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Europe - General videos pertaining to Europe and Europeans.

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Videos in category Europe
'Stop Invasion!' Thousands protest at anti-immigration rally in Italy 'Stop Invasion!' Thousands protest at anti-immigration rally in Italy

Thousands of people took to the streets of Milan on Saturday as anti-immigration demonstrators from the right-wing Lega Nord party were confronted by an anti-'racism' rally.
October 19th, 2014, 09:17 PM by varg Views: 4,990 - Comments: 0 Tags: immigration, invasion, italy
Dostoyevsky's (forbidden) writings on the Jews in Russia Dostoyevsky's (forbidden) writings on the Jews in Russia

It is possible to outline, at least, certain symptoms of that status in statu -- be it only externally. These symptoms are: alienation and estrangement in the matter of religious dogma; the impossibility of fusion; belief that in the world there exists but one national entity, the Jew, while, even though other entities exist, nevertheless, it should be presumed that they are, as it were, nonexistent. 'Step out of the family of nations and form your own entity, and thou shalt know that henceforth thou art the only one before God; exterminate the rest, or make slaves of them. Have faith in the conquest of the whole world; adhere to the belief that everything will submit to thee. Loathe strictly everything, and do not have intercourse with...
July 29th, 2017, 05:09 PM by RickHolland Views: 4,622 - Comments: 1 Tags: None...
Will to Power - Nietzsche Will to Power - Nietzsche

“What is good? All that enhances the feeling of power, the Will to Power, and the power itself in man. What is bad? All that proceeds from weakness. What is happiness? The feeling that power is increasing-that resistance has been overcome. Not contentment, but more power; not peace at any price, but war; not virtue, but competence. The first principle of our humanism: The weak and the failures shall perish. They ought even to be helped to perish.” ―Friedrich Nietzsche
August 11th, 2017, 10:21 AM by RickHolland Views: 4,442 - Comments: 0 Tags: None...
The Everlasting Aryan Supremacy The Everlasting Aryan Supremacy

"The Frenchman Gobineau and the Englishman Chamberlain were inspired by our concept of a new order-a new order, I tell you, or if you prefer, an ideological glimpse into history in accordance with the basic principle of the blood. We do not judge by merely artistic or military standards or even by purely scientific ones. We judge by the spiritual energy which a people is capable of putting forth, which will enable it in ten years to recapture what it has lost in a thousand years of warfare. I intend to set up a thousand year Reich and anyone who supports me in battle is a fellow-fighter for a unique spiritual-I would almost say divine-creation. At the decisive moment the decisive factor is not the ratio of strength but the spiritual force...
September 28th, 2017, 10:57 AM by RickHolland Views: 4,438 - Comments: 0 Tags: None...
20/2 2010 Motståndsrörelsen - Aktivitet i Stockholm 20/2 2010 Motståndsrörelsen - Aktivitet i Stockholm

Lördagen den 20/2 2010 kunde stockholmare ta del av Svenska Motståndsrörelsen budskap i form av flygblad och även ta möjlighet att diskutera med aktivisterna. Aktiviteten fortlöpte i ca 2 timmar.
February 24th, 2010, 11:22 PM by Robert Bandanza Views: 4,363 - Comments: 0 Tags: full list...
Britain Abolishes Itself Britain Abolishes Itself

"Glad I visited the UK 20 years ago so I could see it while it was alive."
April 30th, 2018, 06:45 PM by littlefieldjohn Views: 4,298 - Comments: 0 Tags: None...
6/3 2010 Motståndsrörelsen -  Aktivitet i Nyköping 6/3 2010 Motståndsrörelsen - Aktivitet i Nyköping

Den 6 mars fick folket i nyköping ta del av Svenska Motståndsrörelsens budskap. Tidningar såldes och flygblad delades ut till förbipasserande.
March 11th, 2010, 11:34 AM by Robert Bandanza Views: 4,235 - Comments: 0 Tags: full list...
Motståndsrörelsen - Aktivitet i Kristianstad Motståndsrörelsen - Aktivitet i Kristianstad

Svenska Motståndsrörelsen höll den 16/2 2010 spontana gatutal, sålde motståndsrörelsen tidning, Nationellt Motstånd samt delade ut flygblad. Senare på dagen hölls föredrag av två aktivister från Svenska Motståndsrörelsen.
February 17th, 2010, 07:44 PM by Robert Bandanza Views: 4,215 - Comments: 1 Tags: full list...
3 heartwarming stories from multiracial paradises in Scandinavia 3 heartwarming stories from multiracial paradises in Scandinavia

In Denmark migrants get support for holding a strike without having done anything in the first place, in Sweden emergency services are stoned and Finland takes the crazy-cake by taking grown, paperless migrant men from war zones and placing them in the absolutely last place you'd want them in - were you sane, of course.
September 26th, 2016, 06:49 PM by RickHolland Views: 4,181 - Comments: 0 Tags: None...
The streets of Paris , September  2016 The streets of Paris , September 2016

The reality of the African invasion suppressed by the controlled media.
September 26th, 2016, 04:24 AM by littlefieldjohn Views: 4,139 - Comments: 0 Tags: None...
20/2 Motståndsrörelsen - Aktivitet i Stockholm 20/2 Motståndsrörelsen - Aktivitet i Stockholm

Den 20/2 Klockan 12 på lördagen tågade ett tjugotal aktivister från Motståndsrörelsen Drottninggatan ner med fanor för vinden till Riksdagshuset. På plats vecklade man ut en banderoll med budskapet: Folkförrädare tag er i akt!. Flygblad delades ut, organisationens tidningn sålde och spontana tal hölls av aktivister från Motståndsrörelsen. Många förbipassserande tog flygblad och passade på att diskutera med aktivisterna.
March 21st, 2010, 08:00 PM by Robert Bandanza Views: 4,109 - Comments: 0 Tags: full list...
End Times- Europe crumbles under the devastating Impact of Mass Immigration End Times- Europe crumbles under the devastating Impact of Mass Immigration

Europe is bleeding. Misguided citizens are cheering for "diversity" and "tolerance" while the very foundation of their society is being eradicated and they're becoming a minority in their own country - fast.
October 30th, 2017, 04:14 AM by alex revision Views: 4,046 - Comments: 0 Tags: None...
A 80-year-old hotel owner tries to resist government confiscation of his property to house illegal African immigrants A 80-year-old hotel owner tries to resist government confiscation of his property to house illegal African immigrants

Italian Police have forced an elderly Hotel owner in Ficarolo (Rovigo) to house and provide for fifteen African illegal Immigrants on his property against his will. The footage, released by the Italian news outlet Servizio Repubblico, documents the desperate attempts of Luigi Fogli as he blocks his door to protect his Hotel. Fugli, who has been in charge of the hotel since 1972, clings onto the door frame and shouts that "the government does not own this place" and that he might end up in the hospital from all the stress. His daughter tells the police that they are responsible for the damage the migrants will cause and that they will be accountable should her father be hospitalized due to excessive stress or refugee violence. ...
November 19th, 2016, 02:23 PM by RickHolland Views: 3,854 - Comments: 1 Tags: None...
The Savage Post WWII Ethnic Cleansing of German Civilians The Savage Post WWII Ethnic Cleansing of German Civilians

"This documentary focuses on the extrajudicial and organized violence carried out against minorities after World War II, chiefly among them the 10,000,000+ German civilians who were expelled from Eastern Europe after the war and the at least 2,000,000 who fled under pressure from the Soviet advance. Similar events were experienced by Finnish, Polish, Ukrainian, Caucasian, and other minorities in the course of expulsion. The controversial subject of Soviet war rape is explored. Although the Red Cross estimated at least 2,000,000 deaths among German expellees, the more substantial estimate is around 400,000."
September 15th, 2016, 03:29 PM by RickHolland Views: 3,829 - Comments: 0 Tags: None...
Heroji Vukovara: 1 epizoda - GROBLJE TENKOVA (1. dio) ENGLISH SUBTITLES Heroji Vukovara: 1 epizoda - GROBLJE TENKOVA (1. dio) ENGLISH SUBTITLES

Documentary series of 10 parts "Heroes of Vukovar," through the story of fighters from the first line of defense, describes the Battle of Vukovar. We will see how defense of the city's main parts were organized, Borovo naselje, in which is the famous Trpinjska road. All the defending postions Borovo Naselje are shown through the struggles and acts of people who were defending the city, and thus also of Croatia. The documentary is recorded on authentic locations in Vukovar and Borovo Naselje, as well as in other cities of Croatia and abroad, where defenders of Vukovar now live. We will see plenty more never seen before recordings, from different sources. How was defense organized? How did they experience first contact with tanks? Who came...
January 9th, 2010, 04:26 PM by bmwbiker Views: 3,824 - Comments: 1 Tags: full list... does not store any of the following videos on our servers, we merely link to videos on other websites. That means no copyrighted and/or illegal material are stored by us. It is therefore not possible to hold the people behind Vanguard News Network or responsible for the material that is being linked to on these pages.

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