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Old March 18th, 2008 #1
Harry Flash
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Default Horst Mahler (Germany)

Berlin attorney Horst Mahler was born in 1936. Following his family's flight from Silesia in 1945, they eventually moved to West Berlin in 1949. Mahler studied jurisprudence at the Freie Universität in Berlin, gaining a scholarship. At this time he joined the Socialist German Student Federation (SPD)and became chairman of their youth organisation in Berlin Charlottenburg.

He became joint founder of the first “socialist lawyers collective” and represented and defended radical Reds Andreas Baader and Gudrun Ensslin, with whom he went on to jointly form the notorious terrorist cell - the Red Army Faction aka the Baader-Meinhof gang.

Following several criminal convictions in 1970 Mahler fled to Jordan with the recently released Andreas Baader, Ulrike Meinhof, Gudrun Ensslin and other members of the Baader-Meinhof gang, where they trained as armed guerrilla fighters with the PLO.

Mahler was arrested in Berlin two months later. In October 1972, he was condemned to 12 years imprisonment for “conspiracy to commit aggravated robbery in connection with the establishment of a criminal association and participation in the same”. His exclusion from the bar followed in 1974. Mahler remained in detention until 1980.

With the help of Gerhard Schroeder - the former SPD Young Socialists chairman, later Germany's federal chancellor, Mahler gained readmission as a lawyer in 1988 and was able to again resume his business practice in Berlin.

The joint founder of the Baader-Meinhof gang had already become one of its critics during his detention. In 1977 he wrote that this had come from his “inner liberation from the dogmatic revolutionary theory of Marxism-Leninism”. But his conversion went even further.

In 1998, after 10 years of relative calm, Mahler stunned Germany's Left with a submission to the newspaper Junge Freiheit, in which he revealed his new thoughts. In this article he drew a connection between the radical 1968 movement and the development of a new völkisch (German-nationalist) ideology .

“The 1968 generation destroyed tradition and religion as world-shaping conceptions ... and brought our people a step nearer to maturity. The ground is only now ready for completing this enlightenment, which will simultaneously mean their surmounting. We experience this result of the cultural revolution of 1968 as Hell, since along with tradition and religion our moral substance has departed.... As a cultureless Volk [people] we live in a second Stone Age. It requires some effort of thought to really extinguish the mental vacuum—this condition of absolute negativity, which threatens to destroy us now as humans and as a Volk —and recognise as something positive, and in this sense as an historical service of the 1968 generation.... Let us be warriors of thought! Let us argue together—for God and our forefathers' country!”

Mahler was involved in founding the Society for the Rehabilitation of Those persecuted for Refutation of the Holocaust (Verein zur Rehabilitierung der wegen Bestreitens des Holocaust Verfolgten or VRBHV). Mahler announced the society with an open letter in which he stated that the objective of the group was "to eliminate the isolation of the persecuted which has dominated so far, is to guarantee the necessary public awareness of their struggle for justice, and is to provide the financial means for a successful judicial struggle."

In 2003 Mahler was charged with "Volksverhetzung" [inciting racial hatred against Jews]in connection with statements he made regarding 9/11. He told the court that the 9/11 attack was a concocted conspiracy and "it is not true that al-Qaeda had anything to do with it." He was also charged for "holocaust denial" in connection with his role in the VRBHV.

Mahler’s license to practice law was withdrawn in 2004 and in January 2005, he was sentenced to nine months in prison.

In 2006 his passport was confiscated to prevent him from attending the "International Conference to Review the Global Vision of the Holocaust" in Tehran, Iran.

In November 2007, Mahler faced more charges stemming from an interview ostensibly for Vanity Fair by Jew journalist Michel Friedman, former vice president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany. Friedman, who claims he intended only to interview Mahler about his role in the Baader-Meinhof gang, instead brought charges against Mahler alleging that during the interview, Mahler told him "the systematic extermination of Jews in Auschwitz is a lie," and Adolf Hitler was "the savior of the German people [but] not only of the German people.”

On November 23, 2007, Mahler was sentenced to a further six months of imprisonment without parole for having performed a "Hitler salute" to say goodbye to his supporters whom had gathered in front of the prison when he had reported to prison for a nine-month term a year earlier.

Last edited by Harry Flash; March 19th, 2008 at 01:24 AM.
Old September 6th, 2009 #2
Robert Bandanza
Join Date: Mar 2006
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Default Press Release: Horst Mahler Drops Appeal

Saturday, August 22, 2009
From: "Völkische Reichsbewegung" <[email protected]>


[Many supporters of the German struggle for human rights have difficulty understanding the arguments of political dissident Horst Mahler, who is deeply steeped in Hegelian philosophy. This abstruseness makes the severity of Mahler’s sentence all the more striking. The present government, which its opponents say combines the most repressive aspects of the East and West German occupation regimes, apparently feels more threatened by Mahler than by other Revisionists!]

Translated by J M Damon, who asks that he be informed of any errors.
The original German follows the translation.


Horst Mahler Withdraws Appeal of 12-year Sentence

Open Letter to the Sons of the Confederation B’nai B’rith

German Dissident Horst Mahler has withdrawn his appeals of the verdicts of Munich District Court II (Six years incarceration), Potsdam District Court (5 years and 2 months), and Landshut District Court (10 months..)
With Mahler’s retractions, these verdicts take full legal force.
His retraction of the Munich appeal coincides with the decision of the Federal High Court to reject his appeal.
His sentences resulted from numerous instances of alleged “Denial of ‘Holocaust,’” “Incitement of the Masses to the Detriment of the Jews” and “Disparagement of the Federal Republic of Germany.”

In the opinion of the Defense these verdicts would be overturned if German courts followed minimal constitutional standards of a state of laws, because of numerous blatant legal errors.
Mahler has withdrawn his appeals because he is convinced, on the basis of his personal experience, that fair and unbiased rulings on the facts of the case cannot be expected, either from the Revisionsgerichten (appeal courts) or the Bundesverfassungsgericht (Federal High Court.)

In a comprehensive open letter to the “Sons of the Confederation” (B’nai B’rith), the unofficial opinion-forming organ of organized World Jewry, he explains his decision in detail.
He begins with the observation that World Jewry, in violation of international law, declared a holy war against the German Reich on 24 March 1933, seven weeks after the National Socialists came to power.
They have continued to violate international law and to wage war against the Reich ever since.
Since the military defeat of the Reich they have waged psychological warfare in order to obliterate the German Volksgeist (national character.)

Mahler presents his concept of the nature of Judaism, a belligerent and warlike power, in 33 theses.
He concludes that the present German regime’s persecution of Reich citizens for their acts of self-defense against the looming annihilation of their Volk results from Judaism’s compulsion to dominate the world.
In accordance with this view, he declares himself and other incarcerated practitioners of self-defense to be prisoners of war of the Sons of the Jewish Confederation: Ernst Zündel (7 years incarceration, including incarceration in Canada while awaiting extradition, which was not reckoned in his German prison sentence);
Wolfgang Fröhlich (6 years incarceration); Germar Rudolf (2 1⁄2 years incarceration); Sylvia Stolz (3 1⁄4 years incarceration); and Kevin Käther (8 months incarceration.)

Mahler bases his conviction on the founding myth that Jaweh, the god of the Jews, fulfilled his oft-repeated promise to grant his “favorite people” dominion over all the nations.
In the story of Esau’s blessing (Gen. 27, 40), however, he sees (perceives) the end of Jacob’s (Israel’s) dominion in the event that Esau (the Nations of the Earth) should rise up against his brother Jacob (Israel).

Mahler presents his views against the background of Hegelian philosophy with a novel interpretation of the relationship of the twin brothers Jacob and Esau.
He shows that Jacob, the younger brother, overthrew the world, making it godless for Jewish Verstandnisdenken since the Enlightenment.
The world of Verständnisdenken or spatial dimensions is opposed to the German world of Vernunftdenken or spiritual dimensions.
Jacob did this by diverting the paternal blessing of world dominion from his brother to himself after deceiving the blind tribal father, Isaak.
God does not acknowledge Verstandesdenken, however.
In the present financial crisis the godless world of Verstandnisdenken has brought about the collapse of the global finance system, which is dominated by Jewish plutocrats.
Consequently World Jewry is compelled to make the transition from Verständnisdenken to Vernunftdenken.
The spiritual dimension must take precedence over the spatial dimension.
Reason must take precedence over sensation.

Only when Verstand (mere comprehension of what is tangible) gives way to Vernunft or enlightened reason (the sense in which Kant and Hegel used the term) will mankind be able to comprehend God and protect the world from falling into chaos.

Enlightened reason is incorporated in the German Volksgeist or national character, which produced German idealistic philosophy in such luminaries as Kant, Fichte, Schelling and Hegel.
From the beginning, the philosophers of German Idealism opposed the Judeo-French Enlightenment and the Masonic counter-church that it created.

The present global crisis has revealed that deception is inherent within the “bankocracy,” as Karl Marx called the lords of private finance in his analysis of “fictional capital.”
These “banksters” as we call them today are driven by the compulsion to constantly increase their share of the world’s wealth.
Through the mechanism of compound interest, the bankocracy cum plutocracy has now mutated into an open “kleptocracy” or Rule of Thieves.

The exposure of this systemic relationship has made normal functioning of money and credit within the private banking system impossible, since money is ultimately a relationship of trust.
Private banks have irretrievably lost this trust, since no one can trust an exposed fraudster.
Only a state that has been liberated from the interest slavery of private bank capital can regain the trust that is indispensable for a healthy monetary system.
For this reason it is necessary to place all financial affairs in the hands of the Volksgemeinschaft (commonwealth), which will be compelled to free itself of debt by revealing the fraudulent nature of the pretended wealth inherent in financial paper and abolishing its legal status.

Since the real power of World Jewry resides in financial paper and control of the media through money, Mahler sees in the present crisis an act of liberation similar to that depicted in the Esau Story as “throwing off the Yoke of Jacob.”
In view of the Esau blessing, Mahler calls on the Sons of the Confederation to clear the way for Vernunftdenken or rational enlightened thought, which he identifies as “neo National Socialism without persecution of the Jews and without concentration camps for political dissidents.”

He explains the concrete steps necessary for a peaceful systemic change and makes the following suggestions for a “Staff for the Formation and Promotion of a Reich Chancellery:”

- Former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder for Foreign Policy;

- Industrialist Ferdinand Piech for Economic Policy;

- Prof. Ernst-Wolfgang Böckenförde (Federal Constitutional Judge) for Judicial Policy;

- Gen. Rainer Güntzel for Defense;

- Wolfgang Schaupensteiner (Head Prosecutor) for combatting piracy and gang violence;

- Sylvia Stolz (Attorney and Self-Defense Champion for the German Nation) for Public Health and Protection of Environment;

- Michael Birthelm (Author of the handbook for liberation “Komm´ heim ins Reich!“ [“Come Home to the Reich!”] in the area of “Cultivation of Intellectual Resistance in the German Reich”;

- Bernd Striegel (Author of the book “Über das Geld – Geschichte und Zukunft des Wirtschaftens“ [Concerning Money: the History and Future of Economic Endeavor] in the area of currency and fiscal policy;

- Eva Herman (author) in the area of family policy;

- Ursula Haverbeck (journalist) in the area of policy for the elderly;

- Dr. Rolf Kosiek (physicist and journalist) in the area of scientific policy;

- Romuald Schaber (leader of agricultural association) in the area of agricultural policy;

- Dirk Zimmermann (builder) in the area of protection of youth and vital skills;

- Prof. Sigurd Schulien (physicist and journalist) in the area of energy policy;

- Hans Michael Fiedler (poet) in the area of protecting and cultivating the German language;

- Manfred Lorenz (biologist and author) in the area of policy for genetic technology; and others.

Mahler suggests that an international truth commission be called under the umbrella of Pope Benedict XVI to accurately and reliably examine the history of Europe and the Jewish People, especially since 1492, the year the Jews were driven from Spain and the conquest of America began.
This commission would have access to the vast store of information and documents accumulated in the Vatican.
It would be oriented to the realization that world history is “the progression of God through the world to Himself” (Hegel); that without exception the nations are “Divine Concepts” (Herder); and that Man is unable to evaluate God.
This latter concept would bring about the end of relativistic conceptualizing of God, which blasphemes God and pits the nations against each other.”

Mahler closes his letter as follows:
“Heinrich von Treitschke and Kaiser Wilhelm II popularized the sentiment that “The Jews are our misfortune.”
I however would say: “Those who hate the Jews are our misfortune.
Our victory will be measured by the admiration we show to our enemy Judea.
This is true Love of Enemy as explained in Matthew 4:44.”
And I would also quote Hellmut Diwald to you Sons of the Alliance:
“Do not consider Germany dead until you see its corpse.
And you could be mistaken even then!
Long live the Holy German Empire!”


The entire letter is posted at <>


Saturday, August 22, 2009
"Völkische Reichsbewegung" <[email protected]>

File: Offener Brief an die Soehne des Bundes.pdf
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Presseinformation anläßlich des Eintritts der Rechtskraft der Verurteilung von Horst Mahler zu 12 Jahren Freiheitsentzug

Horst Mahler hat die gegen die Urteile

1. des Landgerichts München II – 2 KLs 11 Js 42142/07 – vom 25. Februar 2009
(6 Jahre Freiheitsentzug);
2. des Landgerichts Potsdam – 24 KLs 4/06 – vom 11. März 2009
(5 Jahre und 2 Monate Freiheitsentzug) und
3. des Landgerichts Landshut – 2 Ns 2 Js 36110/07 – vom 11. Februar 2009
(10 Monate Freiheitsentzug)

eingelegten Rechtsmittel zurückgenommen. Die Urteile sind damit rechtskräftig. Die Rücknahme der Revision gegen das Urteil des Landgerichts München II hat sich mit der Entscheidung des BGH zur Verwerfung der Revision gekreuzt.

Den Verurteilungen liegt im wesentlichen die vermeintliche Leugnung des Holocausts in mehreren Fällen, vermeintliche Volksverhetzung zum Nachteil der Judenheit und vermeintliche Verunglimpfung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland zu Grunde.

Obwohl nach Auffassung der Verteidigung – bei Anlegung rechtsstaatlicher Maßstäbe – die Urteile wegen schwerer und offensichtlicher Rechtsfehler keinen Bestand haben können, hat sich Horst Mahler zu diesem Schritt entschlossen, weil er aus eigener Erfahrung die Überzeugung gewonnen hat, daß weder von den Revisionsgerichten noch vom Bundesverfassungsgericht eine faire Beurteilung der Sachverhalte zu erwarten ist.

Er hat seine Entscheidung in einem ausführlichen Offenen Brief an die „Söhne des Bundes“ (B´nai B´rith) als dem Willensbildungsorgan der informell verfassten Weltjudenheit begründet. Darin geht er aus seiner Sicht davon aus, daß die Weltjudenheit durch Ihre Organisationen am 24. März 1933 – sieben Wochen nach der Übernahme der Führung durch die Nationalsozialistische Bewegung – dem Deutschen Reich den „heiligen Krieg“ erklärt habe, den sie unter Mißachtung des Kriegsvölkerrechts bis in die Gegenwart – nach der militärischen Niederringung des Reiches – nunmehr mit den Mitteln der psychologischen Kampfführung als „Seelenmord“ am Deutschen Volk - fortsetzt.

In 33 Thesen legt Horst Mahler seine Auffassung vom Wesen der Weltjudenheit als einer kriegsfähigen Macht im Sinne des Völkerrechts dar und zieht daraus den Schluß, daß die Verfolgung der Bürger des Deutschen Reiches durch die Justiz wegen ihrer Notwehr gegen die drohende Vernichtung des Deutschen Volkes auf den Herrschaftswillen der Judenheit zurückzuführen sei. Aus seiner Sicht folgerichtig erklärt er sich und die ebenfalls zu Freiheitsstrafen verurteilten Nothelfer für das Deutsche Volk

- Ernst Zündel (7 Jahre Freiheitsentzug bei Einbeziehung der in Kanada erlittenen aber nicht angerechneten Auslieferungshaft)

- Wolfgang Fröhlich, Wien (6 Jahre Freiheitsentzug)

- Germar Rudolf (4 1⁄2 Jahre Freiheitsentzug)

- Sylvia Stolz (3 1⁄4 Jahre Freiheitsentzug)

- Kevin Käther (8 Monate Freiheitsentzug)

zu persönlichen Kriegsgefangenen der „Söhne des Bundes“.

Horst Mahler legt seine Überzeugung dar, daß Jahwe, der Gott der Juden, seine vielfachen Versprechen, seinem „Eigentumsvolk“ die Herrschaft über die Völker zuzuwenden, eingelöst habe, daß aber im „Esau-Segen“ (Gen. 27, 40) das Ende der Herrschaft Jakobs (= Israels) über die Völker angesagt sei für den Fall, daß Esau (=die „Völker“) sich gegen seinen Bruder Jakob auflehne.

Mit einer – in vielfacher Hinsicht überraschenden – Deutung des Verhältnisses der Zwillinge Jakob und Esau im Lichte der Hegelschen Philosophie vertritt Horst Mahler den Standpunkt, daß Jakob, der jüngere der Brüder, in Umsetzung des durch Täuschung des erblindeten Stammvaters Isaak erlangten väterlichen Segens die Welt dem jüdischen Geist, dem Verstandesdenken – das Gott nicht erkennen könne –, unterworfen und damit gottlos gemacht habe (in der „Aufklärung“), daß diese gottlose Welt in der jetzt ausgebrochenen finalen Krise, die in diesen Tagen als Zusammenbruch des von jüdischen Plutokraten dominierten Weltfinanzsystems wahrgenommen werde, aus Not vernünftig werden müsse.

Nur durch Rücktritt des Verstandes hinter die Vernunft, die allein Gott erkennen könne, sei der Absturz der Welt in ein unbeschreibliches Chaos noch zu vermeiden. Das Vernunftdenken verkörpere sich im Deutschen Volksgeist, der die Deutsche Idealistische Philosophie in ihren Lichtgestalten Kant, Fichte, Schelling und Hegel aus sich hervorgebracht habe. Diese habe sich von Anfang an der Judäo-Französischen Aufklärung und der von ihr organisierten Gegenkirche, der Freimaurerei, entgegen gestellt. Die gegenwärtige Krise offenbare, daß der „Bankokratie“ (Karl Marx), d.h. der Herrschaft privater Reichtumsvermehrungsinteressen über die Gesellschaft, notwendig (systembedingt) ein Zwang zum Betrug innewohnt. Durch den Zinseszins-Mechanismus mutiere die Plutokratie jetzt zur „Kleptokratie“ (Herrschaft der Diebe). Die Entdeckung dieses systemischen Wirkungszusammenhangs mache jetzt das auf den privaten Bankenapparat gegründete Geld- und Kreditwesen unmöglich, weil Geld letztendlich ein gesellschaftliches Vertrauensverhältnis sei. Die privaten Banken aber haben dieses Vertrauen unwiederbringlich verloren, weil niemand einem ertappten Betrüger jemals wieder vertrauen wird.

Angesichts dieses Bewusstseinswandels könne allein der aus der Zinsknechtschaft des privaten Bankkapitals befreite Staat das für ein gesundes Geldwesen unverzichtbare Vertrauen wiedergewinnen. Dafür sei erforderlich, das gesamte Finanzwesen in die Hände der Volksgemeinschaft zu legen, die gezwungen sei, sich vollständig zu entschulden, indem sie die Scheinhaftigkeit des in Geldpapieren im weitesten Sinne angehäuften Reichtums offenbare durch die Nichtigerklärung der entsprechenden Rechtstitel.

Da die reale Macht der Judenheit auf diesen Geldpapieren und auf der durch Geldbesitz vermittelten Herrschaft über die Medien beruhe, erkennt Horst Mahler in der gegebenen Krisenlage den Wendepunkt, der im Esau-Segen als die Abschüttelung des Jochs Jakobs bestimmt ist. Er fordert die „Söhne des Bundes“ auf , in Anerkennung des Esau-Segens den Weg frei zu geben in die Welt des Vernunftdenkens, die er als „Neuen Nationalsozialismus ohne Judenverfolgung und ohne Konzentrationslager für den politischen Gegner“ bezeichnet.

Die Schritte für einen gewaltfreien, in diesem Sinne friedlichen Systemwechsel werden konkret vorgezeichnet und Vorschläge für die personelle Zusammensetzung eines „Stabes zur Bildung und Förderung einer Reichskanzlei“ gemacht.

Danach sollen berufen werden:

- Gerhard Schröder (Alt-Bundeskanzler) für den Bereich „auswärtige Politik“;

- Ferdinand Piech (Industrieführer) für den Bereich „Wirtschaftspolitik“;

- Prof. Dr. Ernst-Wolfgang Böckenförde (Bundesverfassungsrichter a. D.) für den Bereich der Justiz;

- Rainer Güntzel (General a. D.) für den Wehrbereich;

- Wolfgang Schaupensteiner (Oberstaatsanwalt a. D.) für den Bereich „Bekämpfung des Bandenunwesens“;

- Sylvia Stolz (Rechtsanwältin und Notwehrhelferin für das Deutsche Volk) für den Bereich „Volksgesundheit und Naturschutz“;

- Michael Birthelm (Verfasser des Handbuches für die Befreiung „Komm´ Heim ! Komm´ heim ins Reich!“) für den Bereich „Pflege der geistigen Wehrkraft des Deutschen Volkes“;

- Olaf Henkel (Verbandspräsident a.. D.) für den Bereich „Treuhänder der Arbeit“;

- Heinrich von Pierer (Industrieführer a. D.) für den Bereich „Technologie-Politik“;

- Werner Marnette (mittelständischer Unternehmer) für den Bereich „Eigenwirtschaft“;

- Hartmut Mehdorn (Bundesbahn-Chef a. D.) für den Bereich „Verkehrspolitik“;

- Thomas Enders (Industrieführer) für den Bereich „Industrie-Politik“;

- Bernd Striegel (Autor des Buches „Über das Geld – Geschichte und Zukunft des Wirtschaftens“) für den Bereich „Währungsamt“;

- Prof. Dr. August-Wilhelm Scheer (Industrieführer; Präsident des Bundesverbandes Informationswirtschaft) für den Bereich „Organisation der Reichsverwaltung“;

- Prof. Dr. Paul Kirchhoff (Bundesverfassungsrichter a. D.) für den Bereich „Abgabenwesen und Daseinsvorsorge“:

- Eva Herman (Buchautorin) für den Bereich „Familienpolitik“;

- Ursula Haverbeck (Publizistin) für den Bereich „Lebensabendgestaltung“;

- Bernhard Bueb (Schulleiter a. D..) für den Bereich „Schulwesen“;

- Dr. Rolf Kosiek (Physiker und Publizist) für den Bereich „Wissenschaftspolitik“;

- Romuald Schaber (Bauernverbandsführer) für den Bereich „Landwirtschaft“;

- Bernhard Schaub (Lehrer und Publizist) für den Bereich „Pflege des Deutschen Volkstums und Kulturwesen“;

- Dr. Olaf Rose (Historiker) für den Bereich „Reinigung des Geschichtsbildes der Deutschen“;

- Axel Mahler (Informatiker) für den Bereich „Informationstechnologie“;

- Thor von Waldstein (Rechtsanwalt und Publizist) für den Bereich „Medienobmann“;

- Dirk Zimmermann (Konstrukteur) für den Bereich „Staatsjugend“

- Prof. Sigurd Schulien (Physiker und Publizist) für den Bereich „Energiepolitik“;

- Hans Michael Fiedler (Dichter) für den Bereich „Schutz der Deutschen Sprache“;

- Manfred Lorenz (Biologe und Buchautor) für den Bereich „Gen-Technik“.

Nach Mahlers Vorstellungen sollte unter der Schirmherrschaft des Papstes Benedikt XVI.. eine internationale „Wahrheitskommission“ berufen werden, die „mit hinreichender Zuverlässigkeit“ die europäische Geschichte und die Weltgeschichte des jüdischen Volkes sowie die von europäischen Mächten bestimmte Weltpolitik seit 1492, dem Jahr der Judenvertreibung aus Spanien und des Beginns der Eroberung Amerikas zu untersuchen hätte, unter Ausschöpfung der gesamten Wissenssammlung des Vatikans.

Richtpunkt für dieses Unternehmen sollte die Erkenntnis sein, daß die Weltgeschichte nichts anderes ist als „der Gang Gottes durch die Welt zu sich selbst“ (Hegel), daß die Völker – ausnahmslos – Gedanken Gottes (Herder) seien und der Mensch Gott nicht richten könne. Das sei „das Ende der moralischen Geschichtsbetrachtung, die Gott lästere und die Völker gegeneinander aufbringe“.

Horst Mahler schließt den Brief an die „Söhne des Bundes“:

„Heinrich von Treitschke und Kaiser Wilhelm II. haben den Satz berühmt gemacht ´Die Juden sind unser Unglück´. Ich aber sage, unser Unglück sind jene, die die Juden hassen. Die Größe unseres Sieges bemisst sich nach der Bewunderung, die wir unserem Feind, der Judenheit, verdientermaßen entgegenbringen. Das ist wahre Feindesliebe (Matth. 4, 44). Und Euch „Söhnen des Bundes“ sei gesagt: ´Haltet Deutschland nicht für tot, ehe Ihr seine Leiche gesehen habt. Und selbst dann dürftet Ihr Euch irren´ (Hellmut Diwald).

Das heilige Deutsche Reich lebt!“

Die Redaktion

Der Offene Brief ist in seinem Wortlaut unter abrufbar.
Das Video mit dem Vortrag Horst Mahlers „Weltauferstehung“ ist unter abrufbar.
Es wird darauf hingewiesen, daß auch eine verschriftete Version dieses Vortrages unter abrufbar ist.
Old April 6th, 2011 #3
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Default Jailing the Lawyers! A video from Lady Michele Renouf

From the recent demonstration at the prison where Horst Mahler is kept.

Old October 30th, 2018 #4
Robbie Key
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Political prisoner Horst Mahler critically ill in German jail

Posted by admin on October 28, 2018 · 1 Comment

Lady Michèle Renouf reports:

German political-philosopher and imprisoned dissident Horst Mahler (born 1936) is in a very bad way in a prison hospital.

Behind bars for years and for the next 10 years despite his crippling condition after a leg amputation (in consequence of the prison diet, life-endangering for a diabetic) the octogenarian and former attorney has committed no crime for his jailed condition save expressing peaceful philosophical opinions.

Horst Mahler (above left), who is currently serving a twelve-year prison sentence for daring to challenge the orthodox interpretation of German history – seen here with the late Franz Schönhuber MEP of the Republikaner party.

Attorney Mahler’s wife writes (for general public interest release) the news her husband wishes conveyed via Robert Steinert.

Mr. Steinert is the co-producer of the film based on the groundbreaking book Other Losses … the untold loss of a million POW and German civilians driven, on the sociopathic postwar orders of the barbaric Eisenhower, intentionally starving them to death in tightly packed fields of the Rhine Meadows exposed to harsh elements.

Dear Herr Steinert, I am sending you this message at the request of my husband… Yesterday I visited my husband in the detention department of the municipal hospital in Brandenburg. He has been there since Wednesday – after a breakdown in the cell !

Horst suffers from necrosis of his remaining right foot (its big toe).

In addition pneumonia has set in – quite heavily now.

His CRP value of his blood is 300 – this is very high. A normal value is about 10.

For two days he has been on antibiotics – now we have to wait and see whether the inflammation levels drop.

Mentally Horst is clear, as always, but very weak. He fears that he will not get through this time….

Yours sincerely, Elzbieta Mahler
In the circumstances, well-wishers may like to take this opportunity to send their respects to Horst Mahler who is regarded by many (to quote Robert Steinert):
as without doubt one of the greatest thinkers Germany has ever produced. Nevertheless, I hope that he will survive this crisis, because we all need him urgently!

Horst’s prison address is:

Justizvollzugsanstalt Brandenburg A.D. Havel,
Inhaftierter: Horst Mahler
Anton-Saefkow-Allee 22
14772 Brandenburg

For those interested, Telling Films has many unique interviews with Horst Mahler available in English as listed at and via [email protected]
Old November 22nd, 2022 #5
alex revision
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Horst Mahler again in court for incitement to hatred

Mon 11/21/22

The former lawyer Horst Mahler, who has been convicted of incitement to hatred several times, will have to answer again as a defendant from next Tuesday (November 29). The district court of Potsdam informed the rbb on Monday. There the proceedings are conducted, which again deal with the accusation of Holocaust denial.

It is about eleven cases: In book manuscripts and widely distributed emails, Mahler is said to have made anti-Jewish statements that incited hatred. In some texts he is also said to have justified National Socialism and denied and played down the Holocaust, according to the Potsdam District Court.

Several prison sentences already served

According to the information, the texts were published between 2013 and 2017. 14 hearing dates are scheduled for the process. The 86-year-old is said to have only limited negotiating skills.

The law graduate was a member of the Socialist German Student Union (SDS) in his youth. He later became a lawyer defending members of the terrorist organization Red Army Faction (RAF) and was convicted of bank robbery. Mahler has been active in the right-wing extremist milieu since the 1990s. He has already served several prison sentences for incitement to hatred, a total of around twelve years.
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