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Old January 25th, 2014 #1
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Principles of Croatian ustasha movement

1.Croatian nation is authonomus national (ethnic) unit. He is nation itself and in ethnic terms he isn't identical with any other nation nor is part of other tribe any other nation.

2.Croatian nation have its orginally name Croat under which appeared in his long historical era,under which came 1400 years ago in today Homeland and under this name he live today.
This name can't be change with any other name.

3.Today Homeland Croatian people established in ancient time, permanently settled,with her grew and gave her orginally name Croatia. This name can't be changed with any other name.

4. Land,which Croatian people in ancient time established,which became they Homeland,have more provinces,who had their provinces names prior to arrival Croats,and other provinces names was created later,but all this provinces is within one unique homeland Croatia,and noubody have not right that any one of this provinces take themselves.

5. Croats came in today homeland Croatia as totall free nation,and in this time migration period of nations its own volition won this land and forever established for themselves.

6.Croats in its country came fully organized not just in family,but military and immediately established its own cuntry with all the attributes of statehood.

7.Its own country Croatia when many other nations lived totally disorganized,Croats kept her with centuries by the end of world war,and they didn't never left her even in the end of world war with any lawful decision,other this right isn't transferred to another. In the end of world war foregin power prevented Croats that they continue establish its sovereign rights in its own country Croatia.

8.Croats have rights for establish its own sovereign power in its own country Croatia on all own national and history area revive-Croats have right for again establish independet state.
For this establish Croats have rights for used all means,even force with weapon. Croats don't bind any international other state obligations presens nor from the past who aren't in consent with this principles,nor will care with this in its independet state of Croatia

9. The Croat nation, taken as a whole, has a right to happiness and prosperity, and every Croat
has the same right as a member of this whole. This happiness and prosperity can be achieved,
either by the nation as a whole or by the individual as a member of this whole, only in a fully
self-governing and independent Croat state, and therefore no part of it can ever become, in any
form, a component of another state.

10. In consequence of its sovereign right, the Croat nation must alone rule in its state and alone
decide all state matters and national concerns.

11. No one not of Croat race and Croat blood may participate in Croat state and national
leadership. Similarly, no foreign state or foreign nation may decide the fate of the Croat nation
and Croat state.

12. The peasantry is the foundation and source of all life, and as such is the chief vehicle of all
state authority in the Croat state. However, all other classes in Croatia are part of the national
whole, because the other classes of the Croat nation whose members are of Croat blood have not
only their roots and ancestry but also an unbroken family relationship with the village. Whoever,
in Croatia, is not of peasant descent is, in nine out of ten cases, not of Croat origin or blood but
an immigrant foreigner.

13. All material and spiritual wealth in the Croat State is the property of the nation, and the latter
alone is empowered to dispose of them and to exploit them. The natural resources of the Croat
fatherland, and especially its forests and mines, cannot be the object of private trade. The land
can only belong to him who cultivates it himself or with his family, that is, to the peasant. . .

14. Fondation all caluse is work and just work,and foundation all rights is duty. Therefore in Croatian counry work denotes degree values all individual and have represent fondation overall public welfare.

15. The exercise of all official functions is bound with personal responsibility. Anyone who conducts any business in the name of the state or the nation must answer for his actions with his
life and his property. Duty and responsibility before society must also be the guiding principle of
every action in the private life of every member of the Croat nation.

16. The moral strength of the Croat nation consists in an orderly family life in accordance with
religious principles; its economic strength lies in agriculture, in its social collective life, and in the natural wealth of theCroat land; its military strength lies in its organizational and soldierly
qualities. Industry, trade and commerce must cooperate for the benefit of the whole national economy.
These branches must become a field for honest and honorable work and a source of appropriately
dignified life for the worker, but never a means for accumulating national wealth in the hands of
the capitalists

Harmoniously nurture,promotion and advance all public virtue and branch of public live is mission all institutions,public order and government,because they give completely guarantee survival, everlasting life present and future generations in overall Croatian nation,survial and security in Independet State of Croatia.

On this principles Croatian Ustasha Movement based its work and fight,and marching open and boldly foreward towards the goal of,i.e. complete liberation Croats and establishment Independet State of Croatia.

Given Main Ustasha Apartment day 1. June year 1933.

Ustasha Poglavnik*: Dr. Ante Pavelić

*Poglavnik-title as fuhrer (chief)

Last edited by Fico; January 25th, 2014 at 07:47 AM.
Old January 25th, 2014 #2
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Land,which Croatian people in ancient time established,which became they Homeland,have more provinces,who had their provinces names prior to arrival Croats,and other provinces names was created later,but all this provinces is within one unique homeland Croatia,and noubody have not right that any one of this provinces take themselves.
Croats have rights for establish its own sovereign power in its own country Croatia on all own national and history area revive-Croats have right for again establish independet state.
For this establish Croats have rights for used all means,even force with weapon.

Dobro ali sta cemo sa cvijecem koje ima punu ZOG podrsku?

Obilježavanje Antifašističke Tradicije Bosne i Hercegovine

Posted: January 25, 2014 in Bosnian Muslims and Jews, Jews and Bosniaks, Jews and Bosnian Muslims
Tags: Antifasizam

Na Igmanskom maršu antifašisti, borci i mladi iz BiH i susjednih država

Prva proleterska narodnooslobodilačka udarna brigada je bila prva partizanska brigada u okupiranoj Jugoslaviji. Tokom rata je važila za elitnu jedinicu Narodnooslobodilačke vojske Jugoslavije. Formirana je 21. decembra 1941. godine u Rudom u BiH od partizanskih ustanika, nakon povlačenja u Sandžak.

FENA/OSLOBODJENJE – Uz zvuke partizanskih pjesama, zastave bivše Jugoslavije, slike Josipa Broza Tita i transparente s porukom “Druže Tito mi ti se kunemo” te zastave SUBNOR-a i državne zastave BiH, učesnici pješačkog marša na planinu Igman krenuli su u 11 sati iz pravca Brezovače u Hadžićima ka Velikom polju gdje će danas biti obilježena 72. godišnjica Igmanskog marša, jedne od prijelomnih operacija partizanske vojske u toku narodnooslobodilačke borbe u Drugom svjetskom ratu.

U koloni na čijem čelu je vođa marša Enver Maslak su učesnici iz raznih krajeva BiH i susjednih zemalja, pripadnici svih generacija, od najmlađih, tinejdžera, omladinaca, do najstarijih antifašista.

- Iz godine u godinu se povećava broj učesnika, a posebno smo ponosni na veliki odziv mladih ljudi i dolazak antifašista, boraca, izviđača iz Srbije, Hrvatske, Slovenije, Crne Gore – kazao je Feni predsjednik Organizacionog odbora manifestacije Ibrahim Durmo.

Prije dolaska na Brezovaču položen je vijenac na spomen-ploču u Plandištu, općina Ilidža, a tom prilikom se obratio i načelnik ove općine Senaid Memić koji je učesnicima pješačkog marša zaželio uspješan pohod.

Autobusima iz Hadžića učesnici marša su stigli do planinarskog doma na Brezovači, gdje je formirana marševska kolona koja je krenula prema Velikom polju na Igmanu.

Prije toga su na spomenik na Brezovači položeni vijenci i cvijeće te je minutom šutnje i učenjem Fatihe odata počast borcima-partizanima poginulim u Drugom svjetskom ratu koji su pokopani na tom mjestu.

Vijence i cvijeće su položile delegacije boračkih udruženja iz Beograda, Užica, Bajine bašte, Makarske, zatim delegacije iz Slovenije, delegacija SUBNOR-a Kantona Sarajevo, a položen je i vijenac Vlade Kantona Sarajevo. Vijenac je položio i dogradonačelnik Grada Sarajeva Ranko Čović, kao i delegacije antifašista Tuzle, Zenice te s područja Ilidže.

Penzionisani general Armije RBiH Mustafa Polutak održao je historijski sat, govoreći o značaju Igmanskog marša i antifašističke tradicije.

Preko Mrazišta učesnici današnjeg Igmanskog marša stići će na Veliko polje gdje će u 13 sati početi centralna manifestacija, kada će se učesnicima obratiti ministar odbrane BiH Zekerijah Osmić.

Među sudionicima današnjeg Igmanskog marša su planinari, izviđači, učenici, penzioneri i preživjeli borci NOR-a i predstavnici udruženja antifašista iz BiH, Hrvatske i Srbije.

Obilježavanje Igmanskog marša organizira Savez antifašista i boraca narodnooslobodilačkog rata (SABNOR) Kantona Sarajevo u suradnji s Udruženjem antifašista i boraca narodnooslobodilačkog rata (ABNOR) Hadžići.

Igmanski marš izveden je u noći između 27. i 28. januara 1942. godine, po dubokom snijegu i velikoj hladnoći od minus 38 stepeni, a 800 pripadnika Prve proleterske brigade pješačilo je 17 sati. Pripadnici Prve proleterske brigade su na Romaniji bili opkoljeni jakim njemačkim snagama. Štab Brigade donio je odluku o izvršenju opasnog, ali jedino mogućeg pokreta. Sudionici marša prošli su pokraj Sarajeva i preko Igmana izvršili pokret ka Foči, tadašnjoj slobodnoj teritoriji.

Pola njih se jos pale na nekakvo anti fasisticko 'bosnjastvo' dok druga polovina fantazira o Saudiskoj Arabiji

Slepo reakcionarsko sovinisticko Ustastvo (kao i Ranvogorci 'Cetnici') nema nikakvo resenje za ovaj mali problem.

Bosna se mora podeliti.
Christianity and Feminism, the two deadliest poisons jews gave to the White Race

''Screw your optics, I'm going in'', American hero Robert Gregory Bowers
Old January 27th, 2014 #3
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Originally Posted by Serbian View Post
Dobro ali sta cemo sa cvijecem koje ima punu ZOG podrsku?
ZOG podršku indirektno i direktno ima svako tko nije shvatio na kojem načelu funkcionira ovaj sistem,dok napuštanjem izte sbog određenog njima poznatog razloga,ciela globalistička mašineria djeluje brzo i učinkovito kao što je to slučaj sa Markom Franciškovićem.

Originally Posted by Serbian View Post
Pola njih se jos pale na nekakvo anti fasisticko 'bosnjastvo' dok druga polovina fantazira o Saudiskoj Arabiji
Antifašizam je etiketa političkog marketinga iza kojeg stoji poboljšana "komunistička" ( u stvari globalistička koja se kiti izkrivljenim komunizmom u svrhu potenciranja manjih sukoba na eventualnu reakciju antikomunista) ideologija. On ima podršku još uviek u mnogim dielovima svieta sbog boljeg političkog pa i ekonomskog uređenja od današnjeg. Povezivanje sa Saudijskom Arabijom je religijske prirode određenog diela populacije,s tim da od nje ima koristi ako je diplomacija na razini sbog nafte,no na izti način funkcionira i masa ljudi sbog svoje religioznozti čiji duhovne vođe vode politiku prema jednom te iztom globalističkom načelu.

Originally Posted by Serbian View Post
Slepo reakcionarsko sovinisticko Ustastvo (kao i Ranvogorci 'Cetnici') nema nikakvo resenje za ovaj mali problem.
Problem nije mali nego veliki. Čezto ljudi imaju ograničen pogled na stvari oko sebe jer ne shvaćaju opet načelo funkcioniranja globalističke politike. Ova tema je otvorena izključivo sbog poviestnih dokumenata a ne sbog eventualnih predstavljanja rješenja za probleme bilo kakve prirode.

Originally Posted by Serbian View Post
Bosna se mora podeliti.
Veći teritorialni opseg sam po sebi ne znači ništa ako ljudi na iztome ne shvaćaju (opet moram ponoviti) načela globalističke politike. Još jednim u nizu oružanim sukobom ovdje a tako i svakim budućim na globalnoj mapi ZOG i družtvo kontinuirano slave sebi u čast.

Last edited by Fico; January 28th, 2014 at 02:12 PM.
Old January 29th, 2014 #4
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Originally Posted by Fico View Post
ZOG podršku indirektno i direktno ima svako tko nije shvatio na kojem načelu funkcionira ovaj sistem,dok napuštanjem izte sbog određenog njima poznatog razloga,ciela globalistička mašineria djeluje brzo i učinkovito kao što je to slučaj sa Markom Franciškovićem.
Da, upoznat sam sa ovim Franciskovicem i njegovim izjavama. Nazalost kao srbin ne mogu da se slozim 100% sa njim, ili bilo kojim od vasih ultra nacionalista, ali deluje mi kao dosta pametan covek koji govori puno istine narocito u odnosu na ovu globalisticku masineriju koja unistava nacije.

Antifašizam je etiketa političkog marketinga iza kojeg stoji poboljšana "komunistička" ( u stvari globalistička koja se kiti izkrivljenim komunizmom u svrhu potenciranja manjih sukoba na eventualnu reakciju antikomunista) ideologija. On ima podršku još uviek u mnogim dielovima svieta sbog boljeg političkog pa i ekonomskog uređenja od današnjeg.
Dok iza te komunisticke ideologije i korisnih budala, koji su pravi zatucani vernici, stoje zidovi.

Povezivanje sa Saudijskom Arabijom je religijske prirode određenog diela populacije,s tim da od nje ima koristi ako je diplomacija na razini sbog nafte,no na izti način funkcionira i masa ljudi sbog svoje religioznozti čiji duhovne vođe vode politiku prema jednom te iztom globalističkom načelu.
Nije samo religijske prirode nego i politicke, sa islamom ove dve stvari su uvek bile istorijski povezane. Americki sateliti Saudijska Arabija Turska i druge pro zapadne islamske zemlje vec preko 20 godina vode agresivnu kampanju na balkansom prostoru, narocito na teritoriji bivse jugoslavije. Njima je dato zeleno svetlo od strane Vasingtona sve sa ciljem da bi se neutralisao uticaj Rusije u ovom regionu, i da se spreci podela bosne izmedju srbije i hrvatske. Slicnu stvar rade na kavkazu gde CIA/Saudijska Arabija obucavaju financiraju i daju logisticku podrsku islamskim teroristima.

Konacni cilj za bosnu je da se lokalni srbi i hrvati izbrisu sa te teritorije tako sto ce prvo postati pravoslavni/katolicki bosnjaci sto ce ih omeksati pre njihovog prelaska na islam.

Problem nije mali nego veliki. Čezto ljudi imaju ograničen pogled na stvari oko sebe jer ne shvaćaju opet načelo funkcioniranja globalističke politike.
Ma znam, rekao sam mali problem zbog sarkazma.

Ova tema je otvorena izključivo sbog poviestnih dokumenata a ne sbog eventualnih predstavljanja rješenja za probleme bilo kakve prirode
Fair enough

Veći teritorialni opseg sam po sebi ne znači ništa ako ljudi na iztome ne shvaćaju (opet moram ponoviti) načela globalističke politike. Još jednim u nizu oružanim sukobom ovdje a tako i svakim budućim na globalnoj mapi ZOG i družtvo kontinuirano slave sebi u čast
Mnogi shvataju ali problem je u tome sto je citava teritorija pod cionistickom okupacijom. Obicne marionete su na vlasti u svim drzavama bivse jugoslavije.

Nije da imam pozitivo misljenje o Milosevicu i Tudjmanu ali cak i oni sa svim svojim manama izgledaju kao pravi ponosni lideri u odnosu na ovu mizernu placenicku bagru koja danas vlada u srbiji i hrvatskoj.
Christianity and Feminism, the two deadliest poisons jews gave to the White Race

''Screw your optics, I'm going in'', American hero Robert Gregory Bowers
Old January 29th, 2014 #5
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Originally Posted by Serbian View Post
Nazalost kao srbin ne mogu da se slozim 100% sa njim, ili bilo kojim od vasih ultra nacionalista, ali deluje mi kao dosta pametan covek koji govori puno istine narocito u odnosu na ovu globalisticku masineriju koja unistava nacije.
Da bi razumio njega moraš pročitati njegovu knjigu "Hrvatska knjiga opstanka",osobno sumnjam a i ne vidim razloga zašto bi ti to čitao no samo napominjem gdje se može ući u dubinu njegovog razmišljanja. Također,ako netko nije proučavao Bibliju ,knjiga je teška za čitati. 100% se ni ja ne slažem sa njim.

Originally Posted by Serbian View Post
Dok iza te komunisticke ideologije i korisnih budala, koji su pravi zatucani vernici, stoje zidovi.
Nitko od njih nikad ništa nije pročitao o komunizmu,jer da jesu onda sigurno ne bi imali podršku interesnih skupina koje mažu oči ljudima vračanjem u nekakva prošla vremena sa ciljem kako narod ne bi imao pojma što se događa oko njih

Originally Posted by Serbian View Post
Nije samo religijske prirode nego i politicke, sa islamom ove dve stvari su uvek bile istorijski povezane. Americki sateliti Saudijska Arabija Turska i druge pro zapadne islamske zemlje vec preko 20 godina vode agresivnu kampanju na balkansom prostoru, narocito na teritoriji bivse jugoslavije. Njima je dato zeleno svetlo od strane Vasingtona sve sa ciljem da bi se neutralisao uticaj Rusije u ovom regionu, i da se spreci podela bosne izmedju srbije i hrvatske. Slicnu stvar rade na kavkazu gde CIA/Saudijska Arabija obucavaju financiraju i daju logisticku podrsku islamskim teroristima.
Ljudi koji vjeruju svojim svećenicima ne vide rasno pitanje,već moguće sukobe između kojekakvih religioznih institucija što nije ništa drugo nego dobro pripremljena taktika. U toj igri nisu pošteđeni Muslimani ni Kršćani ,niti biela rasa.

Originally Posted by Serbian View Post
Konacni cilj za bosnu je da se lokalni srbi i hrvati izbrisu sa te teritorije tako sto ce prvo postati pravoslavni/katolicki bosnjaci sto ce ih omeksati pre njihovog prelaska na islam.
Religija ne znači automatski i određivanje nečije nacionalnosti ali znači podjelu u narodu.

Originally Posted by Serbian View Post
Nije da imam pozitivo misljenje o Milosevicu i Tudjmanu ali cak i oni sa svim svojim manama izgledaju kao pravi ponosni lideri u odnosu na ovu mizernu placenicku bagru koja danas vlada u srbiji i hrvatskoj.
Izgled vara.

Last edited by Fico; January 30th, 2014 at 03:52 AM.
Old February 8th, 2014 #6
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Constitution of Ustasha-croatian revolutionary organization

Mission of Movement

1.Ustasha-croatian revolutionary movement,have mission that with all means and even armed uprising liberate below foreign impact Croatia,that she becomes completely independent country on all its national and historical area.

2. When this mission will be realized,ustasha movement will defend with all means Croatian state independence and national uniqueness Croats and fight for this that within croatian country always government just Croats and that they are complete masters all real and spiritual goods in its country,advanced and justly edited in the spirit of Ustashas Principles.

System of Movement

3. Ustasha-croatian liberation movement is organized within: Swarms,Camps (smaller and larger),Pivot, and Main Ustasha Apartment.
Swarm is Ustasha unit in individual village. Small Camp is Ustasha unit on area one administrative municipalities. Large Camp is sum all smaller Camps on area of one administrative districts. Pivot is sum all larger Camps on area of one parish (country or region). Overall movement Ustasha is focused in Main Ustasha Apartment,who work with all jobs which related on overall movement and liberation work.

4. On headed Swarm standing man who controll Swarm,on headed small Camp standing man who controll small swarm camp,on headed big Camp standing man who controll big camp,on headed Pivot headed Pivot-man. People who are on headed Camps (small and larger) and Pivot appoints and solves duties by provisions of Poglavnik (title as fuhrer) .Chief Ustasha Apartment and Poglavnik are appointed by Ustashas founder respectively in exceptional circumstances Chief Ustasha Apartment appointed new Poglavnik If come to emptying.

5. Main Ustasha Apartment consists from Council of Feldmarschalls and Assembly of Adjutants. Fedmarchalls maximum of twelve on number,and Poglavnik Adjutants maximum of seven on number appoints and solves duties Poglavnik.

6. Alongside camp-man (small and larg,chiefs in camp unit),Main Ustasha Apartment appointed by provision of Poglavnik to six adjutants for all of this listed units for perform individual branches affairs who show in individual oft his units necessary,and this works they make by orders man who is chief in camps (small and larg)respectively Pivot-man who is in individual of listed units.

7. Main Ustasha Apartment appoints by provisions of Poglavnik by optionally qualified persons and chooses to them rank and service which they must execute in Camps (small and larger),Pivot, Chief Ustasha Apartment and general int he movement,and in uprising and execution ustasha works especially.

8. Main Ustasha Apartment appoints on provision of Poglavnik and special Ustashas officers and trustees,who they entrust by optionally some jobs.


9.Ustasha can become every Croat,who is capable for ustasha fight,who is completely loyal foundations principles of ustasha mentioned points 1. and 2. in this Constitution and who is ready take over yourself and execute all regulations and orders,which give him ustasha authorities and superiors. Member of ustasha movement ceases to be only dismissal and release who give Chief Ustasha Apartment with order of Poglavnik.

10. Duty of members:

a)laying Ustasha oath

b)inevitably execution all of work,all duties,all orders and provisions,and execution of responsibility,how is all proposed in Ustasha Principles and ustasha oath. All work
and all performing duties,as individual Ustashas,so and all Ustashas together,and especially and everyone of offical officers based on duty, responsibility and inevitable execution regulations and orders,what is all summarized in Ustasha oath. +


11. Oath which Ustasha must pass is:

I swear with almighty God and all what is holy for me,that I will hold Ustasha Principles and obey regulations and unconditionally execute all orders of Poglavnik,that I will each entrusted secret strictest keep and nothing discover anyone. I swear that I will in ustashas ranks fight for attainment independent state of Croatia and all make what Poglavnik command for me. I swear that I will once Croatian independence and croatian national freedom in ustasha ranks keep and defend. If I violated this oath,you are aware your responsibility for all your act and omission, then you will with ustashas regulations get death penalty. So help me God ! Amen !

Ustasha discipline

12. Disciplinary authority in ustasha movement have ustashas officers by special notes and with approval Main Ustasha Apartment. Magistracy can executed special ustasha court,which with all individual case puts with order of Poglavnik Chief Ustasha Apartment,whereas condemnation executed for this on same way competent ustashas. Poglavnik will with necessary in this as in all other matters his powers give transfer on wich from its adjutants or other officers.

Header institutions

13. 2. Main Ustasha Apartment will by order of Poglavnik make required institutions regulations,about lined ustashas formation,about arrival in this formation and ceremonies of oath,about ustashas training for fight,about uniforms, equipment and weapons,about discipline,work and exercise services and about all,what have relations with Ustasha movement and activity.

This ustasha Constitution made and single-handedly signed Ustasha founder

in Zagreb day 7. January 1929.

Last edited by Fico; February 8th, 2014 at 03:07 PM.
Old February 23rd, 2014 #7
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Fico pozivam te da se pridružiš na ovaj forum;

Ima nas dosta i odlične su rasprave.
Old February 24th, 2014 #8
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Originally Posted by vnnforumas View Post
Fico pozivam te da se pridružiš na ovaj forum;

Ima nas dosta i odlične su rasprave.
Ne izplati mi se davati novac da bi sudjelovao u razpravama na običnoj pričaonici. Ovu temu sam otvorio sbog dokumenata pa neka na tome i ostane. Možeš me kontaktirati preko privatne poruke (iako ne znam zašto ne mogu ja tebi iztu poslati),a ako ne može tako onda otvori temu koja će biti predmet našeg eventualnog razgovora ili najbolje da napišeš par upisa na engleskom pa ću ti onda moći valjda poslati (kao i ti meni) već spomenutu (privatnu) poruku.
Old May 22nd, 2014 #9
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Instructions for supportes Party of Rights 20/30

(Party was established 1861 as only Party which have been for Croatian independence in this time and once by founders of this Party have tittle "Father of Homeland"- Dr. Ante Starcevich,in his teaching is root of modern Croatian nationalism)

1. Fear and salary,this two trails,which leading with heart of human,nor is worth nor important for good thing,nor in authorities Party of Rights. Therefore this Party doesn't remain than working reference,teaching.

2. Croatian nation in spiritual education,whether ignored,whether corrupted,whether stranded,greatest holds for good of physically. Here must nation learn that to physicall good doesn't come out through good of spiritual,through freedom and enlightenment.

3. Preparation to freedom and enlightenment is: work,savings and concord.

4. . For stimulate nation on work and savings,in todays circumstances,should have patience in learning, good looking,and between all expirience evidences connected with teaching

5. For instruct nation on unity,we must give example of unique and non-unique family, cooperative, municipality. This they all understand. When they witnessed all about blessing concord and damnation of discord, should be referred,that nation according nation stay in large,as in small family according family etc. Finally show to them from history and life majesty unique and accident of disunity nations.

6. Poverty and exile planted in heart of nation malice,by which some have joy in accident of other,or don't care for trouble of other. This evil can't otherwise eradicate then teach with words and on example,that happiness and accident of one son of homeland from day to day gives and on other,and because that everyone domestic evil touch immediately who him happy,everyone must consider for its own good

7. Croatian nation was so many centuries tricking,lost faith in all other which are or kept over him. Party of rights have with own behavior in nation faith awaken and on right place lead.

8.Peasantry and lowest citizenship on one,and all other on class on other side in Croatia are two enemies livelier. None of this livelier about themselves can't nothing; both united are almighty. Party of rights is going to unite and this two big livelier and parts of themselves If they soundly advocate that in all classes reject all unclean people,from right mens with all classes knit one wreath for glory,agree one army of enlightenment and advancement for defend homeland.

9. In Croatian nation in global have heart undefiled and mind unpolluted,thus therefore can this nation sincere and friendly teaching on touch prepare.

10.Justice and incorruptibility,they are strongest levers in Croatian nation

11.With justice and incorruptibility in Croatian nation the largest worth courtesy, sincere kindness.

12.Party of rights must nation show and teachers,and cause,not thoroughness,aftermath of learning which want that Croat is nation small and too weak. In this purpose serves historical and with nationality today Croatia placed with other states.

13. Party of rights have nation teach that faith is thing of spirituality; that by faith don't divide none nation; that faith must be free thus,that none nobody can't right touch any faith or his own faith impose to other; that nation,different with faith but one within nationality and homeland,must be one in happiness and freedom,and that previous discord good serves just enemies.

14. Who is on site which can be useful for nation,let this place not leaving,except for other more favorable. Otherwise good thing would be lost one worker and instead of him would be received his enemy.

15. Companionship,talk with peoples which aren't lost,good is everywhere,and where nation writen little,other not write not at all,it is necessary.

16. In terms of companionship worth holy principle: higher thereby what kept company with lower, exalts himself and shows its nobleness.

17. Since the have people which are credulous,changed and infiltrating don't have without sufficient evidence believe or trust give.

18. People which seeking just its personal benefit or luxury,don't they include in Party not at all and for nothing emulate them,except If is thorough hope that they are going to fix it and If they work on this yourself,without testimony that they are on this forced. Such not only that aren't for right work,not only that can't use for good thing,than they will for everyone for every salary betray.

19. Know for people by which people holds, and causes by which hold. If is cause wealth or power or both of this,for they people don't be to worry;but not wrong reject them,except If they don't have other value. People for them sincerely doesn't care; in secret hate them,and they,which are with them,and will them the earliest opportunity leave,duckling and blow against them.

20. With people,which people holds because of their justice,virtues,mind,with such shall have friendship and instruct them.

Next ten instruction will be placed here,in total Party have been 30 instructions in 30 points

Last edited by Fico; May 24th, 2014 at 05:52 AM.
Old June 7th, 2014 #10
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Posts: 974

(Now they are more 10 points and document "Instructions for members Party of rights is translated. This document is important because people can see where are roots of modern croatian nationalism. This Party of rights as only opposite in historically time have tried destroy Freemasons and they have downloaded this Party but Starcevich have established Party named "Clean party of rights" but after Starcevich death one jew (who became Christian and left judaism but some members didn't like him because he had jew roots) have came on power in this party and Party followers of Starcevich was devided but after death of this jew,Starcevich followers have establish "Croatian Party of Rights" but this party have broken,but on happy only "Clean Party of Right" have refused disband and she changed name in "Croatian Party of Right" as only follower of Starcevich and when Party have been prohibited by regime of serbian king and freemason Karadjordevich,Pavelich as member of Croatian Party of Rights have established organization "Ustasha-croatian revolutionary organization" who have been one of organizer assassination on serbian king who was killed and Pavelich came on power 10.04.1941. as Hitlers ally to the last day)

21. With opponents not tell about your aspiring and actions nor true or non-true. She is unworthy valid husbands and valuable party,and she harms at evil people,aspiring and action of party is upgrading her program

22. Don't clamor,not terrified. This is against refinement and against advancement good thing. Thereby is enemies warning and angrier and blocking good work.

23. Don't blame people as such,or people of government,than all blaming system,and those which are introduced him or which defending him.

24. For nation do not promising nothing while you can't give him and remonstrate him,let he watch on they which promising him

25. Nation refer,let in own things not follows individual people,let from individual people nothing don't expect,then let yourselves managed own big things,and let seeks that can he giving himself.

26.Each opportunity persist from word,works and nature things known and nation discover own internal and external friends and enemies,and aspirations and means by both of them.

27. Nation refer that neither parliament can't help him,whereas strangers don't perceiving,that is nation unique with MPs who work about happiness of nation.

28. Each member of Party of rights have endeavor,that advancing in whom profession state life. If whom this isn't possible,let he watching known shortcomings,difficulties and wishes whom class, and way on who will to help them.

29. Good behavior,sober living,mutually friendship,deployed respect,reasonable favor and fair persons,they are evidences on which must members of Party of rights be honored.

30. Member of Party who completely study and use this general instructions,he will in very rare cases need instructions about details.

Compiled dr. Ante Starcevich day 4. october 1970.,published in weekly "Croatia" number 27,page 4,year 1871. in library "Instructions for members",Zagreb 1900.

Last edited by Fico; June 14th, 2014 at 01:16 PM.
Old September 16th, 2014 #11
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Posts: 974

If is someone interested for Constitution Republic of Croatia,here is link for him:

Historical foundations
The millennial national identity of the Croatian nation and the continuity of its statehood, confirmed by the course of its entire historical experience in various political forms and by the perpetuation and development of the state-building idea grounded in the historical right of the Croatian nation to full sovereignty, has manifested itself:


-in the fact that the Croatian Parliament never ratified the decision made by the National Council of the State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs to unite with Serbia and Montenegro in the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (1 December 1918), subsequently proclaimed the Kingdom of Yugoslavia (3 October 1929);

(And look next stupidity and compare this for perivous documents)

– in the establishment of the foundations of state sovereignty during the course of the Second World War, as expressed in the decision of the Territorial Antifascist Council of the National Liberation of Croatia (1943) in opposition to proclamation of the Independent State of Croatia (1941), and then in the Constitution of the People’s Republic of Croatia (1947) and in all subsequent constitutions of the Socialist Republic of Croatia (1963-1990)........

It is now important so much that don't write that we have historical foundations in Independent State of Croatia,but important is that write that we have historical foundations in communists creature and result of this is that many commies have pensions from this who never see war.We are probably only nation in the world who have foundations in Constitution with land who we won in war. And look now this:

Quote: the historic turning-point characterized by the rejection of the communist system and changes in the international order in Europe, in the first democratic elections (1990), the Croatian nation reaffirmed, by its freely expressed will, its millennial statehood;
– in the new Constitution of the Republic of Croatia (1990) and the victory of the Croatian nation and Croatia’s defenders in the just, legitimate and defensive war of liberation, the Homeland War (1991-1995), wherein the Croatian nation demonstrated its resolve and readiness to establish and preserve the Republic of Croatia as an independent and autonomous, sovereign and democratic state.
Quotes is from:

Article 142 A procedure entailing the association of the Republic of Croatia into alliances with other states may be initiated by at least one-third of the deputies of the Croatian Parliament, the President of the Republic and the Government of the Republic of the Croatia.
Any procedure for the association of the Republic of Croatia into alliances with other states, if such association leads, or may lead, to a renewal of a South Slavic state union or to any form of consolidated Balkan state is hereby prohibited.
Any association of the Republic of Croatia shall first be decided upon by the Croatian Parliament by a two-thirds majority of all deputies.
Any decision concerning the association of the Republic of Croatia shall be made in a referendum by a majority vote of all voters voting in the referendum.
Such a referendum shall be held within 30 days from the date on which the decision has been passed by the Croatian Parliament.
The provisions of this Article concerning association shall also pertain to the conditions and procedures for the dissociation of the Republic of Croatia.
But it will not prohibited when one day lands who had been in "yugoslavia" will in EU. Because:

Article 143
Pursuant to Article 142 of the Constitution, the Republic of Croatia shall, as a Member State of the European Union, participate in the creation of European unity in order to ensure, together with other European states, lasting peace, liberty, security and prosperity, and to attain other common objectives in keeping with the founding principles and values of the European Union.
Pursuant to Articles 140 and 141 of the Constitution, the Republic of Croatia shall confer upon the institutions of the European Union the powers necessary for the enjoyment of rights and fulfilment of obligations ensuing from membership.
This is exemple when you from historical experiance don't learn nothing. Always when we will in some union we had wars and our government didn't see need for prohibited union with EU.

Last edited by Fico; September 16th, 2014 at 07:46 PM.
Old December 4th, 2016 #12
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Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 974

Pavelic message to Hitler 1936.
A thousand years ago, the Croat people had already chosen the Western Culture and civilization.
Standing on the border between East and West, it successfully defended this border, despite great
sacrifices, against Byzantine and Turkish attacks in a struggle lasting for centuries, fighting in its
own defense, but also in defense of all Europe. During these thousand years, the Croats stood on
one side and the Serbs on the other of a frontier which also forms the border between Western
Civilization and the Orient. . . .
The Croats, a people conscious of their thousand-year-old national individuality, cannot and will
not ever give up this individuality, and will resist unconditionally, with all available means, its
destruction. This Croat life force is a fact which cannot be affected by any reasons, explanations
or arguments, a fact which is indisputable and not subject to discussion. Thus life itself
demonstrates the falsehood of the arguments of the victors of the [First] World War. . . .
From the fact that the Croats are an independent ethnic personality and not a part of a fictitious
Yugoslav nation, the other fact inevitably follows, that the Croats do not accept the
contemporary Yugoslav state but reject it with all determination. This state was established
against the will of the Croat people; the committee of the Zagreb National Diet which
proclaimed the unification of Croatia and Serbia on 1 December 1918 was never empowered to
do so by the Croat people. Within a few days of this unification, the Croat resistance had to be
suppressed with machine guns. . . . Thus was Croatia cast into the confusion of a total Balkan
chaos, overflowing with political and private amorality, where disorder and corruption
characterize the normal form of state administration and immorality is the ideal of private life. . .
The Croat liberation movement demands the reconstruction of a free and independent Croat state
comprising the entire historical and ethnic territory of the Croat people. It strives for this end
because it corresponds to the will of the whole Croat nation and to its vital needs, because the
Croat nation has an incontrovertible right thereto, and because no one is empowered to deny it
this right under any pretext whatever.

The Enemies of the Croat Liberation Movement
1. The Serbian Government
To estimate the difficulties of the Croat liberation struggle, we must look more closely at the
question of its enemies. Here stands in the first place the Serbian government, which, with all the
means at its disposal, exerting all its powers, strives to destroy the Croat movement. . . .
2. International Freemasonry
The role played by freemasonry in Yugoslavia is little understood abroad. But a closer
examination of this question shows that all state power is in the hands of freemasons. During the
World War, freemasonry contrived the establishment of Yugoslavia. For this purpose, during the
war, it organized and supported abroad the "Yugoslav Committee", which constituted the
embryo of Yugoslavia. . . . As its own creation, international freemasonry has the Yugoslav state
well in hand. From the foundation of the state to this day, all personalities occupying any
important political position or any administrative position of importance have been lodge
members. The highest patron of the Yugoslav freemasonry is the Karadjordjević dynasty, and the
king is also, as a rule, the grand master of the Yugoslav lodges. . . . It goes without saying that
both the Yugoslav and international freemasonry has outlawed and excommunicated the Croat
liberation movement. It tries to ruin any Croat in the country who is suspected of taking any part,
however small, in the independence movement. Freemasonry does not attack any of the Croat
party politicians who demand Croat autonomy on the basis of democracy in the framework of a
Yugoslav state, because these are in part themselves connected with Jewry and freemasonry. It
acts exclusively against our independence movement, which is neither Masonic nor democratic,
but which fights for the full liberation of Croatia and for an internal order built on sound
nationalistic principles. . . .
3. The Jews
Today, practically all finance and nearly all commerce in Croatia is in Jewish hands. This
became possible only through the support of the state, which thereby seeks, on one hand, to
strengthen the pro-Serbian Jews, and on the other, to weaken Croat national strength. The Jews
also celebrated the establishment of the so-called Yugoslav state with great joy, because a
national Croatia could never be as useful to them as a multi-national Yugoslavia; for in national
chaos lies the power of the Jews. . . . In fact, as the Jews had foreseen, Yugoslavia became, in
consequence of the corruption of official life in Serbia, a true Eldorado of Jewry. The latter
shows its gratitude for the patronage of Belgrade by using its capital, squeezed out of the Croat
people, against the Croat freedom struggle. . . . The entire press in Croatia is also in JewishMasonic
hands, because after the establishment of the military dictatorship in 1929, the Croat
press was prohibited and destroyed. This press serves primarily to combat the Croat
independence movement directly or indirectly, and also to misrepresent abroad the popular
feeling in Croatia. . . .
4. Communism
Communism has not been able to penetrate wider layers of Croat society. Nevertheless, the
Belgrade government has sent a large number of communist-infected Serbian students to attend
the Croat university in Zagreb at the cost of the state. Together with the Jews, these students
spread communist propaganda in Croatia, demonstrate at every opportunity and try to falsify
before the outside world the true position of the Croat nationalist student body. . . .
Furthermore, the Comintern has adopted the fully justified standpoint that Bolshevik aims will be
far more easily achieved in an unconsolidated and corrupt Yugoslavia, disrupted by Serb-Croat
struggle, than in a nationally homogeneous Croat state, whose national solidarity, sound
peasantry, strong Central European cultural tradition, and historical mission as the bulwark of the
West against the Orient would also make it a barrier against bolshevism. Therefore the
Communists work for the survival of the Yugoslav state, and attack our independence movement
with unexampled hatred. . .


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