Christianity from its very inception and it has worked wonders on its gullible victims. The terrible weapon is fear — fear of an imaginary concept. That ugly concept is hell.

Christians Most Vicious. In no other religion has this imaginary but non-existent hell been built up to such an infuriating crescendo as in the Christian religion. True, the Romans had some vague concept of Hades. But it was only a dismal, shadowy place, without any mention of pain or torture. Judaism had its Gehennom or "Valley of Hennom," a place near Jerusalem, but it, too, was an insignificant concept to which nobody paid much attention. The Jews were too busy imploring their "Jehovah" to help destroy their enemies here on earth. The Mormons and the Mohammedans practically ignore the idea. But it was the Christians, at the suggestion of their Jewish tormentors, who went all out to develop the idea of hell to its utmost horrendous dimensions. It reached its height of frenzy during the Middle Ages, more aptly called the Dark Ages.

Dante's Inferno. More than six hundred years ago the Italian, Dante Alighier, wrote "The Inferno," as base and depraved a piece of literature as has ever been written. It was not even written in Latin but in the vernacular Italian, which in the early 1300's was nothing more than a vulgar corruption of Latin. I have read the English translation and find it a dull hodge-podge of incoherent phrases — except every now and then it comes up with vivid images of the excruciating pain and suffering of the hapless victims. Yet it has survived for over 600 years and been touted as one of the great pieces of literature of all time. Why?

Useful Tool to the Church. The reason is that it was extremely useful to the church in further impressing the superstitious and the gullible with the horrible fate that was in store for them if they did not toe the line. For that reason Dante's Inferno has been praised, publicized and applauded to the skies. It served the church well in its campaign to frighten, panic and stampede the gullible masses into its clutches, to harass them, to tyrannize them and extract the last penny from its bamboozled victims. It is for this reason that "Inferno" has survived as a "literary great," and not because this dull episode had any merit.

* * * * *

No Hell. When we contemplate the ghastly picture of hell from the foregoing description, we must remember that, fortunately, there is no hell. It is only an image, a fantasy, a concept, a hideous lie. The question is — who conjured and dreamed up such a macabre idea with which to torment and threaten not those in a non-existent after-life, but those living in the real world here on earth?

Invented by Jews. 'The answer goes back to those miserable enemies of the White Race who invented Christianity in the first place. Those miserable enemies of the White Race are that gang of Jewish scribblers who wrote the Jewish-Christian bible and then launched a massive propaganda campaign on the great Roman civilization in order to destroy that (White) Roman civilization and the great Roman race. It took the Jews approximately 400 years to do the job, but they were successful beyond their wildest dreams.

Suffering and Mental Anguish. We have already partially treated the hoax of Christianity in another chapter. In this chapter we are mainly interested in examining the perverted idea of hell, which could only come from sick and twisted minds. We want to point the finger at the culprits and examine the pain, suffering and mental anguish this Jewish concept has caused billions of our race over the last 2000 years. We also want to expose the fraudulent nature of this unholy concept and demolish it forever from the minds of mankind and from the face of the earth.

History's Biggest Swindle. We CREATORS believe this abominable "spooks in the sky" swindle has tormented the minds of the White Race for too long. It has needlessly caused untold suffering and mental anguish to its gullible victims. It has drastically diverted the course of history for the worse and delivered the destiny of the White Race into the slimy hands of the despicable and repugnant Jews.

Clear our Brains. Therefore we want to clear the White Man's brains of this odious trash so he can again think straight. We therefore want to further expose this gruesome story and hit it again and hit it hard. Let us examine the devil concept and its relationship to hell.
Old July 29th, 2007 #89
Mike Mazzone of Palatine
Join Date: Dec 2003
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And this one:

Fear and Terror as Christianity's Ultimate Weapon

Emotions Activate, Paralyze. There are certain human emotions that stir men into action. Among these are love, hate and anger. There are certain emotions that paralyze and incapacitate. The foremost among these are fear, panic and confusion.

Capitalize on Panic. In this chapter we want to focus on the phenomenon of fear and how the diabolical Jewish mind-manipulators have utilized this treacherous weapon to the hilt, have capitalized on this human frailty and used it as a powerful weapon to intimidate, to paralyze, to whip their victims into line in order to enslave them.

Fears: Real and Imaginary. Fears can be real, or they can be imaginary. A real fear is one that is based on a real and imminent threat of danger. For example, if a criminal who has broken into your house is holding a gun at your head threatening to kill you, your fear is based on reality. On the other hand, if you have a fear of a spook in the sky that no one has ever seen, heard, felt or smelt, then such fear in all likelihood is based on fantasy and is unreal.

Tool to Enslave. Real fears are a helpful protective device that Nature has built into most creatures as an aid in the eternal struggle for survival. Unreal fears are a form of psychosomatic sickness and are detrimental to the physical and mental health of its victims. They do more than unnecessarily make such people sick. They warp their personalities, paralyze their activities, and make them easy prey in submitting to the will of even weaker and inferior enemies. In short, fear can be and is a perfect tool with which a weaker adversary can enslave a stronger.

Most people's fears are imaginary. Most fears are unreal and unreasonable. The latter can be termed as phobias.

There are any number of unreal and unreaionable phobias with which different people are afflicted — fear of heights; claustrophobia; fear of snakes; fear of failure; fear of success; fear of rejection; fear of love; fear of disease (hypochondria); fear of going insane; fear of the future; and a thousand other fears, most of which are in part, or wholly, imaginary.

Fear of The Unknown. One of the oldest and most universal phobias that has afflicted mankind through the tens of thousands of years going back to the Stone Age is the fear of imaginary ghosts, fear of the Unseen. In his ignorant attempt to explain the Unknown, man inverted ghosts, spirits, demons and spooks by the thousands. All of them were attributed with supernatural powers, and most of them were deemed as hostile and malevolent. They were insanely feared, catered to, and endless attempts were made to placate them. It is this phobia, this fear of spooks in the sky (and elsewhere) that is the basis of practically all of history's endless religions.

Master Mind-Manipulators. Into this murky picture of fears, phobias and superstitions stepped the wily Jew, to aggravate and amplify existing fears and to capitalize on them to the hilt. These master mind-manipulators of all time harnessed the full potential of all such inherent fears and exploited those fears and phobias of other peoples in order to enslave them.

Hell — the Ultimate Threat. As their ultimate weapon they invented the ultimate horror concept of all time — the concept of hell — the concept of torturing and burning people's "souls" in a fiery pit in all eternity.

In the next chapter we want to examine this horrible concept further and if possible measure the misery and havoc it has wreaked on the gullible White Race, and, in fact, drastically altered the course of our once illustrious history.
Old July 29th, 2007 #90
Mike Mazzone of Palatine
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: With my awesome parents
Posts: 7,802

And this one.

Observations About the Devil and Hell

The opening verse of the Jewish bible flatly states "In the beginning God created heaven and earth."

The Devil and Hell not mentioned. Not mentioned in this garbled story of creation are two other factors that this lonesome ghost must also have created at the very beginning, two elements that loom disastrously large in the fate of mankind. We must presume that before the first day there was nothing — no "heaven," no earth, no light, no sun, no universe — just a lonesome spook floating aimlessly in a dark void, as he evidently had been from time eternal.

Both must have been Created even Before Man. But within a space of six days all hell broke loose and everything that exists was created by this lonesome ghost, and evidently according to this Jewish version this big event happened very recently — 4004 B.C. Not mentioned at the beginning but sneaked into the story much later in the book are the devil and a monstrous place called hell. We must presume that since "creation" was limited to those six days that these two monstrosities were also created in those same six days. The "serpent," which is a cover name for satan, the devil, lucifer, or any one of a dozen other names for the same concept, is already mentioned in the beginning of Chapter 3 of Genesis, in which the story about the seduction of Adam and Eve by the serpent is told. So we are to presume that on the first day Adam and Eve were placed in the garden, the lonesome spook had already created the devil, and presumably also hell.

Unanswered Questions. This raises a number of interesting questions that have never been satisfactorily answered in the Pollyanna version of the creation. No preacher has ever even attempted to give me a satisfactory explanation.

Endless Contradictions. Since we are told that this lonesome spook created all, since he was, is, and always will be in complete control, since his power is supreme, unlimited and unchallenged, since he never makes mistakes, since he knows everything forwards and backward, future present and past, since his "creation" therefore is merely a robot operating at his will, including us poor pawns, "his children," then how is it that so many inconsistencies and contradictions pop up in this wild and garbled story?

1. Why did he create the Devil and Hell in the first place even before he created people? Isn't it obvious that he planned from the very beginning to create billions of people so that he could send them into a fiery torture chamber and torture them endlessly for his own sadistic gratification? Since he is all-wise, all-powerful, knows all, he must have known what he wanted, what the end results would be long before he ever started this whole miserable torture program. Therefore we can come to only one conclusion: He planned it that way. He wanted it that way. He and the devil (his own creation) are playing a sadistic game of cat and mouse with us poor pawns as the victims, 99% of which are doomed to eternal torture in hell-fire.

Endless Doubletalk. If you ask any preacher to explain this obvious but major flaw in the whole ludicrous story of creation, he will usually give you an endless lecture of garbled doubletalk. Finally, you get so tired and bored that you soon begin to wish he would just plain shut up at any price, and let him off the hook.

2. Wrong Culprits. How can poor Adam and Eve be blamed for this mess, when they were no more and no less than what their "creator" had made them, with no backlog of experience and little or no understanding of what this whole stupid program was all about?

3. Didn't the lonesome spook send the serpent there deliberately to con them?

4. Didn't the serpent's suggestion of gaining knowledge, of becoming wise, of knowing the difference between good and evil make a lot more sense than just a straight directive of not eating said fruit?

5. Why did the lonesome spook put that tree out there in the first place, if not to entrap a poor, naive couple, who were only a day old as simple-minded as a new-born babe, who had no possible chance of knowing what it was all about?

6. Didn't the lonesome ghost plan to drive them out and vindictively punish them in the first place? Didn't he merely use the lame pretext of the tree as an excuse?

7. Why should eating an attractive fruit that supposedly opened their eyes and gave them knowledge be such a heinous crime that would drastically change the course of events from the very first day Adam and Eve were created?

8. Isn't it a grotesque miscarriage of justice to punish all succeeding generations, billions of people, for a silly, simple act of eating such fruit, especially when you consider they were conned into it by a very persuasive collaborator of the ghost in charge?

A Sadistic Sport. The obvious conclusions to all the above are that it was a rigged deal from beginning to end, that the human beings, hell and the devil were all created for the sport of sadistically watching people (created by a supposedly loving God) suffer in the agonies of eternal torture in hell fire.

This last item, hell, is of such overwhelming magnitude in the Christian religion, that we have already devoted two whole chapters to it, and the part it played in clubbing its gullible victims into panic and submission for the church.

It is strange indeed, that so important a subject as hell is not even mentioned in the story of creation.

* * * * *

Curious Parallel. There is a peculiar, even bizarre parallel in the God and the Devil relationship on the one hand and the relationship between the United States and Communism on the other. This latter relationship we have already gone into considerably in more detail in a previous chapter on "Russia, Israel and the United States."

Satan, Son of God. If we read the Book of Job in the Old Testament, an extraordinarily curious story presents itself that sheds light on the God and the Devil relationship. In Job 1:6 it says "Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan came also among them."

Christ and Satan Brothers. From this verse we can gather the following observations: (a) That God had a number of sons (b) Satan was one of his favorite sons (c) They had regular conferences, "Board of Directors" type of meetings (d) That their meetings were on a cordial basis. As the story unfolds we find further that (e) Satan was the star of the show, with the identity and activities of the other sons not-even mentioned (f) The existence of Jesus Christ (who in the New Testament "always was") as being a son is not mentioned (g) but if Satan and Christ are both sons of God, then they must be brothers, or at least half-brothers.

Sporting Game. As the story of the meeting unfolds we find the Lord cordially asking Satan to the effect "What have you been doing, my boy? to which Satan replies, "Oh, the usual, making my rounds on earth." Then they banter back and forth and decide to have a little sport between the two of them.

Job Set Up as the Patsy. The Lord brags to Satan, "Have you noticed what a perfect fellow is my servant Job? You would have a hard time corrupting him." Satan takes up the challenge.

Job had it made. For those who are not familiar with the story of Job, let me explain that Job at the start of this story was an extremely fortunate fellow. He had an excellent family of seven sons and three daughters. He had seven thousand sheep (the Jews have a proclivity for the number seven) three thousand camels, five hundred yoke of oxen, five hundred she-asses and a very great household, much land and "was the greatest of all men in the east." In short, he had it made and what's more he also loved the Lord.

Sporting Proposition. Continuing with the sporting conversation, Satan challenged the Lord with "Let's see how faithful Job would be if we stripped him of all his possessions and tortured him with plagues to the point of insanity." To which the Lord replied — "Good show, I'll give you a free hand to do your damnedest as you see fit." Which Satan did, in a most gruelling way.

Cordial Relationship. Without recapping the whole pointless story, I want to make these further observations (a) God and Satan evidently get together regularly on a cordial basis, and (b) they make a great sport out of torturing us earthlings.

The Parallel. Now for the parallel of the United States relationship with Russia and Communism that I mentioned earlier.

1. Instead of trying to do away with Satan and all evil, God evidently fathered Satan and makes it possible for Satan to carry on his nefarious activities. God, however, takes none of the blame, but puts all the blame on Satan. Similarly as I have already shown in the chapter on "Russia, Israel and the United States," Communism was financed, planned and programmed right here in the United States especially by the Jewish financial giants in New York. It has been continously supported and financed by the United States in the meantime.

2. Whereas God is supposed to be the epitome of virtue in opposition to the Satan being the epitome of evil, they are really working hand in glove. Similarly, whereas the United States is supposedly the greatest Democracy on earth, the bastion of freedom, etc., and desperately trying to stem the tide of evil emanating from Moscow and its communist satellites, actually they are working hand in glove, with the main direction and financing of communism stemming from the powerhouse of the United States itself.

3. Despite God supposedly being the supreme creator and in total charge, he seems to be continuously losing to Satan's wily ways with us poor mortals being the pawns that pay the supreme penalty — torture by hell fire. So, too, the United States, although (at least in 1945) being all powerful and supreme, is continuously losing throughout the world.

4. Like God and Satan, who should be fiercely hostile to each other, but actually are on the best of terms, so too, the United States and Russia are continuously carrying on friendly conferences with each other, toasting vodkas, and the United States repeatedly offering more and more aid and unwarranted concessions to its so-called enemy.

In Collusion, Not Enemies at all. There are half a dozen more similarities I could point out, but will decline in the interest of brevity. In conclusion let me make this vital observation: real enemies do not consort with each other, they seek to confront and wipe each other out. God has had ample opportunity to do so, but on the contrary has furnished his "son" the hell, the wherewithal, and the playground with which to indulge his satanic games. The United States at the end of World War II certainly had the wherewithal and every opportunity to destroy Communism and forever erase that threat from the face of the earth. Instead it supported, financed and pampered the Communist movement repeatedly as I have amply demonstrated in the chapter I mentioned.

The Jewish Hand in Both. In short, God's opposition to the Devil and the United States opposition to Communism are both phoney as hell. And there is a good explanation for this strange coincidence: both are authored and/or manipulated by the worldwide Jewish network. But now back to the "religious" aspect of this conspiracy, so that we can later assess the undermining effect it has had on the racial and political destruction of the White Race and the White Man's world.

* * * * *

Christianity Must Be Exposed. So let us proceed further in first of all exposing this ridiculous Jewish story known as Christianity, which I prefer to call the "spooks in the sky" swindle, the greatest swindle in history. Let us examine the physical terror, the horrible instruments of torture Christianity used as a means to bludgeon its way to power, physically, economically and politically. It is a gruesome story, but true. In the next chapter, as we unfold the untold horror, I want to remind the reader that I didn't invent these grim instruments of terror. I am merely reporting a horrible prolonged episode of history during more than 1300 years of the Dark Ages that no preacher would like to admit.
Old July 29th, 2007 #91
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Originally Posted by tuisto View Post
What do you mean?
Do you have to agree with other's in order to determine, if its part of the topic or not?
LLoyd really tried faithfully.
Did you read his long post?
I don't think so!
We are real and so is our reaction to what your posts represent.
Can you respect this?
Aren't you hiding in your ivory tower???
Nah, I don't hide in towers, I just thought it might be interesting to discuss what the thread started out as -

Basically, I don't bother with religious discussion - but, the history of the Church and Heather's news article as it relates to history seemed interesting - however, it's now become a new thread, belonging to Pastor V., Rev. Lloyd and a few others it seems

so have way at it....
Old July 29th, 2007 #92
Mike Mazzone of Palatine
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: With my awesome parents
Posts: 7,802

And this one.

The Curious Relationship Between Father, Son and the Devil

Must be Exposed. It should really not be necessary to spend so much time discrediting the "spooks in the sky" swindle, since even a cursory examination of the Jewish (and Christian) bible should convince even the most simple minded that the collection of weird stories contained therein are contradictory, wild, and completely unsubstantiated by the records of authentic history. They are, in short an affront to the intelligence of any thinking individual and shamefully compromise his or her intellectual integrity.

Must be Rooted Out. Yet so deeply ingrained is this Jewish fungus in the brain of the White Man and for so long has this dry rot persisted that it is a major operation to root it out.

Clear Thinking. Why is it necessary to root it out? Well, like any other swindle, until it is exposed, its victims cannot think straight. And since the victims run into the hundreds of millions, it is extremely important if we are ever going to build something honest, constructive and beneficial to the White Race that this swindle be thoroughly exposed and rooted out.

Fear of Spooks. History has adequately demonstrated that as long as people can be confused, kept in ignorance and in fear of the supernatural spooks in the sky and hell (which we have already examined rather thoroughly) they, the gullible yokels, can be easily enslaved and exploited. Tyrants, and none more so than the religious tyrants, have from time immemorial vigorously suppressed any honest criticism or even questioning of their most effective weapon — the spooks in the sky swindle. Even the enlightened Greeks forced Socrates, who was an honest and highly intelligent man, to drink his cup of hemlock because he taught the youth that the gods of the Hellenes were but myths.

Superstition Still Powerful. This suppression of logic, common sense and honest questioning of the spooks swindle is still highly powerful today. It may in some countries be more subtle, and in some of the highly Catholicised and backward countries as in South America, not so subtle. We CREATORS are highly concerned about this swindle because even some of our (potentially) finest White Racial Comrades are sorely afflicted with this fungus on the brain and are aiding and abetting our Jewish enemies. In order for all of us to survive we need the help of these victims as much as they need our help.

Must Clear the Debris First. Before we can build a beautiful and healthy society, we must clear the minds of our White brothers of this rubbish, just as slums, rotten material and debris must be cleared from the grounds of a building site before a sound and beautiful edifice can be built. Vermin and noxious weeds must be destroyed before fragrant flowers and nourishing fruits can be cultivated.

Unfortunately, we still have a woeful lot of weeding to do, and basically it concerns the ingrained idea that somehow, somewhere there still is this spook who did it all, to whom we owe it all. Since the idea of spooks, ghosts, gods, demons etc. has been around since prehistoric times, let us confine ourselves more to where the White Christian got his idea of this apparition and examine such hocus-pocus a little more closely.

* * * * *

From the Jews. The White Christian, of course, got his indoctrination from the Christian bible, which is combined with the Jewish bible, of which it is an offshoot. The Jews, who are the world's greatest scavengers and adapters, got their ideas from the Egyptians, Babylonians and other peoples on whose backs they had climbed and whom they had exploited.

A Contradictory Trinity. In the Christian bible the original Jewish Yahweb spawned into a Trinity, a three sided god — father, son and holy ghost, yet supposedly they are all a harmonious one. What we want to show in this chapter is that they are not a harmonious unity but a strange mishmash of contradictions, incongruity and ridiculous refutations of their most cherished claims — that the Christian god is a god of love.

Characteristics of the Father. Let us first look at the father — the Jewish Yahweh as portrayed in the Old Testament. Here we find a strange conglomerate of a creature.

1. He is wildly infatuated with the offspring of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, namely the Jews. This should, in anybody's judgment, make him extremely bigoted and a fanatic racist. As we have already described in NATURE'S ETERNAL RELIGION, this all-wise god could hardly have made a worse choice of characters. I doubt seriously whether there ever were any such characters as Abraham, Isaac or Jacob, and it mystifies me why the Jews would choose such despicable and repugnant reprobates, whore mongers, pimps and swindlers as they themselves portray them to be. It is strange indeed that they would choose such unheroic criminals to be the mythical progenators of their race. It is even more strange that a supposedly all-wise, all-knowing god would shower such gushy admiration and favoritism on such lice. And most strange of all is the idiotic choice of the illustrious White Race to choose such a stupid and bigoted god as their god. Which reminds me of the jingle:

How odd of God to choose the Jews.
But it is still more odd
For those who hate the Jews
To choose the Jewish God.
Yes, strange indeed. Extremely stupid, too.

2. The Jewish Yahweh is a fiery god of Wrath and Vengeance. He is (according to the Old Testament story) a tribal war-god whom Moses stumbled upon in a burning bush, who promised to deliver to his "Chosen" criminals and descendants the land of Canaan at the expense of the native population that had built the existing civilization, towns, cities and farms. That this would entail endless inhuman butcheries, treachery, deceit, misery and murder seemed of no consequence to this "righteous" Yahweh.

The Jewish Old Testament is replete with all kinds of crimes, pornography, treacheries, lying, deception, murder and every other crime in the book, and practically all of them are performed by either "God's Chosen," or the "loving," "righteous," "all knowing" Yahweh himself. One of the biggest mass murders in all history is supposedly executed by this "perfect" god when, in a fit of anger, he drowned every living man, woman and child, not to mention the birds and the beasts. The only exception was the drunken sot of a Noah (again a lousy choice) and his immediate family.

3. This Yahweh was an extremely jealous god. This is confirmed again and again by supposed quotations from his own mouth and I need hardly bother repeating these.

4. He was also extremely proud, vain glorious and conceited, the very attributes we poor mortals are admonished to abhor because they are so sinful. In fact, to read the Jewish bible it would seem the main reason he created "mankind" was so he could have a vast stable of jabbering idiots at his feet "praising God into all eternity." How much more conceited can you get?

5. He is a vindictive god and advocated to his "chosen people" the principle of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, and exhorted them when capturing a city to kill every living thing that breathes.

6. There are dozens of other attributes that he was endowed with, hardly any of them admirable. For example he was extremely cruel on dozens of occasions, such as the story of Job, slaying Judah's sons, drowning all the peoples of the world, etc. He was tricky. He had Abraham on the verge of plunging the knife into his son Isaac, and at the last second tells him it's all a joke, I was only testing. (Some joke!) He was adulterous. He impregnated Mary, a married woman. He was pornographic. The Old Testament is just full of pornographic stories, such as David garnering foreskins from the slain Philistines as a dowery to present to King Saul for the hand of his daughter. He is treacherous, he broke any number of promises, he lied and did any number of other reprehensible things. If you would like a thorough documentation of all these attributes I have a book called "The Bible Handbook" dated 1888, which lists, quotation after quotation all these charges, crimes, idiocies and what have you. I personally don't want to take that much space in this book to list them all.

* * * * *

Compared to The Father. Now we come to the son, who is repudiated by "God's Chosen", but is the hero of the Christians and epitomizes all that is supposedly good, great and perfect. Let us see how he compares to his "Father."

1. In contrast to Yahweb, who is all fire and fury, blood and vengeance, we find the son preaching a totally different concept ("a new law I give you"). He says in effect the old man was all wrong. Don't wreak vengeance on your enemies. Instead love your enemies, turn the other cheek, sell all thou hast and give it to the poor, and do good to them that despise you. This, of course, was obviously aimed at the Gentiles, to emasculate them and turn them into blithering idiots, naked and defenseless before their enemies.

2. He was half god, half man, having been born of a (Jewish, of course) woman.

3. Instead of being wild about the Jews like his father (in heaven) he cursed the Jews and told them "Ye are sons of the devil" and called them vipers and other nasty names.

4. He loved the "meek" and the "poor in spirit" and blessed them, rather than like his old man, being infatuated with powerful kings and murderers like David and Solomon.

5. He was an unemployed, wandering vagabond never holding down any constructive job, never marrying or raising a family, or doing anything constructive that a good solid citizen and family man would be expected to do.

6. In short, he was a strange contrast to his supposed father (in heaven, not Joseph) and he brashly repudiated just about everything his old man had preached in the Old Testament.

* * * * *

Doubletalk, Triple Talk. Now we come to the third peculiarity of this Jew-concocted story, namely that the father and son were really one, and the son had really existed in all eternity. Both of them had. Well, somehow the Holy Ghost is also in the picture and the three of them, really, had existed in all eternity and were all one. They were, in fact, the Holy Trinity, but they were all one at the same time, if you can follow.

Peculiar Arrangement. This raises a number of peculiar questions. Was the son the father of himself?. Or perhaps, the father the son of the son? Or, — —? Furthermore, since Mary appeared relatively late in the story, how could he be her son when he had already existed billions of years before she was ever born?

Designed for the Gullible. Don't ask me for the answers to this silly story. I didn't write it. All I can do is remind you that the Yahweh and son story was concocted by a gang of Jewish scribblers who found millions of gullible yokels to believe their cock-and-bull story.

* * * * *

Comes the Devil. Now we come to the fourth curious aspect of this peculiar cock-and-bull episode and that is the role the devil plays in this weird and wild story. He is also known as Satan, Lucifer and by a dozen other names.

Sneaky Entrance. The Old Testament is somewhat sneaky in that it doesn't exactly tell us when the lonesome spook created hell (as we mentioned before) nor when, or under what circumstances the devil was created. Evidently he was created quite early in the story since he appeared on the scene when Adam and Eve were let loose in the garden. He was already there to beguile and mislead them. Somewhere it mentions that god created him as a beautiful angel and that he became jealous of god and fell from grace, or so the preachers lamely try to explain.

Preachers get Flabbergasted. In any event, all this poses a strange set of circumstances and questions that need answering. In fact, it is this business about the devil that gets preachers most confused, tongue tied (would you believe?) and flabbergasted when I ask them to answer some obvious questions and come up with sensible answers. Even to these glib and gullible spook peddlers, the peculiar position of the devil in this odd arrangement is too much to explain when questioned in the clear light of logic.

Some of these questions are:

1. Since god is all-powerful, all-wise, all-knowing, never makes a mistake, then how is it the devil is there in the first place to aggravate him, to oppose him, and to thwart god's (and Christ's) ardent desire to save us all from hell?

2. Did god make another blooper?

3. Didn't he know ahead of time the devil was going to aggravate the hell out of him?

4. Since god created everything, didn't he also create the devil?

5. How come the devil is overwhelmingly winning the game of cat and mouse, with us poor mortals as the pawns?

6. If god did indeed make a mistake, why doesn't he just simply kill the devil and end all this business of evil and billions of people going to hell? After all he didn't hesitate to drown all the poor humans when they aggravated him. Nor did he hesitate to have his son nailed to the cross. Why is he so tolerant of the devil?

7. Doesn't he have the power to do so? If not, then he isn't all powerful, is he?

8. Could it be god knew exactly what he was doing? He created the devil, he created hell, and the two are in cahoots to railroad billions and billions of human beings into eternal torture. How do you explain this?

9. Could the devil stay alive and in business for five seconds without god's collaboration and blessing?

10. Is god really a super-sadist who wants all these human beings in hell to be tortured and is only using the devil as a scapegoat?

A tricky mechanism used to control and exploit. What do you think? Or could it be this whole Jewish episode is nothing more than a stupid cock-and-bull story designed to scare the hell out of gullible victims so they can get control of their minds, their money, manipulate them, fleece and exploit them?

If you ask me, that is what it's all about. That is the way it was designed to be and that is the way it has worked for 2000 years.

It is the goal of the Church of Creativity to expose this treacherous swindle, and extricate the White Race from it. We want to help the White Race to straighten out its thinking and come back to its senses. This, when it happens, I would call a Real Salvation and Redemption of the White Race.
Old July 29th, 2007 #93
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Originally Posted by Mike Mazzone of Palatine View Post
The Holy Books of Creativity are incredibly powerful. The kike fears the Creativity religion so much, Judge Lefkow ordered the books to be destroyed.
Thank you, Mike!

You'll love this chapter as well:
Hell — The Ultimate Horror Concept of a Depraved Mentality
The "Hell" story is something whose source many don't even know.

In one of the Grimms Maerchen Frau Holle (hell) is an older lady, who rewards
the two girls, that are judged according to their deeds:

the conscientious girl, always aware and concerned about the happiness and well being of others, will be rewarded with (an aura of ) gold, but the lazy girl will receive bitumen (tar) instead.

I personally wish for Heather who is, (at least concerning her reputation points) on her way to represent the lucky first girl, to never forget to care for the bread,
when it's time to take it out of the oven, and for the apples, when ripe to be
Old July 29th, 2007 #94
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Default The mark of the beast

A world of mixed blood people is, indeed, a poison garbage heap. The Bible calls it the mark of the beast. God warns the white people to not have the mark of the beast. Not by blood or by beliefs.

The gullible white man seems to think the Jews are human like us. They are not. They are savage, vicious and cunning beasts and allowing them to fill our minds with their poison is the mark of the beast. Polluting the blood of our children is the mark of the beast.

Indeed, the Jews have poisoned much of Christian doctrine, but not Christianity itself. It is still pure and fine and honest. Christ was truth in the flesh. Christianity cannot be Christianity without truth. Truth is the essence of the Christian faith. Truth is what drew the white man. That is why Christianity is the white man's faith. It lives as long as the white race lives. If the White Race dies, truth dies with us and true Christianity dies. A prostitute Christian, a superstitious Christianity is not Christianity but a dead religion.

But remember this...Christ said the gates of hell would not prevail against His Church.
The birth of every white baby is the First Born of the next generation.
"Segregation did not exist to hold back other races. It existed to protect us from them." D. Roof
Old July 29th, 2007 #95
Mike Mazzone of Palatine
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Christ said the gates of hell would not prevail against His Church.
Did you hear about the pope saying that the Catholic church is the only real Christian church?

Pope: Other denominations not true churches
Benedict issues statement asserting that Jesus established ‘only one church’

MSNBC News Services
Updated: 7:52 a.m. CT July 10, 2007

LORENZAGO DI CADORE, Italy - Pope Benedict XVI has reasserted the universal primacy of the Roman Catholic Church, approving a document released Tuesday that says Orthodox churches were defective and that other Christian denominations were not true churches.

Benedict approved a document from his old offices at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith that restates church teaching on relations with other Christians. It was the second time in a week the pope has corrected what he says are erroneous interpretations of the Second Vatican Council, the 1962-65 meetings that modernized the church.

On Saturday, Benedict revisited another key aspect of Vatican II by reviving the old Latin Mass. Traditional Catholics cheered the move, but more liberal ones called it a step back from Vatican II.

Benedict, who attended Vatican II as a young theologian, has long complained about what he considers the erroneous interpretation of the council by liberals, saying it was not a break from the past but rather a renewal of church tradition.

In the latest document — formulated as five questions and answers — the Vatican seeks to set the record straight on Vatican II’s ecumenical intent, saying some contemporary theological interpretation had been “erroneous or ambiguous” and had prompted confusion and doubt.

It restates key sections of a 2000 document the pope wrote when he was prefect of the congregation, “Dominus Iesus,” which set off a firestorm of criticism among Protestant and other Christian denominations because it said they were not true churches but merely ecclesial communities and therefore did not have the “means of salvation.”

In the new document and an accompanying commentary, which were released as the pope vacations here in Italy’s Dolomite mountains, the Vatican repeated that position.

“Christ ‘established here on earth’ only one church,” the document said. The other communities “cannot be called ‘churches’ in the proper sense” because they do not have apostolic succession — the ability to trace their bishops back to Christ’s original apostles.

‘Identity of the Catholic faith’
The Rev. Sara MacVane of the Anglican Centre in Rome, said there was nothing new in the document.

“I don’t know what motivated it at this time,” she said. “But it’s important always to point out that there’s the official position and there’s the huge amount of friendship and fellowship and worshipping together that goes on at all levels, certainly between Anglican and Catholics and all the other groups and Catholics.”

The document said Orthodox churches were indeed “churches” because they have apostolic succession and that they enjoyed “many elements of sanctification and of truth.” But it said they lack something because they do not recognize the primacy of the pope — a defect, or a “wound” that harmed them, it said.

“This is obviously not compatible with the doctrine of primacy which, according to the Catholic faith, is an ‘internal constitutive principle’ of the very existence of a particular church,” the commentary said.

Despite the harsh tone of the document, it stresses that Benedict remains committed to ecumenical dialogue.

“However, if such dialogue is to be truly constructive, it must involve not just the mutual openness of the participants but also fidelity to the identity of the Catholic faith,” the commentary said.

‘Not backtracking on ecumenical commitment’
The document, signed by the congregation prefect, U.S. Cardinal William Levada, was approved by Benedict on June 29, the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul — a major ecumenical feast day.

There was no indication about why the pope felt it necessary to release the document, particularly since his 2000 document summed up the same principles. Some analysts suggested it could be a question of internal church politics, or that it could simply be an indication of Benedict using his office as pope to again stress key doctrinal issues from his time at the congregation.

Father Augustine Di Noia, undersecretary for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, said the document did not alter the commitment for ecumenical dialogue, but aimed to assert Catholic identity in those talks.

“The Church is not backtracking on ecumenical commitment,” Di Noia told Vatican radio.

“But, as you know, it is fundamental to any kind of dialogue that the participants are clear about their own identity. That is, dialogue cannot be an occasion to accommodate or soften what you actually understand yourself to be.”

© 2007 MSNBC Interactive
Old July 29th, 2007 #96
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Heather, are you talking to one of us?
Do you care more for YOUR "truth" than for deeds?

If the White Race dies, truth dies with us and true Christianity dies. A prostitute Christian, a superstitious Christianity is not Christianity but a dead religion.
Heather, is that written somewhere? A dogma ore something?
Or is it simply your opinion?
Scary, considering the actuel victory of lies amongst the "WHITE RACE", isn't it?

But remember this...Christ said the gates of hell would not prevail against His Church.
Did he tell you that personally ?
Old July 29th, 2007 #97
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Originally Posted by tuisto View Post
Did he tell you that personally ?
Idk - does your god talk to you personally?
Old July 29th, 2007 #98
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Originally Posted by EireannGoddess View Post
Idk - does your god talk to you personally?
Is that supposed to be funny?

I know, that god talks to president Bush personally.
The closest I got to god (someone in authority) was, when I talked to president Chirac.

But you imagine someone: "he said she said" dog and want us to believe,
that those "he said she said" stories are the only and absolute "TRUTH"?

Without your believe there would never be a holocaust remembrance day!
Do you understand that???
Old July 29th, 2007 #99
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Originally Posted by tuisto View Post
Is that supposed to be funny?

But you imagine someone: "he said she said" dog and want us to believe,
that those he said she said stories are the only and absolute "TRUTH"
Perhaps, but, you see, the posts of Creationists etal do have that air of the self same 'truth' you've mentioned.
Old July 29th, 2007 #100
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Originally Posted by EireannGoddess View Post
Perhaps, but, you see, the posts of Creationists etal do have that air of the self same 'truth' you've mentioned.

Do they really?
I just find it refreshingly bold and honest.
A dangerous thing indeed in our times of hypocrisy

The Jesus you admire, would be as bold and honest, if he'd be alive.


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