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Old October 8th, 2009 #1
Alex Linder
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Default SpiritWaterBlood - Christian Kinists Against Atheist WN

[This is certainly one of the top five blogs out there for pure quality of writing, humor, and all around editorial goodness. That said, SWB is Christian, and while it laments anti-White practices of most of the modern church, it also attacks good old-fashioned evidence-based WNism. It turns out, you see, everybody needs a savior. I didn't think I did, but WSB says I do. WSB also says that pride is worse than humility, and that the road of fighting back will lead to...bloodshed. You're only able to do acts of great heroism if you're a Jeboo fan, we are instructed. There's a least one obvious factual mistake in what WSB says, which is a point that I have never been able to get the Jesus clowns to address, and that is the fact that the birthrate in Nazi Germany was considerably higher than in Jewish Germany (Weimar) or Christian Germany. If NS is a philosophy of death, and Christianity of life, why, then, were NS German women so likely to breed? The Christian fool says that pride goeth before a fall, but the intelligent White man observes that pride goeth before a rise, too. The danger is not in pride but in failing to check one's ideas against reality, lest one be led dangerously astray.]

St. Boniface Versus Thor’s Sacred Oak Tree

Wed, Oct 7, 2009


Eddy Morrison of the National Front has written the Eight Principles of White Nationalism. Much of it is very agreeable, and while we do identify as White Nationalists, it is necessary to point out that Kinists disagree vehemently with these two points:

Our race comes above all.

We have a philosophy that teaches that we are but another link in the gradual evolution of man towards a higher state.

(I don’t really understand point 7, so I’ll leave it alone.)

Nietzsche believed that the Bible promotes a slave mentality that Christians adopted from Jews, and it was this slave mentality that caused them to emasculate themselves. He was woefully ignorant of actual Christian history, but he was half-right, and dangerously half-wrong. The Word of God teaches us to serve one another, and it was steady service and self-sacrifice throughout our generations that produced what we know as the West. All the wealth being squandered even today is embezzled from that account. Foolish, neo-pagan racialists are attempting to replace the one true faith of the West with Nietzsche’s false, man-made faith, and if they are ever successful, they will certainly not end up with anything that resembles our civilization. One does not feed widows and orphans with a man-centered faith that is a phony excuse for selfish gene propagation, and which, on the rare occasions when it has progressed beyond the level of theory and become a foundational principle, has been responsible for some of the greatest bloodshed the world has ever known. Statism and national socialism will always be the result of this false faith. It will once again place our race at death’s door, because white nations will slaughter each other in exercise of their “masculine” religion. But the Lord Jesus Christ showed us true masculinity, offering Himself up as the sacrificial Lamb for the sins of His people. Neo-pagans are ignorant of what Christ, the apostles, and prophets actually taught and did (thus the need for Kinists), yet they ask me to reject my Savior; the Savior of my wife, the Savior of my children, the Savior of my grandchildren, the Savior of my people.

For example, Anthony Hilton, writing in TOQ unfortch, considers Christianity to be “fundamentally a malevolent Jewish stratagem for emasculating goyim.” He asks: “Why in the world would any sane person value, desire, or want to emulate what Christ recommended?” He recommends a new Golden Rule: “He who has the gold makes the rules.” Never fear! Hilton is allowing us to “keep the harmless features of Christianity.” What a relief. The Occidental Press is now pushing the stupid, ahistorical, and blasphemous idea that pride is better than humility, might makes right, and ruthlessness is better than servanthood. Since the people of Europa will not live without religion (curse them), the best Darwinists and Nietzcheans among us need to get together for a weekend with some kegs of Heineken and “develop a religious alternative to Christianity.” Since every religion needs rituals, the new Hilton religion will look to paganism and Druidism in order to “be more consistent with scientific knowledge” yet exude a “hopeful, optimistic view of life.” Yes, whenever I think of human sacrifice in wicker men, reincarnation, and mistletoe promoting fertility, the first word that comes to mind is Science. And though the sorcerers, astrologers, and philosophers who were the proto-Druids in Pharaoh’s court were utterly powerless against God’s messenger, Moses, I’m sure they were vibrant members of the local community. They might have even founded a glee club.

A slogan recently seen on a T-shirt, “Fighting Solves Everything,” may be an oversimplification. But the attitude is a good one. Inculcate it in your children.

Hilton is confident that the West can be saved with this fabulous new t-shirt religion once a team of evolutionary psychologists makes the case “that our values and morals” have “evolved biologically. Actually, David Hume pretty much figured this out back in the eighteenth century.” This will be so much more effective than Jesus Christ taking upon His innocent body the sins that would damn us all to hell. Jesus only did this because He knew nothing of eighteenth-century philosophy. If Hume had been around to explain to Him that morals evolve over time, He would have realized that there are no sins; there are only depressed genes. So turn that frown upside down, Gene!

I’m tempted to laugh at this nonsense, but there are many in the pro-white crowd who take it seriously. Mankind has been down the same prideful road countless times, and some people never learn. It will all come to nothing, not only because this is what it deserves, but because we already know the Way, the Truth, and the Life. The sheep follow the Shepherd. They will not follow a stranger. When St. Patrick banished animal sacrifices to demons and rid Ireland of the polytheism and animism that held our people in bondage, the dog did not return to its vomit.

Until Christ came, no one had ever opened the eyes of a man born blind or raised the dead to life. As Paul reminded Agrippa, these things were not done in a corner. Hilton must think that ancient paganism was swept from Europe on a wave of new superstition that replaced the old, but he is not above returning to the old superstition as long as it serves his purpose in disposing of the new superstition, which he perceives as emasculating. Here is where we encounter the curiosity of fallible men of finite intelligence, limited to natural dimensions, arrogantly dismissing that which supercedes their senses. They understand neither what the Bible actually says nor how the gospel of redemption utterly transformed Europe, from the small to the great; but these neo-Druids, these learned sages, are going to lead us into a new dawn of liberty with nothing more than the golden calf of the Caucasian Gene.

We are Kinists. We are not neo-pagans. Make sure you understand the difference. If there is no such thing as sin and damnation, nor of election and eternal reward, then the white race is an accident, love is a viral infection, truth is relative, beauty is an island of proportionality in a sea of chaos, logic is no more meaningful than a 5 a.m. dream, and purpose is a phantom. Richard Dawkins says it requires courage to face these facts, even though courage itself is meaningless if Dawkins is correct. But if, for the sake of argument, it is true that we are crawling like bugs on the surface of an accidental ball of cosmic dust, and that which is “good” is that which fills our bellies, it must require mental retardation to be a white nationalist. The old Christian Europeans understood very well the reasons why they had to survive, and the story of their redemption is a constant theme running through the best music, art, poetry, architecture, and scientific advances the world has ever known. Bach honored his Savior through his music, and he was not emasculated in the slightest. Charles Martel’s purpose for living was not merely to rescue European genes. It was to rescue Christendom and civilization. He was the crucial supporter and protector of St. Boniface, the apostle of the Germans. And with Boniface, German idolatry fell.

Heroes like Charles Martel are not produced by atheism and skepticism. Instead, these ideologies produce terrorists like Joseph Stalin. Anyone who thinks the West is in need of another 20th-century-sized dose of atheist philosophy is in serious need of a cranial-rectal extraction. Any organization that professes to aid the West by foisting such bullshit upon it should close its doors and its website for the betterment of mankind.

Next time I’ll tell you what I really think.

If pagans, atheists, libertarians, and other failed ideologues want to be taken seriously, all they need to do is show us one example of a society that has been formed on these principles and has thrived, has encouraged childbirth, has cared for the poor, has improved education, has built wealth, and has done all the other things that numerous Christian societies have done. They are disingenuous when they speak affectionately of “religion,” for they don’t believe in anything beyond the material. It is all for the sake of expediency. Here is the real question that Anthony Hilton and other neo-pagans need to answer for a curious public: If you lie about religion, why should anyone trust what you say about race?


A friend passes along this definition of racism from the Fourth Assembly of the World Council of Churches, 1968:

By racism we mean ethnocentric pride in one’s own racial group and preference for the distinctive characteristics of that group; belief that these characteristics are fundamentally biological in nature and are thus transmitted to succeeding generations; strong negative feelings towards other groups who do not share these characteristics coupled with the thrust to discriminate against and exclude the out group from full participation in the life of the community… By white racism we mean the unconscious belief in the inherent superiority of persons of Euro-ancestry…which entitles all white people to a position of dominance and privilege, coupled with the belief in the innate inferiority of all darker peoples, especially those of African ancestry, which justifies their subordination and exploitation.

In 1991, the WCC declared that “racism, one of the most dreadful of human sins, is incompatible with the gospel of Jesus Christ.”

A number of things can be said about this. First, notice the first line in the definition, about pride (more properly regard and affection) and preference for one’s own. This alone is sufficient to be condemned as “one of the most dreadful of human sins,” even though it accurately describes the instincts of almost every person on earth, in all places and times. The parts about “inherent superiority” and “innate inferiority” are left undefined, as usual, and so responding to the accusations is designed to be futile. We will only say that this is nonsense. There is no such thing as a “superior gene” or an “inferior gene,” as even Dr. Rushton will tell you. This is like saying that the sun is superior to the moon. There is certainly a difference in heat, light, and size, but the purpose of the sun makes the purpose of the moon no less important. The WCC is really opposed to the concept of difference.

Our friend very astutely observes that if racism is an “unconscious belief” then denial of racism is actually proof of racism.

And here is a question to ponder: What other “unconscious” beliefs could be among “the most dreadful of human sins”? I always thought that rape and murder were two of the most dreadful sins imaginable, but those don’t qualify because rapists and murderers are quite conscious of their actions. And yes, they are actions, not merely beliefs. Are there really beliefs that are as horrendous? And how could anything be called a “belief” if it is held unconsciously? Wouldn’t that be more like an instinct? I realize that these are racist questions that only a racist engorged on racism would ask, but if you think I’m bad, you should hear my Auntie Semmitt.

The WCC’s solution for ridding the world of this stealthy cancer of the mind is to “support resistance movements, including revolutions, which are aimed at the elimination of political or economic tyranny which makes racism possible.” Fidel Castro just called and is threatening to sue the WCC for copyright infringement.

Tim Harris asks Ken Ham why a distinction between superior and inferior must “entail hatred or a desire for genocide.”

…[T]he desire for racial separation does not necessarily imply a sense of racial superiority, any more than separating squabbling children… Think: let it be that the Aryan is inferior to the other races. Fine: now can we have our own country? Indeed, if there is any legitimacy to desiring to see one’s tribe continue qua tribe into the future, then the desire for separation would only become stronger when said tribe is mingled with a superior and dominating rival tribe.

Ham’s “meme-planting intent…is clear: if you want to live where you can raise your children far away from Negroes, then you are equivalent to a Nazi, acting like Hitler.”

Superiority versus inferiority has never been the issue when hostile and deleterious races have been expelled from any country down through history. Do you think Ferdinand and Isabella took a moment to wonder whether Jews and Muslims are human or sub-human? Of course not. It was their job to protect their people. Do you think a divergent evolutionary path was a criteria for Eisenhower’s Operation Wetback? Ridiculous.

If [Hitler] had heard that the Slavs regarded their race as superior, I suspect [he] would have taken that with bemused humor. He would not have cared if you did not agree that the Aryan was superior. Indeed, he would probably respect you more if you held a similar view of your own race. Think of C.S. Lewis’ friends observing that the men of every nation believe their own women the most beautiful, when one of the old ones murmured, “Yes…but in our case, it is true.”

The question of Jewish genetic advancement would not have changed Hitler’s intent. But Ken Ham, like the rest of the lying preachers out there who babble endlessly about things they don’t understand, tells lies in order to sell books. It doesn’t even take much thought or effort to whip the sheep into a panic by chanting the Hitler-Nazi-holocaust refrain. It is what Tim calls a “cheap rhetorical trick.”

The point is, that Ham’s pulling of the H-card is confused and probably exploitative of current political shibboleths; it cannot be marshaled to his thesis about evolution, or even race… The Hitler treated by the Hamites is actually just a cartoon character created by Hollywood… It is a stock character, to be dragged out on demand from the back-stage closet, like “the Mummy” or “the Vampire”…

One gets the feeling that Ham never tests his premises by the free variation of imagination. After a while, one starts to wonder if he is just a cliché-monger, not a thinker at all… A Christian should be doubly careful to be fair and just in his treatment of his enemies, knowing the proneness of human nature to self-deception… This is a very serious matter. If people claiming to be Christians continue to do it after being corrected, the credibility of their profession will eventually need to be questioned.

You must read it. Tim scores again. “Cliché-monger” is the absolute perfect word to describe Ken Ham.

[the above is studded with links]
Old October 8th, 2009 #2
Alex Linder
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[What is this proclivity Christians have for lying? I have never understood it.]

The Christian claims:

One does not feed widows and orphans with a man-centered faith that is a phony excuse for selfish gene propagation

Here's a picture of the NS's Winterhilfe (winter-help) in action:

Old October 8th, 2009 #3
Alex Linder
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Bless my soul, I believe the evil atheist NS are feeding little kids. How can they do that? Don't they know they are selfish geneist bloodshedders?
Old October 8th, 2009 #4
Alex Linder
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SWB's arguments are the same old Christian bragging/lying: No one ever breathed until Christianity. No one ever invented anything. No one ever thought. No one ever cooked food. No one ever was nice to his neighbor, looked after his kids, fought to defend his community - no one ever did anything good until Christianity appeared.

It ain't true.

You can take this to the blood bank:

What's good in Christianity ain't new, and what's new in Christianity ain't good.

Note too that poof! go the Greeks, if you listen to the Christian bigot. They're in the garbage can. You're only a Westerner if you believe in composite Jesus.

What's not Western is believing in things because you want to rather than because they're true - that's something the lowest nigger animist can boast. What's Western is grasping there are objective laws beyond our feelings or impressions. Christianity is not an advance, it is a retreat.
Old October 8th, 2009 #5
Alex Linder
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It will once again place our race at death’s door, because white nations will slaughter each other in exercise of their “masculine” religion.

Ain't Christian illogic a wonderful thing? It's like Hillary's stock trades - she's assigned the winners, and some unsuspecting sap the losers. White nations fought all through the last 2,000 years, but the writer doesn't attribute that to their Christianity. The Thirty Years War was fought between sects of 'booism, and some say it slaughtered 25% of Germany. Germany only lost 10% of its population in WWII. As for WWI, those were all good little 'boo-huggers racing off to machine gun one another.

Christianity is reality with the net down. Nothing is falsifiable, anything can be ascribed to whatever you feel. Christ and his goobermongers get credit for everything good, evil racists or communists or scientists get discredit for all the bad.

You can take this too to the blood bank:

Reality exists. Composite Jesus does not.
Old October 8th, 2009 #6
Alex Linder
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The Christians are like the commies in their anger that their religion never trumps race, at least when it comes to fighting.

Race is infinitely deeper and more meaningful than religion, which is never anything but a transient mood, which blows over like weather the minute reality intrudes.
Old October 8th, 2009 #7
Alex Linder
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Neo-pagans are ignorant of what Christ, the apostles, and prophets actually taught and did (thus the need for Kinists), yet they ask me to reject my Savior; the Savior of my wife, the Savior of my children, the Savior of my grandchildren, the Savior of my people.

Right. Reject what 99% of Christians say and go with kinists. They're the real Christians. What a mug's game.

Some of us went to Sunday school for 20 years, and we knew from day one the stuff in the Bible is horseshit. It appeals to old women and fools, and you can bet every last penny you own that the man who relies on Christian fantasies to supply him ultimate meanings will abandon you in the clutch because in the end, after all is said and done, he's a weak, pathetic, sinful loser and all responsibility belongs to god. See ya!

"...the Savior" - why do you need a savior? You don't.

"...the Savior of my people." Speak for yourself, buddy. Whites don't need jew Jeboo, he has nothing to do with us, and in any case our most learned scholars agree that HE DIDN'T EVEN EXIST.
Old October 8th, 2009 #8
Alex Linder
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Note the contradiction in the 'booist's claims:

1. WN/NS is "a man-centered faith that is a phony excuse for selfish gene propagation"

Then he turns around and says (even though it is demonstrably false):

2. "If pagans, atheists, libertarians, and other failed ideologues want to be taken seriously, all they need to do is show us one example of a society that has been formed on these principles and has thrived, has encouraged childbirth"

NS Germany had higher birthrates, and placed more value on motherhood, than Christian or Jewish Germany.

As for the rest of the claim, one can point to any white society that ever existed, plus Japan. Race, if not the real thing, is a far better proxy for desirable culture/behavior than Christian.
Old October 8th, 2009 #9
Alex Linder
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arrogantly dismissing that which supercedes their senses

the word is supersedes, hoss

But you, the 'booist, know that which can't be perceived is there because...some kike wrote it in a book.
Old October 8th, 2009 #10
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In my experience religious people are more self centered, rude, nasty, hypocritical and just undesirable people of low moral character in general.

I think it's because of the fact they believe no matter what their transgression, they can be forgiven and the slate wiped clean if they feign repentance. Yet, at the same time, religious people are less likely to forgive wrong doings directed towards them by others.

Whereas non believers know their actions have consequences and will affect their lives in a negative way, and are more likely to forgive wrongs done to them.
Old October 8th, 2009 #11
Rick Ronsavelle
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The desire to submit to authority is the same as the desire to be the authority.

"You must obey G-d" means "You must suck my cock." Projection 1A.

I heard about some folks who used the Christian Yellow Pages. They got ripped-off so much that they turned to non-believers. More honesty and better service ensued.
Old October 8th, 2009 #12
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Originally Posted by Alex Linder View Post
The Christians are like the commies in their anger that their religion never trumps race, at least when it comes to fighting.

Race is infinitely deeper and more meaningful than religion, which is never anything but a transient mood, which blows over like weather the minute reality intrudes.
I got into an argument with a few Christians over on Hal Turner's site a few years back, and I found out why their religion trumps race. You see, if you read the bible and it doesn't make sense that is because you don't have a holy spirit, and that means you aren't pure Israelite (Anglo-Saxon).
Old October 8th, 2009 #13
Steve B
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Originally Posted by Alex Linder View Post
SWB's arguments are the same old Christian bragging/lying: No one ever breathed until Christianity. No one ever invented anything. No one ever thought. No one ever cooked food. No one ever was nice to his neighbor, looked after his kids, fought to defend his community - no one ever did anything good until Christianity appeared.

It ain't true.

You can take this to the blood bank:

What's good in Christianity ain't new, and what's new in Christianity ain't good.

Note too that poof! go the Greeks, if you listen to the Christian bigot. They're in the garbage can. You're only a Westerner if you believe in composite Jesus.

What's not Western is believing in things because you want to rather than because they're true - that's something the lowest nigger animist can boast. What's Western is grasping there are objective laws beyond our feelings or impressions. Christianity is not an advance, it is a retreat.
There are numerous examples throughout history where Whites lived, prospered and enjoyed much niceness without the xtian yoke. One being the reign of the "5 good emperors" of ancient Rome.

"In the second century of the Christian Era, the empire of Rome comprehended the fairest part of the earth, and the most civilized portion of mankind. The frontiers of that extensive monarchy were guarded by ancient renown and disciplined valor. The gentle but powerful influence of laws and manners had gradually cemented the union of the provinces. Their peaceful inhabitants enjoyed and abused the advantages of wealth and luxury. The image of a free constitution was preserved with decent reverence: the Roman senate appeared to possess the sovereign authority, and devolved on the emperors all the executive powers of government. During a happy period of more than fourscore years, the public administration was conducted by the virtue and abilities of Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, and the two Antonines.".

"If a man were called to fix the period in the history of the world, during which the condition of the human race was most happy and prosperous, he would, without hesitation, name that which elapsed from the death of Domitian to the accession of Commodus. The vast extent of the Roman empire was governed by absolute power, under the guidance of virtue and wisdom. The armies were restrained by the firm but gentle hand of four successive emperors, whose characters and authority commanded involuntary respect. The forms of the civil administration were carefully preserved by Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, and the Antonines, who delighted in the image of liberty, and were pleased with considering themselves as the accountable ministers of the laws.
Old October 8th, 2009 #14
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If there is no such thing as sin and damnation, nor of election and eternal reward, then the white race is an accident, love is a viral infection, truth is relative, beauty is an island of proportionality in a sea of chaos, logic is no more meaningful than a 5 a.m. dream, and purpose is a phantom.

Uh...whuh? The non sequiturs are tighter packed than agoraphobic sardines.

So far as the writer's confusion can be penetrated he asserts that the White race has no meaning save its role in the Jeboo drama. What is that role? Hard to see it's any more than a bit role, since the Bible says nothing about race. This is backed up by the fact that virtually no mainstream Christians give a damn about it beyond claiming in line with the judeo-communists that it doesn't exist.

What explains the perfervid insistence of not just the kinny Prots but the EMJones Catholics that race can't mean anything to the rest of us (ie, 95% of WN) save we bow to the 'Boobies? The answer is that they lack the character to confront the facts that 1) they can't define meaning for the rest of us; 2) no one needs to believe in Jeboo to believe his race matters and is worth protecting; 3) non-'boosters are not only the leaders of WN, they are almost the entire body.

It would be easier, SWB and Jones, if you would use some of that humility you're always preaching and accept that Christianity is in fact and long practice UNIVERSAL rather than race specific, and that this means it will never be anything but a blinder preventing men from applying Occam's Razor to the multicultural world they see around them.

The starting point is an all-White society, not belief in Jesus. Either accept that, or don't pretend your cause is ours.

Last edited by Alex Linder; October 8th, 2009 at 01:02 PM.
Old October 8th, 2009 #15
Heather Blue
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It is a losing battle to fight against faith if there is nothing to replace it. Actually, we are doing a pretty good job of being godless. The filth, perversion and degeneracy overwhelming our moral foundation is appalling.

Faith is an anchor. It is also a tutor, but one which allows fools to do the tutoring. What is considered good for an all white Civilization is a disaster when applied to a diverse society, particularly one ruled by the barbaric minds of the Jews.
The birth of every white baby is the First Born of the next generation.
"Segregation did not exist to hold back other races. It existed to protect us from them." D. Roof
Old October 8th, 2009 #16
Alex Linder
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Originally Posted by cillian View Post
I got into an argument with a few Christians over on Hal Turner's site a few years back, and I found out why their religion trumps race. You see, if you read the bible and it doesn't make sense that is because you don't have a holy spirit, and that means you aren't pure Israelite (Anglo-Saxon).
CI is sheer retardation.

For some reason, idiots just love to make predictions based on the Bible. These predictions are inevitably proven wrong, but that never stops the morons from coming back with new ones.

Only a certifiable retard would attempt to treat the Bible like the shit in it is real history rather than fictional tales.

There is not an ounce of difference between dispensationalist Rapture Bunnies and CI cretins.
Old October 8th, 2009 #17
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Originally Posted by Heather Blue View Post
It is a losing battle to fight against faith if there is nothing to replace it. Actually, we are doing a pretty good job of being godless. The filth, perversion and degeneracy overwhelming our moral foundation is appalling.
What evidence do you have linking godlessness with immorality? I would bet any amount of money that atheists are not 1% more immoral than Christians by any objective standard. I would also bet that atheists are, on average, considerably more intelligent than Christians.

Faith is an anchor. It is also a tutor, but one which allows fools to do the tutoring. What is considered good for an all white Civilization is a disaster when applied to a diverse society, particularly one ruled by the barbaric minds of the Jews.
Christianity is universal. That is the reason the jews were never racially identified and dealt with, because they were presumed to have souls and be convertable. We are now where those foolish CHRISTIAN mistakes led us. Christianity is doctrinally and dogmatically committed to a view of jews that does not fit the facts.

The correct thing to do is class jews as non-humans, as vermin, and to exterminate them. Do that, and you won't have any more problems from jews. But Christians can't do that because their dogma forbids them from seeing jews for what they are.
Old October 8th, 2009 #18
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Here's the EMJ/SWB argument, species changed.

It is illogical to love peacocks more than sparrows since if evolution is true they both arose by chance, with no greater or deeper meaning.

Do you see how stupid that is?

The anger of these men that others don't share their fantasies, or, perhaps, that they can't by main force (as they would in ages past) compel us normals to buy into their Composite Jesus delusions is pathetic and telling to atheist WN.

If reality is not enough, a thousand fantasies won't be either.

Christianity is reality with the net down, to twist what Frost said about free verse.

Reality with the net up is the way to go, White man.
Old October 8th, 2009 #19
Alex Linder
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Originally Posted by Heather Blue View Post
It is a losing battle to fight against faith if there is nothing to replace it.
I look at it this way. Even if you don't know what is right, to know that belief A is wrong puts you farther ahead than the fellow who labors under the delusion that A is right.
Old October 8th, 2009 #20
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Originally Posted by Zenos View Post
In my experience religious people are more self centered, rude, nasty, hypocritical and just undesirable people of low moral character in general.

I think it's because of the fact they believe no matter what their transgression, they can be forgiven and the slate wiped clean if they feign repentance. Yet, at the same time, religious people are less likely to forgive wrong doings directed towards them by others.

Whereas non believers know their actions have consequences and will affect their lives in a negative way, and are more likely to forgive wrongs done to them.
I agree with with you. I avoid discussions of politics and religion with customers but it's inevitable that somebody will whittle the conversation down to asking if I believe or not. When I honestly answer no, as I couldn't lie my way through a series of agreeable answers or statements should I answer yes, I never see them again. That's despite the great rapport beforehand, I suddenly become unworthy of attention.
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christianity is jewish, jewish nazism, kinism


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