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Old April 27th, 2014 #1
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Default Serbian National Unity

Serbian National Unity is more smaller movements grupped in one under name Serbian National Unity and as one of leaders of this National-Socialist movement I can guarantee that SNU will be for one year party and that on next elections in Serbia, we will be on list for voting, so Serbian folk shall have a chance to choose Serbian National-Socialist State!!!
Old April 27th, 2014 #2
Dane Black
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Good luck! You guys also need to get Kosovo back! Fuck NATO and the croats and albanians. I always admied Arkan and his ability to protect his country from scum!
Old April 29th, 2014 #3
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Originally Posted by Tiwaz View Post

Serbian National Unity is more smaller movements grupped in one under name Serbian National Unity and as one of leaders of this National-Socialist movement I can guarantee that SNU will be for one year party and that on next elections in Serbia, we will be on list for voting, so Serbian folk shall have a chance to choose Serbian National-Socialist State!!!

There is no way that the System will allow you to even register as a party let alone allow you to stand on the ballot in future Serbian elections.

How can you even talk about elections? It would be laughable if it were not tragic.

We are not Hungary or Greece ,where you still have some freedoms (at least Greece did until very recently). Although even with GD leaders in jail Greece still has more political freedoms than Serbia.

I would class our country as the worst in Europe as far as these things are concerned, because keep in mind that, unlike others, we have to constantly prove ourselves to the West that we are no longer 'killers' and 'ethnic cleansing nationalists' of the 90s, and that we are 100% committed to the democratic EU path. That is why we are under the microscope so much, sort of like Germany was in the past.

Do you not remember what happened with Nacionalni Stoj back in the mid 00's? The casse of Goran Davidovic? The SF hysteria in the EU controlled Serbian media at the time.

The irony is that local NS and racial nationalists of all stripes had more room to manoeuvre under left wing socialist 'authoritarian' traitor Milosevic than they do today under so called 'right wingers' and democrats like Nikolic and Vucic.

Change in Serbia will only come about with the bullet.
Christianity and Feminism, the two deadliest poisons jews gave to the White Race

''Screw your optics, I'm going in'', American hero Robert Gregory Bowers
Old April 29th, 2014 #4
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Default Serbian National Unity

Serbian National Unity is just movement for now, but our aim on long way is to become Party! Yes, this is very possible, I think, because if every Individual National-Socialist work on him self and as National-Socialist and Spiritual, so translate this on streets, on job, everywhere, Serbs will accept National-Soialism because medias satanise NS, but from real life there is no better example!!!
Old May 1st, 2014 #5
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Originally Posted by Tiwaz View Post
Serbian National Unity is just movement for now, but our aim on long way is to become Party! Yes, this is very possible, I think, because if every Individual National-Socialist work on him self and as National-Socialist and Spiritual, so translate this on streets, on job, everywhere, Serbs will accept National-Soialism because medias satanise NS, but from real life there is no better example!!!
What Serbs need first is freedom of speech and freedom to organize politically. This right can only be secured through force as ZOG is not going to just give it to us. Without this all talk of 'working on ourselves' and/or blaming 'our actions' for the problems which the System, with international backing, has created for us is funny. Unfortunately some in the movement still think that it is because of us and our 'foolish actions' that we don't get anywhere.

Any thoughts about how to fight against this?

From interview with anti-antifa Novi Sad few weeks ago

Имате ли проблема са законом?

Сви националисти у Србији су увек имали проблема са законом и то се добро зна. Стална хапшења, забране и репресија нас је спречавала у нашој борби задњих година, али ми нисмо одустали стојимо ту и даље. Најтежи ударац за Новосадске национал револуционаре је био 2005. године кад су похапшени активисти Националног Строја. Након тога је кренула хајка на све национал револуционаре у Новом Саду и Србији. Телефони су почели да се прислушкују ,људи да се прате ,претресају станови ,привођења без икаквих разлога. Полиција у Новом Саду и даље прати буквално сваки корак националиста , али као што рекох ми се не повлачимо стојимо ту где јесмо и не одустајемо од борбе!
Прича се да антифу финансирају одређени анисрпски политичари и да је већина антифа пацова из добростојећих породица, шта ви о томе знате?

Ту није ништа чудно. Тако је и у остатку Европе и Србије. Позанта је чињеница о тесним везама АФАНС-а са фондом за отворено друштво Џорџа Сороша, који финансира већину антисрпских странака и организација, почевши од ЛДП, преко Фонда за хуманитарно право Наташе Кандић и других.
Да ли је долазило до већих сукоба између националиста и антифашиста у НС?

Као што смо рекли, долазило је до сукоба поготово до те 2005. године. До тада анархо -комунисти ниси ни смели да се појаве на улицма града, што најбоље могу да сведоче старији активисти. 90-тих година је редовно било сукоба између НС скинса са панкерима и црвенима. Један од најпознатијих догађаја и сукоба десио се 2007. године кад је спречен СРПСКИ МАРШ и кад је хорда од неколико хиљада антифашиста, сепатариста и педера нагрнула на свега 100 национал револуционара који су успели да дођу тог дана до Новог Сада а да их полиција није вратила при уласку у град. Наши људи су се одупрели кукавичком нападу антифашиста и осталих педера и сепаратиста. Сви добро знамо да је то све било исценирано и да су Чанак и антифаишисти намерно требали да прођу туда где су се сместили национал револуционари након забране окупљања. Полиција је наравно похапсила све наше људе то је још један доказ о репресији над националистима и утицаја проевропских и антисрпских организација на власт и државу.

What response have we got when state police in full riot gear together with antifa anarchist communist and queer mobs attack and arrest a few peaceful nationalists who are banned from gathering anywhere in public, or in private.

They treat us the way we allow them to.
Christianity and Feminism, the two deadliest poisons jews gave to the White Race

''Screw your optics, I'm going in'', American hero Robert Gregory Bowers


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