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Old April 17th, 2015 #1
Alex Linder
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Default #1 WHITE NATIONALISM TAKES ALL COMERS, aka The Big Man in the Bar Thread

[this thread is to prove or fail to prove that WN is the big man in the bar, and can kick the ass of all competing ideas. similar to our "beefs" thread, but let's just start a new one and leave that for specific interpersonal bitchings. anyway, post any good or bad arguments in here, anything worth responding to, and anyone can take a shot at it. i just need somewhere to lump stuff that makes points worth refuting, emphasizing or simply considering dont have to post full articles or links, even one idea worth thinking about, this is a good place]
Old April 17th, 2015 #2
Alex Linder
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People generally have no self-respect and take their cue entirely from the mirror of others.

Fuck do I agree with this. It's the single reason you can't trust most Americans. They are entirely oriented to what they think they should think. They have no internal moral gyroscope, and if they appear to, 99% of the time it's simply animal fear or the belief they can't get away with what they'd really like to do. There are very few principled people in the USA.

Actually the starter was my own tweet, but it's a theme i recur to in bashing conservatives. We just saw a poll yesterday that the majority of conservatives would put ISRAEL ahead of USA if interests diverged.

Last edited by Alex Linder; April 21st, 2015 at 06:54 AM.
Old April 17th, 2015 #3
Alex Linder
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U.S. Holocaust museum program mandatory for new agents ("called the Holocaust the most significant e…
The head of a group that focuses on forensic (ie evidence) dissection of crimes promotes atrocity propaganda as the "most significant event" ... Where's the forensic evidence for "the holocaust"? There is none. This is simply verbal confirmation that America's top domestic federal police are politicized to serve their masters, who are obviously loxist jews.
Old April 17th, 2015 #4
Alex Linder
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Love me some Phelps. They are good at signs. Take a lesson from them. Simple, short, hard. VISIBLE.
Old April 17th, 2015 #5
Alex Linder
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[this is what happens when you centralize power in a nation and/or in a trust or guild: economic considerations, or market considerations (can x do the job, as determined by the patient), yields to political considerations]

Medical College Exam to Test on Institutional Racism and White Privilege
April 17, 2015 by Daniel Greenfield 0 Comments
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American medicine. It was good while it lasted. By the time the Social Justice Warriors are done, your doctor won’t be able to tell you if you’re sick, but will be able to diagnose you as racist.

The essay section is out and sociology is in, and test-takers will need to be as familiar with psychology terms, such as “reciprocal determinism,” as they are with organic chemistry.
Essays are too open-ended. What really matters for the MCAT is political correctness.

“One hundred years ago, all you really needed to know was the science. We were all looking for the magic bullet that would cure disease,” said Catherine Lucey, vice dean of the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine and a member of the MCAT review committee.
Science, it’s just so overrated. Who says we ought to be curing diseases anyway instead of exposing privilege.

“Now we have problems like obesity and diabetes that require doctors to form therapeutic alliances with patients and convince them to change their lifestyle.”

To that end, a large new section—one quarter of the test—covers psychology, sociology and the biological foundations of behavior. Official review material includes concepts such as social inequality, class consciousness, racial and ethnic identity, “institutionalized racism and discrimination” and “power, privilege and prestige.”
How can you possibly tell a patient he’s fat without a course on institutional racism?

“This is not science. [It’s] agenda-driven garbage,” said Ronald Hansing, a pathologist in Columbia, Mo., who earned his M.D. in 1975, of the sociology material posted online by the Khan Academy, which worked with the AAMC to create 900 free videos to help students prepare.
Of course it is. The left hates science. It hates knowledge. It hates people. It loves power.
Old April 17th, 2015 #6
Alex Linder
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Tom Clancy's son is named Thom, I kid you not. How fhaggy. And he is even worse than pop.

The_Linder_Files retweeted Thom Clancy

son of nebbishy schmuck yid-asslicker Tom Clancy is even feebler... The_Linder_Files added,

Thom Clancy @ThomClancy
I'm currently involved in a debate on facebook about the realities of white male privilege and it just depresses me.
Old April 17th, 2015 #7
Alex Linder
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[torrent of anti-white media aimed at selling the notion everything whites have is stolen or otherwise unearned, which is intended to lead, in time, to justifying, legally, the transfer of white property to jews and coloreds. it's all about money. create bogus history to justify stealing from whites and taking away their rights and political power - their very nations. and then culminate with their genocide. degree by degree, the thing is accomplished]

[step one is to confuse whites. get them to think there is some vague thing wrong with being white. hence concept of whiteness. it doesn't make sense to anyone who hears it. just as with racism, it's an attack on a race masquerading as a neutral descriptor of something. it affords attackers the chance to disguise their real goal - white genocide, as a hatred and attack not on a physical people, but as on some belief. this is the trick. they hate WHITES. it has, as with racism, nothing to do with any system or belief, it's a hatred of the kind, and a desire to make it disappear. genocide that dare not speak its name - yet, anyway.]

White America’s racial illiteracy: Why our national conversation is poisoned from the start

National conversation: put yr talking tape over your mouth, whitey. The next few hours will be all about listening.

The author of "What Does It Mean to Be White?" examines the ways white people implode when they talk about race


I am white. I have spent years studying what it means to be white in a society that proclaims race meaningless, yet is deeply divided by race. This is what I have learned: Any white person living in the United States will develop opinions about race simply by swimming in the water of our culture or by living around blacks. But mainstream sources—schools, textbooks, media—don’t provide us with the multiple perspectives we need. Quite right. They uniformly present blacks as good and whites as guilty.

Yes, we will develop strong emotionally laden opinions, but they will not be informed opinions. Our socialization renders us racially illiterate. When you add a lack of humility to that illiteracy (because we don’t know what we don’t know), you get the break-down we so often see when trying to engage white people in meaningful conversations about race.

Mainstream dictionary definitions reduce racism to individual racial prejudice and the intentional actions that result. The people that commit these intentional acts are deemed bad, and those that don’t are good. If we are against racism and unaware of committing racist acts, we can’t be racist; racism and being a good person have become mutually exclusive. But this definition does little to explain how racial hierarchies are consistently reproduced. If we deny white superior IQ and civilizational capacity a priori (reject it as not something that can be considered), then we must come up with an explanation for the enduring and unfillable gap between black and white. This we do with our concept racism, which performs the neat trick of explaining black failure AND white success.

You want to talk about the system, without talking about its anti-white laws, it's anti-white take on statistics and categorization, etc. This is why no one takes you seriously and you have such a hard time explaining what you're talking about.

Social scientists leftist anti-whites understand racism as a multidimensional and highly adaptive system—a system that ensures an unequal distribution of resources between racial groups. Rejecting a priori the possibility that whites work harder and smarter than blacks, thus reap higher returns. Start with a thesis, don't test it, declare it confirmed, present the finding as science. Because whites built and dominate all significant institutions, (often at the expense of and on the uncompensated labor of other groups), their interests are embedded in the foundation of U.S. society.

While individual whites may be against racism, they still benefit from the distribution of resources controlled by their group. Yes, an individual person of color can sit at the tables of power, but the overwhelming majority of decision-makers will be white. Yes, white people can have problems and face barriers, but systematic racism won’t be one of them. Pure gaslighting. The system literally legally discriminates against whites across the board. This distinction—between individual prejudice and a system of unequal institutionalized racial power—is fundamental. One cannot understand how racism functions in the U.S. today if one ignores group power relations.

This systemic and institutional control allows those of us who are white in North America to live in a social environment that protects and insulates us from race-based stress. We have organized society to reproduce and reinforce our racial interests and perspectives. Further, we are centered in all matters deemed normal, universal, benign, neutral and good. Thus, we move through a wholly racialized world with an unracialized identity (e.g. white people can represent all of humanity, people of color can only represent their racial selves).

Challenges to this identity become highly stressful and even intolerable. The following are examples of the kinds of challenges that trigger racial stress for white people:

Suggesting that a white person’s viewpoint comes from a racialized frame of reference (challenge to objectivity);
People of color talking directly about their own racial perspectives (challenge to white taboos on talking openly about race);
People of color choosing not to protect the racial feelings of white people in regards to race (challenge to white racial expectations and need/entitlement to racial comfort);
People of color not being willing to tell their stories or answer questions about their racial experiences (challenge to the expectation that people of color will serve us);
A fellow white not providing agreement with one’s racial perspective (challenge to white solidarity);
Receiving feedback that one’s behavior had a racist impact (challenge to white racial innocence);
Suggesting that group membership is significant (challenge to individualism);
An acknowledgment that access is unequal between racial groups (challenge to meritocracy);
Being presented with a person of color in a position of leadership (challenge to white authority);
Being presented with information about other racial groups through, for example, movies in which people of color drive the action but are not in stereotypical roles, or multicultural education (challenge to white centrality).
Not often encountering these challenges, we withdraw, defend, cry, argue, minimize, ignore, and in other ways push back to regain our racial position and equilibrium. I term that push back white fragility. White self-defense against unjust attacks is "fragility"

This concept came out of my on-going experience leading discussions on race, racism, white privilege and white supremacy with primarily white audiences. It became clear over time that white people have extremely low thresholds for enduring any discomfort associated with challenges to our racial worldviews. Translation: White people don't agree with me and tired of being forced to listen to my antiwhite bullshit.

We can manage the first round of challenge by ending the discussion through platitudes—usually something that starts with “People just need to,” or “Race doesn’t really have any meaning to me,” or “Everybody’s racist.” Scratch any further on that surface, however, and we fall apart.

Socialized into a deeply internalized sense of superiority and entitlement that we are either not consciously aware of or can never admit to ourselves, we become highly fragile in conversations about race. We experience a challenge to our racial worldview as a challenge to our very identities as good, moral people. It also challenges our sense of rightful place in the hierarchy. Thus, we perceive any attempt to connect us to the system of racism as a very unsettling and unfair moral offense.

The following patterns make it difficult for white people to understand racism as a system and lead to the dynamics of white fragility. While they do not apply to every white person, they are well-documented overall:

Segregation: Most whites live, grow, play, learn, love, work and die primarily in social and geographic racial segregation. Yet, our society does not teach us to see this as a loss. Pause for a moment and consider the magnitude of this message: We lose nothing of value by having no cross-racial relationships. In fact, the whiter our schools and neighborhoods are, the more likely they are to be seen as “good.” The implicit message is that there is no inherent value in the presence or perspectives of people of Color. This is an example of the relentless messages of white superiority that circulate all around us, shaping our identities and worldviews. Yeah, your view is better: white neighborhoods are worse because they don't have access to colored crime, hate, littering, whining and stupidity.

The Good/Bad Binary: The most effective adaptation of racism over time is the idea that racism is conscious bias held by mean people. If we are not aware of having negative thoughts about people of color, don’t tell racist jokes, are nice people, and even have friends of color, then we cannot be racist. Thus, a person is either racist or not racist; if a person is racist, that person is bad; if a person is not racist, that person is good. Although racism does of course occur in individual acts, these acts are part of a larger system that we all participate in. The focus on individual incidences prevents the analysis that is necessary in order to challenge this larger system. The good/bad binary is the fundamental misunderstanding driving white defensiveness about being connected to racism. We simply do not understand how socialization and implicit bias work. We need to trap the white man in a no-win situation, then browbeat him into accepting his guilt. Straight out of 1984 Big Brother playbook. You must LOVE your dispossession.

Individualism: Whites are taught to see themselves as individuals, rather than as part of a racial group. Which is exactly why it's so hard to get them to defend themselves as a group. Individualism enables us to deny that racism is structured into the fabric of society. This erases our history and hides the way in which wealth has accumulated over generations and benefits us, as a group, today. Hint at the real desire here - to strip whites of their money with a fig leaf pretext of racism. It also allows us to distance ourselves from the history and actions of our group. Blacks won't take responsibility for their individual actions TODAY, yet we're to die and drown for the actions of people from hundreds of years ago. Thus we get very irate when we are “accused” of racism, because as individuals, we are “different” from other white people and expect to be seen as such; we find intolerable any suggestion that our behavior or perspectives are typical of our group as a whole.

Entitlement to racial comfort: In the dominant position, whites are almost always racially comfortable and thus have developed unchallenged expectations to remain so. We have not had to build tolerance for racial discomfort and thus when racial discomfort arises, whites typically respond as if something is “wrong,” and blame the person or event that triggered the discomfort (usually a person of color). This blame results in a socially-sanctioned array of responses towards the perceived source of the discomfort, including: penalization; retaliation; isolation and refusal to continue engagement. Since racism is necessarily uncomfortable in that it is oppressive, white insistence on racial comfort guarantees racism will not be faced except in the most superficial of ways.

Racial Arrogance: Most whites have a very limited understanding of racism because we have not been trained to think in complex ways about it and because it benefits white dominance not to do so. Yet, we have no compunction about debating the knowledge of people who have thought complexly about race. Whites generally feel free to dismiss these informed perspectives rather than have the humility to acknowledge that they are unfamiliar, reflect on them further, or seek more information.

Racial Belonging: White people enjoy a deeply internalized, largely unconscious sense of racial belonging in U.S. society. In virtually any situation or image deemed valuable in dominant society, whites belong. The interruption of racial belonging is rare and thus destabilizing and frightening to whites and usually avoided.

Psychic freedom: Because race is constructed as residing in people of color, whites don’t bear the social burden of race. We move easily through our society without a sense of ourselves as racialized. Race is for people of color to think about—it is what happens to “them”—they can bring it up if it is an issue for them (although if they do, we can dismiss it as a personal problem, the race card, or the reason for their problems). This allows whites much more psychological energy to devote to other issues and prevents us from developing the stamina to sustain attention on an issue as charged and uncomfortable as race.

Constant messages that we are more valuable: Living in a white dominant context, we receive constant messages that we are better and more important than people of color. For example: our centrality in history textbooks, historical representations and perspectives; our centrality in media and advertising; our teachers, role-models, heroes and heroines; everyday discourse on “good” neighborhoods and schools and who is in them; popular TV shows centered around friendship circles that are all white; religious iconography that depicts God, Adam and Eve, and other key figures as white. While one may explicitly reject the notion that one is inherently better than another, one cannot avoid internalizing the message of white superiority, as it is ubiquitous in mainstream culture. Good example of begging the question. Whites did more than other races, and most achievements and 'history' are whites'. But even this possibility cannot be conceded. Whites can't win. The possibility they earned what they have and demonstrated repeatedly through history their innate racial superiority is rejected, again, a priori. This pseudo-problem is defined so that whites are guilty no matter what. No wonder whites, sensing this, show no interest in participating. Profitable scam for a consultant, they sniff, and they are right.

These privileges and the white fragility that results prevent us from listening to or comprehending the perspectives of people of color and bridging cross-racial divides. The antidote to white fragility is on-going and life-long, and includes sustained engagement, humility, and education. We can begin by:

Being willing to tolerate the discomfort associated with an honest appraisal and discussion of our internalized superiority and racial privilege.
Challenging our own racial reality by acknowledging ourselves as racial beings with a particular and limited perspective on race.
Attempting to understand the racial realities of people of color through authentic interaction rather than through the media or unequal relationships.
Taking action to address our own racism, the racism of other whites, and the racism embedded in our institutions—e.g., get educated and act.
The antidote to white fragility is on-going and life-long, and includes sustained engagement, humility, and education.
“Getting it” when it comes to race and racism challenges our very identities as good white people. It’s an ongoing and often painful process of seeking to uncover our socialization at its very roots. It asks us to rebuild this identity in new and often uncomfortable ways. But I can testify that it is also the most exciting, powerful, intellectually stimulating and emotionally fulfilling journey I have ever undertaken. It has impacted every aspect of my life—personal and professional.

Evangelical advising you to be born again as a white anti-white.

I have a much deeper and more complex understanding of how society works. I can challenge much more racism in my daily life, and I have developed cherished and fulfilling cross-racial friendships I did not have before.

I do not expect racism to end in my lifetime, and I know that I continue to have problematic racist patterns and perspectives. Yet, I am also confident that I do less harm to people of color than I used to. This is not a minor point of growth, for it impacts my lived experience and that of the people of color who interact with me. If you are white I urge you to take the first step—let go of your racial certitude and reach for humility.

Last edited by Alex Linder; April 17th, 2015 at 07:07 PM.
Old April 17th, 2015 #8
Alex Linder
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[interesting, have not looked into this. there is no point to having a giant centralized state these days, it isn't needed. it hurts people rather than helps them. it serves itself out of their pockets and by limiting their scope of action.]

Will you join Liberland? A new state in Europe, started by pro-liberty Czechs: submitted by observer [lin...
Old April 17th, 2015 #9
Alex Linder
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France: Jews open borders. Aliens attack French. French talk about it. Guess which of these three is "hate"?:

France launches major anti-racism and hate speech campaign

French government to invest more than £70m in three-year plan, while tightening the law on hate crime and cracking down on racism online

The French prime minister, Manuel Valls, launches the government’s anti-racism plan in the south-east Paris suburb of Créteil.

Friday 17 April 2015

The French government has launched a major campaign to contain the country’s steep rise in racism and hate speech, using the aftermath of the Paris terrorist attacks to tighten the law on hate crime and crack down on racism online.

“Racism, antisemitism, hatred of Muslims, hatred of foreigners and homophobia are all rising in an unbearable way in our country,” the prime minister, Manuel Valls, said. We are threatened not by discoloreds' actions but by white attitudes.

After January’s terror attacks at the offices of the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo and at kosher supermarket, which left 17 people dead, the French president, François Hollande, vowed to make the fight against racism one of his main personal causes.

The government will spend €100m (£72m) on a three-year plan, including the setting up of a new unit to monitor and fight “hatred online”.

“Passivity on the internet is over,” Hollande said. Teacher training will be reinforced, headteachers will be encouraged to report incidents and pupils will be taken to visit memorial sites.

There will also be tougher penalties for crimes deemed to have been fuelled by racism and antisemitism. Hate speech, already a criminal offence, will be moved to France’s general penal code. It will no longer be part of a separate specialist criminal code dating back to the 19th century that deals with freedom of expression issues and offences such as incitement to racial hatred and libel.

This has caused consternation among anti-racism groups, which argue that the move was unnecessary and sent a message that “repression” would end racism when in fact there should be broader work to promote equality and end discrimination across society.

Placing hate speech into the general penal code means that suspects can be fast-tracked through the courts for immediate sentencing, which has also raised concerns among rights groups.

Campaigners had already expressed fears about the crackdown on speech deemed to “glorify terrorism” announced after the Charlie Hebdo attacks, which has seen cases rushed through the courts for immediate sentencing and resulting in long jail terms, including for people who had drunkenly insulted police officers.

Dominique Sopo of the campaign group SOS Racisme told the Guardian: “Although we’re waiting to see the detail, the anti-racism plan is positive in that the government is at least now talking about this. For years we’ve seen a rise in hate speech against blacks, Roma, Arabs, Muslims and Jews and often the government’s words have been lacking.”

He said action must be taken to specifically combat the high level of inequality, discrimination and racism faced by young French people from minority ethnic backgrounds in high-rise suburbs.

In the first three months of this year, 226 Islamophobic acts were recorded by France’s Islamophobia watchdog, a sixfold increase on the same period in 2014. The number of antisemitic attacks in 2014 was double that of 2013.

The government announced its anti-racism plan in the Paris suburb of Créteil, the site of a brutal antisemitic attack last year in which a young Jewish couple were held hostage in their home, the woman was raped and the attackers ransacked the flat, saying: “You Jews, you have money.”

Last edited by Alex Linder; April 17th, 2015 at 07:10 PM.
Old April 17th, 2015 #10
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Originally Posted by Alex Linder View Post
[interesting, have not looked into this. there is no point to having a giant centralized state these days, it isn't needed. it hurts people rather than helps them. it serves itself out of their pockets and by limiting their scope of action.]

Will you join Liberland? A new state in Europe, started by pro-liberty Czechs: submitted by observer [lin...
Yeah go move to Birchtopia. Oh wait, you're not invited.

Who is needed in Liberland?
Liberland currently needs people who:

have respect for other people and respect the opinions of others, regardless of their race, ethnicity, orientation, or religion

have respect for private ownership which is untouchable

do not have communist, nazi or other extremist past

People promising French revolution/John Locke style "liberty" always add lots of qualifiers exposing it as a farce. Mixing that crap up with racial nationalism, which is supposed to be a revolution against these 19th century concoctions, is poison.
"The favorite slogan of the reds is: 'No Pasarán!: Yes we have passed! And we tell them...and we tell them, we will pass again!'"
― Benito Mussolini after the Communist capitulation in Barcelona
Old April 18th, 2015 #11
Hunter Morrow
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I'm not sure if this constitutes a "beef" but I have always wondered why the American government has consistently recommended a level of cholesterol and salt so low as to be dangerous. Cholesterol is vital for brain function and salt is needed to digest cholesterol and food in general.

It seems like they want people to be stupid. In comparison to other government food conspiracies and concerns, like fluoride in the water supply, this gets basically no coverage from anybody. So far as I know, Alex Linder is one of the very few people who has pointed this out.

Edit: As an addendum, where did egg whites come from as a dietary staple and could they please go away? An egg without its yolk is a flavorless sham
essentially devoid of nutritional value. Why do so many people insist on eating these things?
Old April 18th, 2015 #12
Alex Linder
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Originally Posted by Joe_Smith View Post
Yeah go move to Birchtopia. Oh wait, you're not invited.

People promising French revolution/John Locke style "liberty" always add lots of qualifiers exposing it as a farce. Mixing that crap up with racial nationalism, which is supposed to be a revolution against these 19th century concoctions, is poison.
That's fine. I believe in free association. Think how happy they will be to accept all the wonderful individuals of blackness we flush on them.
Old April 18th, 2015 #13
Alex Linder
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Originally Posted by Hunter Morrow View Post
I'm not sure if this constitutes a "beef" but I have always wondered why the American government has consistently recommended a level of cholesterol and salt so low as to be dangerous. Cholesterol is vital for brain function and salt is needed to digest cholesterol and food in general.

It seems like they want people to be stupid. In comparison to other government food conspiracies and concerns, like fluoride in the water supply, this gets basically no coverage from anybody. So far as I know, Alex Linder is one of the very few people who has pointed this out.

Edit: As an addendum, where did egg whites come from as a dietary staple and could they please go away? An egg without its yolk is a flavorless sham
essentially devoid of nutritional value. Why do so many people insist on eating these things?
It's all bs.


That's your "white"-away. Stay off sugar. It is poison. Yes, it tastes good. But you're like the rat hitting the cocaine bar. Enough sugar kills people. Sugar is the actual problem causing the heart attacks, not cholesterol. Eggs are good for you. Red meat is good. Processed stuff is bad. Sugar is bad. Get sugar from fruit, leave bread, pastry, soft drinks alone.

It's that's simple. Hard, perhaps, but that's what has to be done.
Old April 18th, 2015 #14
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fleshed-out notion of Leaning College

- need a White Council
- White Council adopts a white kosher symbol
- applies to white media/educational tools (and other things, in time)
- educational tools/media have to meet standards of both rigor/quality and be pro-White

- Learning College: genuine intellectual education in the liberal arts, as they say today, or humanities. broken down the usual divisions, or a better way if someone has one
- then the how-to, technical, trade or just plain free-range learning aspect.

- basically building a White School, equiv to a Hebrew School or catholic catechism: who we are, what we believe, our history and experience, the future we want

- build an alt-white culture
- same time be working on overt politics coming out of this
- white ADL to highlight hush crimes, with roving speakers-activists
- white party that is neither religious nor conservative-defensive but martial, tough, disciplined, willing to kill and die if need be. a gang of loyalists is needed, not an array of khaki-wearing petitioning panderers
Old April 18th, 2015 #15
Alex Linder
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E. Michael Jones on 'White Guys' (self.WhiteRights)
submitted 1 day ago by slippery_people - stickied post

Someone on YouTube has posted a series of videos called "Goy Guide to World History" consisting of an interview with Catholic scholar/apologist E. Michael Jones.

In part 5, Dr. Jones criticizes the 'white guy' movement and the notion of white identity. You can watch it here. (I've transcribed it for your convenience, but I would recommend watching).

So what people think about this little spiel of his. Specifically, what do you think of his position on the inherent weaknesses of white identity?

I remember being at a conference at Washington and they had this guy Tyndall who was head of the BNP, British National Party in the 70s. And he gave a speech in which he said how we should all be proud to be white guys. And then as an example of white culture, he mentioned Elizabethan England. That’s when the Catholics were being drawn and quartered. So in other words, it’s not going to fly.

After the speech, Tyndall was asked: are the Irish white? Tyndall says, “of course they’re white, my mother is Irish.” Are Jews white? And Tyndall says, “I don’t know.”
It got to the heart of this ridiculous ideology of “white guys.” I don’t believe in “white guys.” There was a time in America if you lived in the South, you were a Protestant, and there was a large ferment going on called “the Civil Rights Movement” that polarized both sides. If you lived in the North, you were Irish and you were Catholic, and you were Polish, and all that other type of stuff. And that’s the type of identity, ethnic identity, that is real.

And so what you have now is a guy like Pat Buchanan, who just sent me his latest book with a nice flattering inscription on the front of it, saying “We white guys have to stick together.” Pat, you’re not a white guy. You’re a Catholic. Catholics are not “white guys.”

I don’t know what I have to say….and I think there is an element of Jewish misdirection, leading people into this trap. You know what I mean? Because they can manage that. Whereas they can’t manage a resurrection of Catholic identity.

Nazism was itself a false identity. I mean, in Germany, you were Protestant or you were Catholic. And that’s the unfortunate situation after the Reformation and the Thirty Years War. And so what he [Hitler] tried to do was come up with some type of confection that was based on Wagner. And it was a pre-Christian identity. It doesn’t work, it fails. And I’m saying this “white guy” stuff is going to fail. It’s preposterous, it’s not going to work. To go back to someone like Madison Grant? Madison Grant didn’t even believe in white guys. If Kevin [MacDonald] were in the room here, I’d try to bring this to his attention.

If you read Madison Grant's book, he says Europe is composed of three races. The Teutonic, the Mediterranean and the Alpine. And only the Teutonic race should be allowed into America. Well, he doesn’t believe in “white guys.” It has no roots. It’s got no basis in anything. Then you get, “well, what are White guy values?”

I once ran a cover of Fidelity Magazine, the title was White People and Their Values, and I put a picture of Mother Teresa and Joseph Stalin, side by side on the cover. It becomes an empty category that you can then fill with whatever you want to for purposes of political manipulation. Whereas that is not true of Catholic, Protestant and Jew. These are real ethnic identities in America. And I think that that’s what we have to get back to. I’m saying, white is like goy. What is white? It’s not black.

If you read the thing I did on Slaughter of Cities. The Poles in Chicago in 1910, referred to Protestants as white people. These people didn’t know they were white. This was the interesting thing about that conflict when Martin Luther King shows up in Chicago in 1966. Why are they white? Because Martin Luther King's here, that’s why they’re white. Otherwise, they were Lithuanians. It was the Lithuanians who threw rocks at him. You know, when he got out of the car and got hit in the head with a rock. They were Lithuanians but they were being portrayed as white people. It's a false identity, it's going nowhere. You're not white, Pat. It’s not an identity.

Identity in America is religious. Religious identity is ethnic identity in America. This is not my idea, it’s called the triple melting pot. It says after three generations, country of origin ceases to be your source of identity and religion becomes your source of identity.

So America is Protestant, Catholic, Jew. That’s what you are in America. And that’s the source of your identity. And if you’re not that, you’re prey to pseudo-identity. And pseudo-identity are “NASCAR dads” which are consumer groups, they used to be called blue collar workers. Now they’re a consumer group called NASCAR dads. Harley
Davidson riders are another pseudo-group that used to be blue collar workers. And I’m saying “white guy” is another pseudo-identity that is created to keep people enslaved.
Old April 18th, 2015 #16
N.B. Forrest
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I have not read any Jones except for that last post. So our only real identity is whatever brand of unprovable religious bullshit we were frightened with as impressionable children, huh, E. Mikey? There can be no new concepts of the ties that bind us - even if they're based on genetics, geographical origin, history & culture?

He's trying to keep Whites chained to Christianity, and especially Catholickism, with the fear of becoming a Nothing without it.
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Old April 18th, 2015 #17
Vance Stubbs
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Originally Posted by E. Michael Jones
So America is Protestant, Catholic, Jew. That’s what you are in America. And that’s the source of your identity.
Yeah, I remember back when I was in my desegregated school, the White Catholics always hung out with the Mexicans and the White Protestants always hung out with the Blacks. And there were gang fights over predestination.

Are you fucking serious Jones? Where the hell do you live?
"Surely people differ in their biologically determined qualities. But discovery of a correlation between some of these qualities is of no scientific interest and of no social significance, except to racists, sexists and the like."
Old April 18th, 2015 #18
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Originally Posted by Vance Stubbs View Post

Are you fucking serious Jones? Where the hell do you live?
Here's the clip. scroll to 12:04

Old April 18th, 2015 #19
Vance Stubbs
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The Lithuanians were Lithuanian until MLK attacked their city. Then they became White.

Well no shit, that's the whole point. They didn't respond to him as Catholics. They didn't think he was an ally of the WASPs. None of the Lithuanians throwing rocks at King's head were shouting "get out of here Baptist! Ave Maria!" None of the old Lithuanians in their barber shops thought "oh no, I sure hope the Protestants don't riot!"

Religion is trivial compared to race. It's impossible for neurologically distinct populations to have the same spirituality anyways. That's why the Jews never actually befriend you.
"Surely people differ in their biologically determined qualities. But discovery of a correlation between some of these qualities is of no scientific interest and of no social significance, except to racists, sexists and the like."
Old April 19th, 2015 #20
Sam Emerson
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Originally Posted by Alex Linder View Post
- need a White Council
- White Council adopts a white kosher symbol
- applies to white media/educational tools (and other things, in time)
- educational tools/media have to meet standards of both rigor/quality and be pro-White
The Life Rune would work. The White Council - great name!



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